Dreams About Rain – Interpretation and Meaning

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Dreams about rain are usually related to our emotions and feelings. They often reveal having strong feelings about something or someone.

If the rain was pouring down, such a dream could be a sign of some negative emotions and even feelings of depression.

They are often a sign of happiness and satisfaction with your life. This dream is an encouragement to leave the past behind and move towards a happier future.

If things are currently not as you would like them to be, trust that the situation will significantly improve soon.

These dreams sometimes symbolize the need to speak some truth about something. Rain in a dream could indicate your spiritual development.

If the rain in your dream was a storm, that dream usually reveals having strong emotions of anger, aggressiveness, sadness, or grief. Maybe you are full of negative energy, and this dream indicates that you are going through a process of purging and releasing the negativity from your life.

Rain with a storm in your dream could be a sign of feeling overwhelmed about something happening in your life. This dream is asking you to confront the issues you have and try to deal with them.

Sometimes a dream about rain could reveal some issues at work or in your current relationship. Whatever is the case, the dream is a message to try to resolve them.

If thunder accompanied the rain, that dream could be a warning about your reckless behavior. Maybe you don’t pay attention to other people’s feelings and needs and the dream is asking you to change that.

Thunder could also reveal the feeling of anger you might be harboring.

If you dreamed of rain with lighting and thunder, that dream could be a sign of enlightening moment you could experience regarding some situation in your life. Sometimes this dream could indicate discovering something which might shock you. In some cases this dream indicates a short-term romance you might suddenly experience.

Dreams About Rain – Interpretation and Meaning

Dreaming about rain in general – If you dreamed about rain, that dream is often a sign related to your attitude. You could be a person who tends to isolate from others. Sometimes it could be a sign of some psychological disorders you are currently experiencing.

Dreaming of heavy rain – If you dreamed of heavy rain, that dream is usually a good sign. It indicates good fortune and good things happening in your life soon.

Dreaming of being inside a heavy rainstorm – If you dreamed of being inside a heavy rainstorm, that dream is not a good sign. It indicates experiencing some unfortunate events, which might disappoint you and cause you grief. This dream could indicate dissatisfaction and frustration in the future, usually related to your current life situation.

This dream could also indicate releasing repressed emotions, especially anger.

This dream is often a sign of emotional turmoil you are experiencing, and sometimes a sign of conflicts.

Dreaming of observing the rain from inside – If you dreamed of being in an object and observing the rain falling, that dream usually reveals the state of your inner being. Maybe you are restricting yourself and you are not allowing yourself to express your emotions.

Sometimes, this dream indicates some challenges you could experience.

Dreaming of standing in the rain – If you dreamed of standing outside in the rain, that dream is a good sign. It usually indicates that you are a person who is not afraid to express your emotions.

Sometimes, this dream is a sign of great stress which you are unable to release.

Dreaming of being in the rain with someone – If you dreamed of being with someone in the rain, that dream often indicates that the person who was standing with you in the rain could experience some problems in the near future and will need your help to overcome them.

Dreaming of dancing in the rain – If you dreamed of dancing in the rain, that dream is a good sign, indicating satisfaction, joy and happiness with your life in general. Sometimes it indicates helping someone to advance in their career.

Dreaming of walking in the rain – If you dreamed of walking in the rain, that dream usually represents a message from your subconscious regarding your behavior. Maybe you tend to rely on other people’s help rather than on your efforts. Maybe you lack independence and initiative and that is something you need to consider changing.

Dreaming of large and heavy raindrops – If you dreamed of feeling large raindrops on your skin, or observing them fall on the ground, that dream is usually a bad sign. You might encounter someone from your past who might remind you of some bad memories and disturbing your peace.

Dreaming of cold raindrops – If you dreamed of feeling cold raindrops on your skin, that dream is not a good sign. It is usually a warning regarding your health and a reminder to take care of your wellbeing. Sometimes it could be a sign of getting sick soon.

