The ancient science of the stars, as astrology is commonly called, is probably one of the oldest. Western astrology finds its roots in ancient Persia, although the exact origin or date are unknown.
It is said that astrology probably comes from Babylon, but there is not enough evidence to make a certain claim of Babylon being the cradle of astrology.
In ages even before that, our very ancient ancestors would observe the starry sky and use it as a navigation map.
Naming constellations and giving names to certain celestial objects has simplified things and made it easier to use this wonderful starry map. Moreover, it gave us a sense of closeness to the wondrous universe we inhabit.
Astrology has had a long and turbulent history.
It has been praised and honored, enjoying the same status as astronomy (in fact, the two were the same), it has been rejected, and detested, considered fraud and trickery, equated with fortunetelling and divination and so on.
Nevertheless, astrology survived all of this and it is still widely popular.
There have been periods of astrological silence, to say, but the interest was revived in the second half of the twentieth century.
Western, European astrology, with its Middle Eastern roots is not the only ‘type’ of astrology. Chinese, Tibetan, Japanese and Hindu astrology are amazing and complex astrological systems, as well.
Astrology has been associated with other disciplines, namely with medicine. We could clearly see the bond between astrology and medicine especially in Far Eastern systems. Modern Western astrology still follows many principles of the old.
This starry science today falls under the pseudo scientific paths, but is widely practiced.
Synastry and The Astrology of Relations
One of astrological branches that has always been very popular is astrology of relations, comparative astrology.
Synastry, which is a comparative study of natal chart, is probably the most frequent type of astrological readings.
Today, you can get a synastry report in juts few clicks. The only needed data are time and place of birth of the people involved.
That saying, people are mostly interested into romantic relationship readings. It is not a new thing, since in old times people would consult astrologers to tell them about their astrological outlooks in terms of marriage and family.
Such a reading would have a clearly romantic, but also a practical purpose. Do you want to know what the stars have in store for you?
Could stars actually tell you if your partner is the ‘right one’? Well, yes and no.
Astrology could, for example, tell if you are going to marry at all, through your natal chart, but it is also something to take more as a guideline.
If you are in a relationship or in love with somebody, you could ask for a synastry report.
It compares your charts and reads contacts that exist between them, systematically. It focuses on aspects between your charts.
Overall synastry report does not guarantee the person was the ‘right’ one or that your relationship is going to be perfect or doomed or whatever else.
However, it offers valuable information about the nature of such one connection.
Astrological Aspects in Synastry
Aspects are the most important to analyze. They are contacts – distances between the two planets; aspects are angles planets for among themselves.
In synastry, we observe aspects planets from one chart form with those from the other.
Now, there are five major aspects of which some are challenging and others flowing.
The synastry would probably feature both types of aspects, as each synastry is unique. It could help you realize why certain elements of your relationship seem dysfunctional or why there is no mutual understanding concerning specific subject.
It also points out the best parts of your connection, the type of attraction, even reasons of why you started a relationship.
All this could be of precious value to both of you. Aspects help you realize how your energies work in reaction to one another.
Heavy or challenging aspects might bring troubles, but also move you towards finding solutions.
Easy aspects reinforce your connection and get you even closer to one another. Let us see what the conjunction aspect represent.
Conjunction Aspect in Synastry
This is the strongest aspect to be found in astrological readings, because it represents planets that match positions or that they stand very close.
It means that their energies unite and flow together.
While the conjunction does not oppose these energies, it does not always mean the situation will go smoothly. The conjunction could itself become heavy or easy.
It depends on the planets that form the conjunction. The most simplified and common explanation is that two benefic planets create a good energy and vice versa.
However, the overall effect would depend on many factors, specifically that of the planetary energies alone.
The certain thing is that the energy a conjunction creates must be powerful and connecting.
Jupiter in Mythology and Astrology – Planets in Synastry
Jupiter is one of the social planets. In synastry, it represents the social aspect of the relationship, just as Saturn, the second social planet.
For example, it has to do with families of partners and the level of their mutual understanding.
These two planets both have to do with oaths, rules, with practical elements of a relationship also. Jupiter is the planet of expansion, of good fortune and luck.
This is a planet of protection and of justice, associated with the Roman god Jupiter and Greek Zeus.
Jupiter is the one that protects divine and earthly laws. Jupiter is the planet associated with religion, philosophy, faith, morality, the one that awakens the sense of what is good and right.
This planet is considered the most benevolent ruler of time and the lucky planet.
Jupiter is associated with wisdom, expanding of knowledge, higher education, with travel, especially long and distant ones, with foreign languages and foreign places.
It also represents the belief in goodness, optimism and fortune.
Jupiter is associated with figures in high places and all people capable of achieving great social successes.
Saturn in Mythology and Astrology – Planets in Synastry
Saturn is the second of social planets and notorious for its restrictive, somber and dark nature.
Saturn is considered the planet of misfortune, troubles, sadness, misery, poverty and suffering. Saturn is restrictive, compared to expansive Jupiter. Saturn gives us the sense of responsibility, organization and order.
Its lessons could be bitter and very difficult to accept as lessons in the first place, but they are not pointless.
In other words, not all the suffering Saturn might bring is meant to harm you for the sake of pure suffering. Saturn is a tutor, but a strict and cold one.
This planet is associated also with karma, with past and history, with abandoned places, old people, with chronic illnesses.
Saturn teaches us discipline and the importance of preservation. Without Saturn, we would have no proper sense of how important it is to preserve something.
Saturn offers us the possibility of lasting through time, although sometimes it could appear very hard to bear. In synastry, Saturn could be tricky.
Let us see how Jupiter and Saturn play along when conjunct.
Jupiter Conjunct Saturn – Dream Team
This could be an interesting combination and it could manifest very well, depending on other aspect.
Jupiter person would be the enthusiastic one, while Saturn would keep to the serious approach to things.
If these two could find their relationship goals, that is, to find a common goal they would like to achieve together, things would manifest greatly.
The blend of Jupiter’s optimistic, expansive energy could fit perfectly with more serious and a bit restrictive Saturn’s energy in this particular case.
These two are very different, but when conjunct, they could become complementary.
Such a connection brings balance of overall energetic flow. Both are inclined towards finding effective solutions.
If it happens that you enter an argument or face a situation marked by the lack of understanding, be sure that your powerful joint forces would act as if you two were working on a project.
Jupiter would offer a relieving, positive approach to things and stricter Saturn would shape it perfectly.
These two could be perfect cooperators, besides the purely romantic element.
Jupiter Conjunct Saturn – Joint Forces
This aspect alone is not romantic in sense it would be some other aspect involving ‘romantic’ planets.
Jupiter and Saturn are both social planets and their conjunction in synastry really makes the tow persons an excellent team, in which one learns from the other one.
There is understanding between them, loyalty, responsibility and respect.
There is a risk that Saturn’s seriousness, depending on how strongly expressed (depending on Saturn’s person natal chart) could tone down Jupiter’s natural optimism and make the Jupiter person even lose a bit of it.
On the other hand, Jupiter’s optimistic and easy approach could make the Saturn person feels underestimated.
These are usually not dramatic elements, but should be taken into account.