Death is the only inevitable certainty of our lives and yet it is something we don’t know much about. Almost any human on this planet fears death and can’t easily accept the fact that it will eventually come.
Dreams about death are very common, both the dreams about other people dying, as well as dreams about our own death. They are often a reflection of everyday events and fears. Sometimes they represent fears of dying and getting used to the idea.
These dreams are often symbolizing transformations or the end of something in our lives. Maybe some phase or a life cycle is ending, or such dream might indicate the end of some relationship.
Dreams about death are often a sign of major life changes happening soon, and often these changes involve some new beginnings. These dreams could also appear during important life events, like job change, marriage, relocation, etc.
When we dream about dying ourselves, such dreams could reveal transformations and inner changes we are going through. They could symbolize going through a process of spiritual evolvement or some transitional phase.
In some cases, a dream where you died might indicate the end of some problems or a difficult period in your life.
It might indicate some changes occurring in your life, clearing the space for some new beginnings. These dreams might also be a sign of changes in your personality. This dream could indicate that something needs to end to make space for new things and people to come into your life.
Dreams in which you die might symbolize the things you do for others, as well as putting their needs before your needs. Maybe this dream indicates the changes you will make in the way you approach things and begin thinking more about yourself and your needs for a change.
Sometimes a dream about you dying could be a sign of some bad habits you are getting rid of or changing your lifestyle completely for the better.
Often a dream in which you died might symbolize a toxic and destructive relationship or behavior which is ruining your wellbeing. In some cases, these dreams indicate your desire to escape or avoid some unpleasant situation or responsibilities.
A dream about your death or death in general, could also be a warning and a reminder to pay attention to your health and wellbeing more. If such dreams are recurring, you should do a medical check – up just to be safe.
I Died In My Dream – Meaning and Interpretation
Dreaming about dying yourself – If you dreamed of dying, such dream is usually a bad sign. It might indicate illness or some health issues you could encounter soon, which might cause a change in your daily routine. Sometimes, this dream symbolizes being overwhelmed or bored with your routine duties or your job and beginning to postpone them and procrastinate.
This dream might be a warning about making sure you don’t jeopardize something important because of such behavior.
Dreaming about drowning to death – If you died of drowning in your dream, such dream usually isn’t a good sign. This dream could indicate obstacles and difficulties you might soon encounter. Maybe it indicates the stress you will feel due to some problems you won’t be able to solve easily.
In some cases, this dream is a sign of possible danger you might encounter soon.
Dreaming about dying while someone is drowning you – If you dreamed about someone drowning you to death, such dream isn’t a good sign. It might signify your enemies and rivals possibly trying to harm you. You should consider this dream a warning to pay attention to the people around you, so you could protect yourself from their mean intentions.
Dreaming of dying in a shipwreck – If you dreamed of dying in a shipwreck, such dream isn’t a good sign. It might indicate facing some danger, and accidents which might end up fatally, both for you and the people who are close to you.
Dreaming about dying in a plane crash – If you dreamed of dying in a plane crash, such dream isn’t a good sign. It often indicates misfortune and disappointments in your private life. Often this dream indicates sadness and depression. You could discover something about someone close which might disappoint you very much, or someone close might do something to disappoint you.
Sometimes, this dream is an announcement of a bad period that approaches and reminds you to be still until it ends.
Dreaming about dying in prison – If you dreamed of being in prison and dying there, such dream often isn’t a bad sign. It might indicate overcoming obstacles, and someone possibly helping you with that.
Dreaming about dying of strangulation – If you dreamed of dying of strangulation, such dream isn’t a good sign. If you know the person who strangled you, such dream is usually indicating some issues you have with this person, which you caused because of lack of time and devotion to the relationship.
This dream could be a reminder to devote yourself more to spending time with this person, otherwise you will jeopardize the relationship and probably end it.
Dreaming of being hanged to death – If you dreamed you died from hanging, such dream isn’t a good sign. It often indicates being under a lot of stress and filled with anxiety. You might be overwhelmed with a lot of duties and responsibilities which are jeopardizing your health and overall wellbeing.
In some cases, this dream indicates facing challenges and obstacles you won’t be able to overcome easily. It might also be a sign of delays and health issues as well.
Dreaming about dying of poisoning – If you dreamed about poisoning yourself to death, such dream could be a reminder to consider changing your behavior which might be overly immature and childish. It might indicate behaving carelessly and disrespectful. You should change your behavior, so people would begin to respect you.
Dreaming about dying of a dog attack – If you dreamed of a dog attacking you and dying as a result, such dream usually isn’t a good sign. This dream could be a sign of betrayal from someone close and feeling disappointed because of that.
In some cases, this dream could symbolize experiencing soon some accidents or tragical events related to you or someone close.
Dreaming of dying in a car accident – If you dreamed of being in a car accident and dying, such dream usually isn’t a good sign. This dream often indicates being overwhelmed with obligations and duties and not being able to handle them well. You should think of this dream as a warning to take time off for yourself and not undertake so many duties because you will burn yourself out.
It might be wise to delegate some duties to others or ask someone to help you, so you could be able to take a break from everything.
Dreaming about dying in a fight with your spouse – If you dreamed of dying while fighting with your spouse, such dream isn’t a good sign. This dream could reveal your dissatisfaction with your life. In some cases, this dream symbolizes some unresolved issues in your relationship or marriage which are disturbing you a lot.
If that is the case, you should find the strength to confront your partner or spouse with these issues and try to resolve them peacefully.
Dreaming about dying of stabbing – If someone stabbed you in a dream and you died because of the stabbing wound, such dream is a good sign. It often indicates being successful in defeating your rivals and enemies.
Dreaming about dying after being run over by horses – If you dreamed of dying after being chased and run over by horses, such dream should be considered a warning to change your attitude, because your impulsiveness and reckless behavior are jeopardizing everyone around you.
If you don’t change soon, you might get into trouble you won’t be able to get out of easily.
Dreaming about dying of a gunshot wounding – If you dreamed of being wounded by a gunshot and died, such dream is usually a good sign. This dream indicates a good period in your life is approaching. It might be a sign of successfully accomplishing all your goals, and it could also indicate the beginning of some new endeavors.
You should try to use this period because everything you now start will be fruitful. This dream could also signify some new opportunities you will encounter soon.
Dreaming of dying in a fire accident – If you dreamed of being in a fire accident and dying, such dream is a bad sign. This dream could be an indication of a bad period in your life approaching. You might face some challenges and obstacles at work you won’t be able to solve easily, or you might even end up losing your job.
Sometimes this dream could indicate issues and problems caused by some coworkers jealous of you. Consider this dream as a warning to be prepared for the upcoming period, so you could prevent bad things from happening.
Watch what you say to some of your coworkers you don’t trust because they could use everything you say against you. They could be waiting for the wrong move from you so that they could use it to their advantage. Be attentive and alert.
Dreaming about being attacked by an animal and dying – If some animal attacked you in a dream and you died, such dream is usually a good sign. This dream could indicate doing something completely new or something you were afraid of.
You should consider this dream as an encouragement to begin pursuing your dreams.
Dreaming about suffocating to death – If you have suffocated to death in a dream, such dream isn’t a good sign. This dream could indicate being overwhelmed with many responsibilities you have taken over.