Golden corn or maize seeds are universal symbol of abundance, prosperity and well-being.
Although in Biblical times this particular type of grain was not known in the Old World, interpretations of corn symbolism simply refer to it as grains, in general. Wheat was the most important type of grains cultivated in old Palestine.
However, speaking of grains symbolical significance in Biblical terms, we could speak about any type. Once corn was introduced to Europe, it became the food for both humans and animals, so its symbolism is quite the same.
Dreams about food could be particularly interesting, in general. Food represents life and thus everything we use for food also symbolizes life energy, vitality, growth, development and fertility.
The more the food, the richer the land; that has been universal rule in all peoples’ societies around the globe, from historical times until the day. To promote life and development, deities offer people food; to thank or to please supernatural forces, people offer food, as well.
The same is in pre-Christian societies and Christianity. There are numerous practices, originating from beliefs of old Biblical times. The body of the Christ is symbolically transformed into sacred bread, while his blood is identified with red wine.
Bread comes from grains; this makes all grains both materially and symbolically important to all Christians.
In some traditions, corn has special significance. In Orthodox tradition, many ritual Christian practices actually represent a mixture of folk beliefs and religious heritage.
For example, in Balkan countries, corn is an important part of Orthodox Christmas celebration. People would make a special type of cake and put some corn seeds into the baking mixture.
They would also add some beans, wheat seeds and oat seeds, depending on what animals they have in their household.
These seeds are added to provide abundance, prosperity and good health for all members of the household and their animals they have. Corn is added if people have pigs.
Golden seeds of corn
Corn or maize comes from Americas. In cultures of people living there, this grain has always been playing an important role. Corn crops symbolize survival, existence, all life, energy of the Sun.
These people needed corn to survive, just as people in the Old World needed other grains; grains are staple food of all humankind. That makes corn powerful symbolical type of food.
In addition, corn has delicious, sweet taste and today it is being eaten in many ways. Corn is very nutritious and makes a tasty treat alone, but you could make various amazing meals using corn seeds or corn flour.
Different types of cakes and bread, popcorn, cooked meals, baked ones and many more. It is clearly obvious that ever since corn was introduced into Christian world, it gained great importance for all.
What we call Biblical interpretations of corn symbolism is based on original symbolism of corn in lands this crop comes from and symbolism of grains in the Bible. Dreams about corn are usually closely related to ideas of abundance and prosperity, gaining it or losing it.
Staple foods are essential for human nutrition and, thus, for humankind survival. That makes grains, including corn, a powerful symbol.
Dreams about corn
Biblical meanings of corn in dreams are a mixture of both Christian and non-Christian ideas about corn and grains in general. Dreams about corn occur in a moderate number; they are not as often as dreams about certain other types of food.
However, people do dream about corn in various forms. Interpretation of a dream featuring corn grain varies depending on particular circumstances in the dream and the form in which corn comes in the dream.
It is important to remember what you were doing with corn in your dream. Were you eating corn and was it ripe? Did you cook something with corn? Have you seen corn crops field or the corn was harvested?
There are many more questions that could serve as guidelines to interpret your dream. In terms of Biblical interpretation, corn simply symbolizes an essential food; therefore, it stands for health, vitality, life and prosperity.
Dreams about a cornfield
If you dream about seeing a cornfield, this dream could have many meanings, depending on how the cornfield looked like. If you have seen corncobs that are still on stalks, ripe, but not harvested yet, it means you are about to finish a great project and enjoy the ‘fruits of your work’.
You have come to an end of something big you were working on and soon your work will pay off. If you are particularly content and feel satisfied about this dream, it symbolizes success, reward and harmony.
If you see a devastated cornfield, for example, destroyed by fire, heavy rain or an animal or human factor, it means you have lost control over certain things in your life, most probably those related to material well-being. This dream represents misery, despair and great loses.
It could reflect your suppressed negative emotions about a misfortunate course of events in your life. On the other hand, it could hint something that is about to happen.
A ruined cornfield could represent a possible bad outcome of something you are working on.
Perhaps you have got yourself involved into a risky project. This dream could be a waking call type of dream, meaning you should thoroughly rethink steps you are about to take. There could be other, safer solutions.
Dreams about harvesting corn
Dreams about harvesting corn have positive meaning. This dream could be literally translated into harvesting success. This dream means some of your strongest wishes could soon come true, because you were working on them.
This dream symbolically means that if you have invested into something and dedicated your time to nurture it, it will definitely bring you fortune. It does not necessarily mean material fortune.
Harvesting ripe, beautifully yellow-golden corn means you will make stronger bonds with people you care for. This dream reflects your protective, loving and caring nature. You have devoted yourself to caring about someone (for example, your children, your parents, your good friend, a partner…).
Just as you take care about crops and harvest them when they are fully grown and ripe. The same is with your dreams, ideas, plans and projects.
You carefully plan your actions, invest wisely, have patience and love for what you are doing. Eventually, it will bring you only good. If you dream about harvesting unripe corn, it means you are rushing into something.
This dream reflects your impatience and it is a warning sign, as well. It suggests you should wait until certain processes come to an end, before you actually finish them. If you ‘harvest’ things before they are fully developed, your success will be incomplete.
Dreams about eating corn
If you dream about eating green, unripe corn, which could be particularly delicious when baked, it means you will soon meet new and interesting people. This dream symbolizes youthfulness and raw energy, vitality. It is particularly good dream for young people.
This dream could symbolize new beginnings, a fresh start, new adventures and a lot of positive energy. Dreams about eating raw corn are optimistic and fortunate.
This dream could also reflect your good intentions, selflessness and, in general, everything that has to do with helping and supporting others without asking anything in return. Fresh, new plants usually represent something that is pure, unstained, good, positive, energetic, vital and flexible.
Dreams about eating raw corn means you are full of energy, so you have green light to courageously step into something new.
If you dream about eating ripe corn, baked, cooked, roasted or something made with corn seeds or corn grains, it means you will soon experience something very good. Your near future is full of sweet and fortunate moments!
Eating tasty corn in your dream symbolizes richness, fortune, happiness, joy, pleasures of life, relaxation and harmonious home. It means there is nothing much to be concerned for, so you can relax and enjoy life.
Dreams about cooking corn
Dreams about cooking corn or making something to eat by using corn or corn flour have pretty much the same meaning as dreams about eating corn.
This dream puts an emphasis on your actions, in the first place. It also reflects your creative side. This dream suggests you have enough capabilities, resources, talents and skills to turn your own life into something beautiful.
Even if you are dealing with difficulties at the moment, this dream should encourage you never to give up.
Cooking corn in a dream also symbolizes devotion, dedication, planning, organization, care and love. It simply reflects how much love you put into something you are doing. It also reflects your dedication to your social and private relations with other people.
Dreams in which you are cooking something with corn and the meal turns out delicious means you will experience success at what you are good at.
If something goes wrong and the meal is a mess or corn gets burnt, it could be a reflection of your thoughtlessness or nervousness. You are probably anxious to get certain things done, so you have no patience to wait. Slow down, sit and think about your recent actions.
Maybe this dream is trying to tell you you should change certain habits you have and to become at least a bit calmer, more patient and not to always act instinctively.