Dreams About Bleeding – Meaning and Interpretation

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There is, perhaps, no person who has never had a dream about blood or about bleeding. Blood is the essential liquid that makes us feel alive; it is an elixir, nectar of life, metaphorically.

The importance of blood, as a ritual substance, takes place in all of societies, traditions and folk beliefs. There is no religious or spiritual path that does not include blood as an important symbolical motif.

Blood has been used in numerous practices, from culturally shaped rituals and customs to scientific research and for medical purposes. Therefore, dreams about blood are quite common.

Dreams about bleeding, as well. These nighttime visions could tell us a lot about our current state of mind, our emotions and our real life situations.

Many times, we fail to see signs in real life, because we are occupied by actual events.

However, in dreams we are more focused to what is happening there exclusively. There are also ways to exercise and memorize your dream experience; there are techniques that could help you train yourself to remember details from your dreams.

When it comes to dreams about bleeding, such details are of vital importance in interpreting these dreams.

Dreams about bleeding are various and much different from one another.

You could dream about bleeding from your nose, from an open wound or else, but it is important to remember what part of your body you are bleeding from. You could dream about being cut or being shot, about someone else is bleeding etc.

Dreams about bleeding

Of course, first thing you probably want to know is are dreams about bleeding positive or negative. That depends on particular experience and of a personal factor.

If you felt good or at least not much uncomfortable, it is likely that the dream is good. If you felt bad and woke u in sweat, it is likely that the dream is negative.

However, there are interpreters claiming that negative feelings related to bleeding dreams are actually conversed and that the meaning is a positive one.

These interpretations vary depending on a cultural context, as well. In following paragraphs, we will offer some of the most common interpretations and the rest we leave to you.

Every dreamer is capable of distinguishing if the dream was good or bad, based on personal experience. You have to focus on your dream, on details in it and of your deepest emotions related to the dream.

Dreams about bleeding, in particular, fall under the category of extremely uncomfortable and unpleasant dreams. We always feel a bit anxious around blood, because it is the substance of life, it is within our bodies.

Seeing it anywhere outside our body, makes us feel nervous, uncomfortable, even scared and terrified. We have learned that blood is to remain within our veins, so everything else disturbs us and frighten us.

However, seen in dreams, blood could be an extremely powerful symbolical motif. It does not represent blood per se, but something else that is of crucial importance in our life.

Blood in dreams, especially in dreams about bleeding, is always associated with strong emotions, intense thoughts and everything that has to do with our deepest desires, intuition and instincts.

Long story short, bleeding in dreams is most likely associated with gain or loss of energy in reality.

Dreams about bleeding out

If you had a dream about bleeding out, hemorrhage, it could be an extremely disturbing experience.

Of course, you cannot dream that you died or that you are dead from hemorrhage, but the feeling is perhaps close to being seriously frightened for your life.

It is a dream in which you know or you believe that you are going to die from an extreme, rapid loss of blood. That must be tremendously scary! This dream is, thus, a negative one and it is always associated with great, hardly acceptable losses.

Dreams about bleeding out reflect your worst fears from your waking life, most likely your thoughts on fragility of your own health, a dear person’s health, your material sources, finances and so on.

You are extremely afraid of losing something and so you dream about losing something that is essential for you to be alive, your own blood.

The dream could be only a channel for you to deal with loss or fear of loss in reality or warning sign that tells you are likely to lose something very important.

Dreams about nosebleed

If you dream about bleeding from your nose, it is a dream that implies you are about to face certain difficulties affecting your material status. It will not be major, unsolvable issues, but it will definitely cause you a lot of headache and anxiety.

You should be careful about your money and finances in general. The dream about nosebleed could also mean you will have an unpleasant argument with a person you know.

There are interpreters claiming that this dream has opposite meaning and that it is a lucky sign, suggesting you are about rather to receive money than to lose it.

We let you decide the true meaning, based on other details and your inner sense.

If there are other positive, especially money related symbolic motifs in your dream, it is right to presume the dream has positive symbolism.

Dreams about ears bleeding

If you dream about bleeding from your ears or a single ear, it means you are about to hear the truth that you are not going to like at all.

Perhaps you are about to discover certain facts about person you have trusted and it could turn out that the person lied to you, on important matters.

You will be very disappointed and you will feel uncertain about trusting people in general.

This dream also means you do not want to find out the truth about certain things, but you cannot avoid it.

Dreams about bleeding from your mouth

If you dream about having blood in your mouth or bleeding from your mouth, it is not a good sign.

Similarly to dreams about bleeding from ears, this one is related to speaking about something.

You have perhaps come to the point at which you cannot hide things anymore and you have to let others know the truth. You are literally choking on lies you have told so far or things you simply have kept hidden. You have to vent and to release all the pressure you are feeling.

Dreams about your legs bleeding

Dreams about legs bleeding are associated with a dreamer’s attitude towards certain matters. The dream means you are not feeling particularly confident about your stances; you feel as if you do not have enough arguments to defend your causes.

The dream is common in people who are about to make a change in their attitudes, big changes in their life in general.

It is always a phase of life in which a person feels a bit insecure, unstable and unsure if his or her decisions are right.

Dreams about bleeding hands

Dreams about your hand bleeding are similar to those about bloody hands, only in the first case, you are sure the blood is yours.

The dream is also related to the sense of guilt, not the guilt over hurting someone else, but about self-sabotage. It is more of a regret and guilt emotional mixture, than guilt solely.

However, the dream is a channel to release these negative emotions. You have done something that turned out to be wrong.

The dream is also a warning sign, especially if you are currently in thinking of doing something. Before you make that move, be sure to carefully see through all possible outcomes, as much as it is possible.

The dream suggests that perhaps you should wait more, until you see the situation clearly.

Do not make foolish moves, only because you are impatient. Sometimes it is better to wait than rush and actually sabotage your own plans by doing so.

Dreams about menstrual bleeding

Dreams about menstrual bleeding are common in women experiencing actual menstrual bleeding at the time.

However, if a woman is not at that point of her biological menstrual cycle, dreams about menstrual bleeding could be closely related to her thought on pregnancy.

This dream is common in women who plan to get pregnant and the dream represents their fear of not getting pregnant.

If that is not the case, the dream reflects concerns about a woman’s physical health, sexuality or femininity.

