Oranges are a very healthy and useful fruit. Their symbolism is very good, and they are a good dream omen as well. In dreams, oranges symbolize renewal, refreshment, clearing, and similar things.
If you dream of oranges, that dream could possibly indicate the fulfillment of your desires.
Oranges in dreams often symbolize good health.
They are a sign that the difficulties are over and a good period is coming. They are a reminder to release negative emotions and old thought patterns and replace them with new and positive ones.
A dream of oranges often indicates your desire to release some piled up negativity and stress and removing of blockages.
This dream can make you understand what has been standing in the way of your happiness and helping you to remove it.
When oranges appear in your dream, prepare yourself for fun and joyful experiences. They are a sign of sweetness and happiness. These dreams often indicate your generosity and open nature. They can also indicate sensuality and sexual provocation.
Sometimes oranges in your dream announce a wedding that is coming your way. They can be a sign of your vitality but they can sometimes indicate lacking some nutrients such as vitamin C.
Often your body will remind you to eat more food with the necessary nutrients, in this case oranges and other citruses.
Dreams About Oranges – Meaning and Interpretation
Dreaming of buying oranges – If you dreamed of buying oranges, that dream might have many different meanings. They are often a sign of unexpected gains and prosperity. Someone might leave you their inheritance, or you might have some other gains you didn’t expect.
This dream could indicate someone will be asking your advice soon. It could also indicate the fulfillment of some desires.
In some cases, a dream of buying oranges could indicate health issues or some family related problems. Sometimes it is a sign of problems at your workplace.
For women having this dream might indicate the ending of their current relationship or at least separations from their partner.
Dreaming of eating oranges – If you dreamed of eating oranges, that is a very good sign. It often indicates some new beginnings in your life. This dream can indicate finally letting go of the past so you can let in some new and fresh energy. Eating oranges in a dream often indicates the process of healing and cleansing yourself.
Sometimes this dream could be a sign of some misfortune and problems in your life.
They can be related to your private life or your work.
This dream can sometimes indicate issues in your sex life. If the oranges were sour, that is a bad sign, and most likely indicates problems you can soon encounter.
Dreaming of fresh oranges – If you dreamed of fresh oranges, that dream is usually a very good sign. It indicates happiness and good fortune. It often announces some interesting and happy events which are expecting you soon.
Dreaming of eating fresh oranges – If you dreamed of eating fresh oranges, that dream is a good sign. It usually indicates being able to overcome some challenges that are expecting you soon.
Dreaming of an orange tree – If you dreamed of an orange tree which was packed with fruits, that dream is a good sign. It is a sign of good health and possibly good news you could soon receive. If there was more than one orange tree, that dream could be a sign of getting married soon.
Dreaming of peeling oranges – If you dreamed of peeling oranges, that dream is a good sign, indicating abundance and progress you could soon expect. It indicates being satisfied with your life. This dream is a sign of getting rid of the past and clearing space for new beginnings.
In some cases, it indicates soon going on a romantic date with someone.
Dreaming of eating the orange peel – If you dreamed of eating an orange peel, that dream is not a good sign. It often indicates misfortune and worries you could soon experience over some circumstances in your life.
Dreaming of an orange on a table – If you dreamed of a peeled orange on a table that dream is a good sign. It usually indicates some pleasant surprises you could experience soon.
Dreaming of giving an orange to someone – If you dreamed of giving an orange to someone, that dream usually isn’t a good sign. It often signifies arguments and disagreements you could soon experience with that person.
Dreaming of throwing oranges – If you dreamed of throwing oranges at someone or simply throwing them, that dream is a good sign. It indicates new beginnings, and usually in your professional area. You might get a job promotion, or a new job offer, or you might finally begin to work after a long time searching for a job.
Dreaming of your loved one holding an orange – If you dreamed of your loved one holding an orange in their hand, that dream is a good sign. It often indicates an encounter with your loved one soon.
Dreaming of not being able to pick an orange from a tree – If you dreamed of not being able to pick an orange from a tree, that dream is not a good sign. It usually indicates issues with the opposite which prevents you from establishing and maintaining a committed relationship.
This dream represents a reminder from your subconscious to begin working on changing your attitude and beliefs so you can achieve the happiness you long for.
If you are not able to deal with the problems on your own, try consulting a professional.