Dreams About Rats – Interpretation and Meaning

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Rats are rodents, usually medium – sized. The size is what differentiates rats from mice. Besides their size, their main characteristic is their unusually long tail, which helps them orient in the environment.

These animal species are very resistant survivors. They use the vicinity of humans to provide for their basic needs. Rats are a highly invasive species, as they reproduce fast. They are a pest, capable of causing great damage and food loss.

These animals are very intelligent and can endure almost any living conditions. They are also very curious. They gather around sewer pipes, near garbage cans and behind walls. Rats are also dangerous to humans because they carry deadly diseases, such as the bubonic plague, leptospirosis, etc. In some countries, such as China, rat meat is on the menu and considered a regular diet.

Rats are frightening creatures for most people. They are disgusting and are an association of disease and filth, things which people fear very much.

Dreams about rats are common. They often represent fear and worries about someone’s betrayal. These dreams usually symbolize someone you don’t trust and want to get rid of somehow. Maybe such dream signifies someone you feel is using you somehow.

This dream could be warning you about some person or people from your surroundings you should beware of.

Rat dreams are usually not a good sign. They symbolize envy and jealousy, backstabbing, and betrayal. Such dream should be considered a warning to pay attention to the people around you and protect yourself from their malicious acts.

Rats also symbolize challenges and obstacles, as well as new beginnings. They could symbolize the negativity you are holding inside you and need to release.

Rats in dreams could also symbolize loss, damage, financial loss, survival, endurance, etc. A dream about rats should never be taken lightly and should be considered a warning. Such dreams often point out to possible health issues, so you should pay attention to your health more, and even do a medical check – up, just to feel safe.

A dream about rats could be indicating some new acquaintances. These new acquaintances might not be to your liking because they can make you doubt their motives and feelings. This dream can also signify some unpleasant and disturbing events happening soon in your life.

On the positive side, dreams about rats could indicate your personal life improving somehow. It might indicate settling disputes and issues between you and your loved one. It could also indicate making compromises and trying to resolve the issues you have with the people close to you.

Dreams About Rats – Interpretation and Meaning

Dreaming about rats in general – If you dreamed about rats, without other significant details in your dream, such dream usually reveals worries about your enemies and rivals. Maybe someone is jealous of your success and is planning to harm you in some way.

It might also be a sign of being gossiped about and your attempts to clear your reputation.

Dreaming about seeing a rat – If you saw a rat in your dream, such dream often isn’t a good sign. It might symbolize disturbing encounters and even quarrels with some people from your surroundings, possibly neighbors. Sometimes this dream indicates a physical encounter with them and a fight.

In some cases, it could signify confrontations with your business associates, causing problems in your relations.

Dreaming about killing or scaring a rat – If you dreamed about killing a rat or simply scaring it away, such dream signifies not being able to resolve your problems any time soon. This dream symbolizes success in all your actions.

Dreaming about eating a rat – If you dreamed of eating a rat, such dream could symbolize your betrayal or your desire to betray someone. It might be a sign of deceit or receiving some illegitimate gains.

This dream could also be a good sign, symbolizing overcoming some dangerous situation or avoiding deceit and betrayal.

It is a sign of your abilities to overcome the obstacles and challenges you encounter.

Dreaming about catching a rat – If you dreamed about catching a rat, such dream could symbolize your resentment towards people who are deceitful and not trustworthy. This dream indicates being able to stay away from them and avoid their influence on you.

Dreaming about a rat as a pet – If you saw a pet rat in a dream, such dream often signifies some difficulties you have gone through. It could also symbolize someone you don’t want anything to do with anymore.

Dreaming about many rats – If you saw many rats in your dream, such dream could indicate being isolated from society and the need to interact with others more.

Dreaming about falling into a rat trap – If you dreamed about accidentally falling into a rat trap, such dream is often a bad sign, possibly indicating being a victim of a theft soon. Be careful about the people you hang around with and take good care of your belongings.

