What Does the Number 23 Mean in the Bible and Prophetically

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For most people the number 23 is a number between 22 and 24. Probably without any importance.

However, many individuals and researchers believe that this number is mystical and that it belongs to so-called cabalistic numbers.

There are also some who are completely obsessed with it. That is why we wanted to focus on this article on the meaning of number 23.

In today’s text we are going to discover more secret meanings behind the number 23 and what this special number actually means.

What Does 23 Mean in the Bible?

The book Apocalypse of St. John where the Revelations are discovered, is the last book of the New Testament, and consists of 22 chapters and we already know how it ends catastrophically.

We all know that the number of the beast is 666 and if we divide the two digits that make up the twenty-three (2/3 = 0.666) we get the number 666.

The letter W occupies the twenty-third position in the Latin alphabet and is precisely the letter that is linked to satan.

The Bible does not escape the digit 23 and appears repeatedly. His first appearance was in the Old Testament where it is believed that Adam and Eve had a total of 23 daughters.

Another appearance is in verse 23 of the first chapter of Enesis where the death of Sarah, the wife of Abraham, is explained. The Psalms are a set of free, in total 5, Hebrew religious poetry and the term itself (psalm) is used to name a composition that is sung to praise a divinity.

The best-known psalm is the 23 that is titled “The Lord is my shepherd.”

Meaning and Symbolism

Do you know what the number twenty-three means? The number 23 for many will not have any meaning but for others as scientists, researchers and sports lovers (basketball), it has a meaning.

If we focus on numerology, it should be noted that the 23 is a mystical number that belongs to the Kabbalistic numbers (which have a mysterious or secret meaning) and that now I will expose you.

Do you know the meaning of number twenty-three? Discover one of the most enigmatic numbers Within the science of numerology the number 23 is related to changes, travel, movement, action and freedom. If we reduce to a single digit, the twenty-three gives us a 5, a number that symbolizes vitality, freedom, adventure, controversy and controversy.

For many the number 23 is related to the stars of the sport and the best known and related to this digit is Michel Jordan. The undisputed star of the Bulls did not choose the 23 for being his favorite number but it was a family issue when his older brother Larry decided to stay number 45, his favorite as Jordan’s, and Michael decided to keep half of 45 and final opted for the 23.

Other successful athletes who have worn or wear the number 23 on their dorsal in their respective sports have been:

The number 23 has always wanted to associate important and anecdotal events of our lives as suecede in the tragic attack of New York to the twin towers that happened on September 11, 2001, if we add the digits of the date add up to 23 It has no relation since the date was chosen at random.

There are other meanings of the number in the different disciplines of our life and that now you can know.

For the scientific world, this number is very important because each one of us has it marked inside us.

Although it seems a lie, I think you will be surprised what you are going to read and you will realize the importance of 23 in human beings. In case you do not know, the human body has 23 vertebrae, the DNA we have is divided into 23 pairs of chromosomes and just pair 23 is what defines the sex of people.

Another curiosity of our body is that the blood takes a total of 23 seconds to travel our leather, as you see, the number 23 is repeated several times so we should not despise it and know its importance at a scientific level.

Another scientific curiosity is that the axis of the earth is inclined exactly 23.5 degrees, where the sum of the two digits of the number twenty (2 + 3) add up to 5, the digits that make up the degrees of exact inclination.

As we have already commented, the twenty-three has several meanings and curious interpretations according to the beliefs of each one but there are several coincidences that will surely surprise you and where this digit appears:

Number 23 in Love

The number 23 has great importance in numerology. It is the first prime number composed of two consecutive numbers, 2 and 3.

By adding both you get the number 5, also prime, which symbolizes vitality and freedom. The Latin alphabet has 23 letters. 23 is the number of chromosomes present in the sperm and the egg. There are two films that narrate the obsession of its protagonists with the number 23 and its meaning.

The hour before midnight, the 23 hour of the day, is propitious to meditate and perform tasks that require creativity, while it is not advisable to undertake tasks for which a great concentration is necessary. The dynamism of number 23 may interfere with the latter in a negative way.

On the 23rd of the month it is recommended to start trips or a new professional activity, as the effect of this number will help these actions are well on track.

Facts about Number 23

For most people the number 23 is a number between 22 and 24. Probably without any importance. However, many individuals and researchers believe that this number is mystical and that it belongs to so-called cabalistic numbers. There are also some who are completely obsessed with it. That is why we wanted to focus on this article on the meaning of number 23.

There is a series of fascinating facts about the number twenty-three that we will try to explain to you in this post. We all know that the number of the beast is 666 and if we divide the two digits that make up the twenty-three (2/3 = 0.666) we get the number 666. The letter W occupies the twenty-third position in the Latin alphabet and is precisely the letter that is linked to satan.

However, the meaning of 23 depends on the context and situation of which we speak. We warn you that from the reading of this article you will see the number 23 in all places. To dream of the number 23 is to do it with a moment of change, a situation in which you must make decisions.

It is an indication that you have to take a step forward in your life. You must pay attention to your intuition, be brave and face that moment has arrived. This is at least the meaning that most dream interpreters give to number 23.


The number 23 is associated in number numerology with decision making and good fortune. It affects in a positive way dynamic activities such as competitive sport. He has influence in oratory, charisma and the performing arts.

We all know that the number of the beast is 666 and if we divide the two digits that make up the twenty-three (2/3 = 0.666) we get the number 666.

The letter W occupies the twenty-third position in the Latin alphabet and is precisely the letter that is linked to satan.

It is an important number for different occult groups, that look for the hidden meaning in the Universe associated with some numbers, among them the 23.

It has special importance in some divination rituals and in the reading of letters. The card number 23 in the tarot deck is the king of pa the king of clubs.