In some cases, this dream is a reminder to deal with some serious issues from your life as soon as possible.

Dreaming of being in the rain but not feeling the raindrops – If you dreamed of standing or walking in the rain, but not feeling the raindrops, that dream is a very good sign. It usually indicates recovering from some major illness.

Dreaming of sudden cold rain – If you dreamed of being caught by sudden and cold rain, that dream is a message regarding your behavior. Maybe your subconscious is asking you to become more independent and begin relying on your efforts and abilities instead of always relying on someone else or on your good fortune to finish some goals.

Dreaming of a warm rain – If you dreamed of feeling warm raindrops on your skin, that dream is a good sign. It usually indicates the improvement of your life in general. It is a sign of a good period in your life approaching.

Dreaming of dark raindrops – If you dreamed of dark, almost black raindrops, that dream is not a good sign. It could indicate someone’s attempt to ruin your reputation with lies and gossip.

Dreaming of a weak rain – If you dreamed of a weak rain, that dream might indicate finding excuses for unintentionally hurting someone.

Dreaming of rain with wind – If you dreamed of rain and strong wind, that dream is a reminder to change your behavior. Maybe you tend to exaggerate in your reactions. Maybe you worry about insignificant matters and you put a lot of pressure on yourself without reason.

This dream is asking you to change something in your behavior because you are stressing yourself for no reason.

Dreaming of rain and sun – If you dreamed of rain and sun at the same time, that dream is a good sign. It indicates experiencing happiness and joy soon. It usually symbolizes good fortune, and sometimes it symbolizes good luck in a game of chance. In general, this dream indicates a period of happiness and calm.

Dreaming of rain falling and no clouds in the sky – If you dreamed of seeing rain falling and there were no clouds in the sky, that dream is a good sign. It could indicate experiencing some fortunate changes soon, which will bring you happiness.

Dreaming of rain and clouds in the sky – If you dreamed of rain falling and a cloudy sky, that dream is often a bad sign. It could indicate disagreements and conflicts that you could cause with some of your actions.

Dreaming of not getting wet in the rain – If you dreamed of being in the rain and not getting wet, that dream is a very good sign. It could indicate some fortunate circumstances are expecting you in the future. In some cases, this dream means successfully overcoming some challenges in your career.

It is a certain sign of the success of your actions in all areas of your life.

Dreaming of getting soaking wet in the rain – If you dreamed of getting soaked in the rain, that dream is not a good sign. It is often a sign of approaching illness. Sometimes it indicates losing something of great importance to you.

Dreaming of others getting wet in the rain – If you dreamed of seeing someone getting wet in the rain, that dream is a good sign. It usually indicates that you have trustworthy friends you can rely on.

Dreaming of rain and a rainbow – If you dreamed of rain and a rainbow appearing, that dream is a very good sign. It is usually a sign of good fortune and happiness. It is usually a sign of some fortunate changes awaiting you soon.

Dreaming of a sudden rain – If you dreamed of unexpected rain, that dream is a sign of some sudden events you didn’t expect happening. Sometimes it could indicate gaining some new friends.

Dreaming of hiding from the rain – If you dreamed of hiding from the rain in a house, that dream is not a good sign, and often indicates some difficulties you are about to encounter and it prepares you to deal with them in time.

Dreaming of a raincoat – If you dreamed of seeing or wearing a raincoat, that dream is a good sign. It usually indicates your ability to protect yourself from bad things and negativity. This dream is a sign of your ability to deal with your emotions in a calm manner without much disturbance.

In some cases this dream could indicate getting involved in some shady situations and scandals soon.

If you dreamed of wearing a raincoat even if it wasn’t raining, that dream usually reveals your personality. You are a person who is always prepared regardless of the circumstances.

In some cases, a dream of a raincoat could reveal your fear of bad things happening to you, or symbolize your pessimistic nature.