Dreaming about a broken rat trap – If you dreamed about a broken rat trap, such dream is usually a good sign. It could indicate being successful in getting rid of things and people who want to harm you somehow.

Dreaming about a rat poison – A dream about a rat poison is a very bad sign, usually indicating someone doing things behind your back and trying to harm you.

Dreaming about dead rats – If you saw a dead rat in your dream, such dream is a very good sign. This dream usually indicates victory over your enemies, or ending a relationship with a person who has betrayed you. Sometimes this dream reveals your fears and anxiety about confronting some issues you have.

This dream is reminding you to do that as soon as possible, so the problems don’t grow out of proportion without reason.

Dreaming about rats attacking you – If you were attacked by rats in your dream, such is a good sign. It is a sign of new opportunities and good fortune. This dream is asking you to seize these opportunities and make the most of them.

Dreaming about a rat biting you – If you dreamed of a rat biting you, such dream is a good sign, and usually warns you about some problems you need to address soon. This dream is also a sign of being betrayed or backstabbed by someone close. This dream is often dreamed when expecting something like that to happen because you don’t trust this person anyway.

This dream is a warning about other people’s questionable loyalty and asking you to beware who you trust.

It is a reminder to trust your gut feelings about some people. On the other side, this dream could be a sign of successful business endeavors. It could be a sign of a career move, promotion and raise of income.

Dreaming about a rat nibbling something – If you observed a rat nibbling something, such dream could reveal a state of anxiety and worry you are experiencing. Maybe it is a sign of your fear of something or somebody.

This dream is a sign your worries are not realistic and are all in your head, so you need to calm down.

Dreaming about rats destroying your things – If you dreamed about rats destroying your things, such dream usually isn’t a good sign, symbolizing poverty and loss. This dream might be signifying a bad period in your life, especially regarding your finances.

You should consider this dream a reminder to be aware of how you spend your money.Begin saving so you could maintain a sense of security if something unexpected happens.

Dreaming about dirty rats – If you saw a dirty rat or rats in a dream, such dream is a warning to pay attention to your behavior towards others and improve it. Maybe this dream indicates the need to help someone to improve its behavior. In some cases, such dream symbolizes some issues at work you need to deal with.

It could also be a sign of overworking and exhausting yourself at work. Such dream could also symbolize new work opportunities you should watch for.

Dreaming about being chased by a rat or rats – If you dreamed of being chased by a rat or rats, such dream could symbolize trying to escape from some issues and problems you should instead encounter and deal with. This dream is asking you to gain the courage and deal with the issues you have. Don’t make them grow into bigger problems which will be very difficult to resolve.

If many rats have chased you in your dream, such dream is a sign of great success in some area you are good at.

Dreaming about a white rat – A white rat in a dream is usually a good sign. It could symbolize your readiness to go after your dreams, as well as your adaptability. It is also a sign of strength and being on the right path.

Dreaming about a black rat – If you saw a black rat in your dream, such dream isn’t a good sign, often symbolizing depression and having bad energy. This dream symbolizes negative emotions, feelings of lack, and inner darkness you are feeling.

This dream calls you to discover the reasons behind such emotional state and begin working on changing it for the better.

Dreaming about a brown rat – If you saw a brown rat in your dream, such dream signifies stability, balance, and a secure job, but all of that isn’t making you happy and content. This dream could be a calling to change your career and begin using your gifts and talents more so you could find true satisfaction.

Dreaming about people having rat tails – If you dreamed of seeing people having rat tails on their bodies, such dream is a worrisome sign, and could indicate illness. This dream possibly warns you to start paying attention to your wellbeing and your health.

Dreaming about rats running everywhere around you – If you observed rats running everywhere, such dream is a sign of upcoming changes in your life. It might indicate relocating or some new living conditions. It could also symbolize a new phase in life.

Dreaming about a giant rat – If you saw a giant rat in your dream, such dream is usually a sign of something good happening in your life. It might predict some fortunate events happening soon, such as an engagement or a wedding.

