Dreams About Getting Married – Interpretation and Meaning

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Wedding is one of the happiest and the most joyful celebrations all around the world. Alongside with childbirth, various rituals of passage and so on, the event of getting married is one of the most carefully planned, prepared and organized family occasions.

This amazing event celebrates the unity between two souls and their everlasting bond, but it also connects many more people. Marriage creates new and strong bonds between two families, friends and all others involved.

The event of wedding say goodbye to one life chapter, opening doors to a new phase of life of those two and all of their close ones.

Marriage and wedding glorify life praise new beginnings, inspire hope for the future. Creating bonds is something so important and magnificent; we are social beings and we are made to live with others, to be dependent on one another and to offer and receive love, support and guidance.

By getting married, people bound themselves to one another, promise they will take care of each other, swear to be loving and supporting in everything that is to come.

Marriage also promises continuation of life, love and hope. This incredible and important event has been celebrated by numerous and various rituals since ancient times and all around our world.

Symbolism and beliefs about getting married are many and they vary depending on particular society, country, part of the world, religious and spiritual views and so on. However, all marriage rituals and weddings have something in common.

Not only they are precious to people who take part in these practices, but marriage is also of a vital importance for the community and society of those who are getting married. All around the world, getting married is something that has special significance for more people than bride and groom.

Every single aspect and detail about getting married are important and carefully planned and proceeded. Everything has special meaning and symbolism; these symbolisms and secret meanings have one main purpose.

They serve as some form of guarantee that the future marriage and family life of those newlyweds will be prosperous, fortunate, harmonious, joyful and happy.

Each element of wedding ritual plays special role; from what sort of clothes and decorations bride and groom are wearing, to what kind of food is served and what are nuptials and godparents doing.

Dreams about getting married

From all of this mentioned above, it is not difficult to assume that dreams about getting married could have many special meanings. Wedding is a joyful event, but there are so many things that could go wrong.

Getting married is something positive in nature, but is a big step, a great change for all people involved.

It carries a lot of responsibility, stress, frustration and effort, in order to provide a happy, joyful and harmonious married life. The very event of wedding celebration is something that is at the same time happy, wonderful and stressful for everyone. It is one of the most significant rituals of passage.

Dreams about getting married are many and they vary greatly.

Generally speaking, dreams about planning marriage and wedding are considered a positive omen, if everything goes as it should, of course. In the most cases, such dreams indicate someone could be getting married soon or simply reflect wedding plans that have already taken place.

Future spouses could be obsessed by planning their wedding and imagining their married life, so it is common they have dreams about getting married.

For those who are planning to get married, such dreams could also be a negative sign. For example, if you dream you are marrying someone else, but not your partner. If something goes wrong in a dream during the wedding, it could indicate something could go wrong in reality.

Such dreams could also reflect insecurities about getting married, suspicions and doubts. Maybe you deeply feel you are not ready for such a big step, especially if a dream disturbs you and makes you anxious or if the wedding ritual in that dream goes wrong.

There are numerous interpretation variations.

Dreams about getting married also occur in people who do not plan marriage, who are single, who enjoy their freedom and do not even think about weddings, family life, children and such ideas. In this case, such dreams are a metaphor for big changes in other areas of life or great personal changes.

Dreams about getting married in unmarried and single people could also reflect their deeply suppressed desire to actually find a soul mate and start family life. Some people consciously deny they would love to get married, but their inner voices say they would like to get settled.

Dreams about getting married to your partner

If you dream about getting married to your partner, it could simply be a reflection of your waking life plans. It is a common dream that occurs in happy couples who have finally decided to take this life-changing step.

However, it could also be your instinct playing with your sub consciousness; if you are a woman and you have this dream, it could mean your partner will soon propose you. If you are a man and you have a dream about getting married to your girlfriend, it could mean you are finally ready to ask her to marry you.

On the other hand, this dream could have a bit negative or at least uneasy character. It could mean you will soon face certain situation that requires making big decisions.

These dreams are always about changes; it could be both a negative and a positive change.

Nevertheless, it does require lot of thinking and deciding, which is never pleasant.

Dreams about getting married to a stranger

If you dream about getting married to a person you have never seen in your life, it means there are some strong figures in your environment who try to manipulate you and make decisions in your place.

These are important decisions, related to your own future. Those do not necessarily have to do with marriage, but they could.

Maybe your parents are trying to make you get married to someone they see fitting and appropriate, regardless of what you think about it.

Maybe you let other people rule over your life. You are feeling weak and simply surrender to others’ opinions.

This dream could be a reflection of your working environment, your social life or else. You are letting others make decisions in your place and you are feeling a bit numb, uninspired, bored.

Maybe you have lost your motivation and inspiration in life and it is not important to you what you are doing or where you are going.

This dream is a waking call! You should take your life back into your own hands.

Dreams about getting married to someone else’s partner

Dreams about getting married to another person’s partner are particularly strong. These dreams are both unpleasant and disturbing, depending, of course, on a dreamer’s actual position in his or hers waking life.

If you are in love with, for example, your friend’s partner, but you have never ever thought about adultery or so, this dream is simply a reflection of your frustrations about not being able to be with that person (regardless of if that person is interested or not).

If you have such kind of dream, it could be related to some other areas of your life, as well.

In general, this dream means you have unclean thoughts, you wish for someone or something that is not yours to have. You want to find an easier way to success.

This dream should wake you up and make you improve your behavior and try to get rid of such ill thoughts.

It would definitely turn bad for you. If you have already done something like that, this dream represents your restless mind and your deeply suppressed feeling of being guilty.

Dreaming about someone else is getting married

If you are witnessing a wedding and dream about another person is getting married, it could be a reflection of your own desire to find a soul mate or to get married, if you have a partner.

It could also mean you feel like you are stuck in the moment, while other people around you move on and make life-changing decision.

You are still not ready for big steps, but you feel like you should be ready. Relax, no rush, think carefully about what you want in life.

This dream comes to remind you of your own dreams and desires; many times we feel pressed by our social environment and make decisions we actually do not want to make. You should never let other control your emotions and influence your decisions.

If you dream about someone else is getting married it could also mean you are facing a separation from someone you care for; the separation is not negative per se, but deep down inside, you are actually feeling abandoned.

Dreams about wedding dress

If you are dreaming about wedding dress, it should be a positive dream, especially if you are a female, wearing a clean, perfectly fit wedding gown.

It means there is a good period in front of you, not necessarily related to your relationship, wedding plans or whatsoever.

It just means there is a positive, light energy around you. If you are a male, seeing a wedding dress, it could be a sign there is something big approaching your way, something positive, but life changing; maybe even a perfect partner.

Generally, seeing a wedding dress in a dream means something encouraging and positive, but those dreams could vary greatly.

The basic interpretation says that if the dress is clean and beautiful, it means something positive; if it is torn and dirty, it means your dreams are falling apart or that you could face a period of struggle and loss, no matter if you are male or a female dreamer.

