Water is the essence of life and is a very common dream symbol. Water symbolizes our emotions and our subconscious contents.
Water often appears in dreams. Dreams about water bring important messages from the depths of our being and our subconscious. These dreams can both be good or bad, depending on the content of the dream.
Water in a dream often symbolizes our life energy and our spirituality. It is a sign of comfort and satisfying our needs. Water also reveals our current emotional state. A dream about water can bring to the surface some repressed feelings and emotions and make us confront them.
These feelings and emotions are often something we are not consciously aware of and the dream helps us understand them and deal with them more easily.
Such dream could also indicate our way of expressing emotions. It could symbolize our spirituality or new beginnings. It also symbolizes our creativity but it could also be a symbol of our Soul.
Calm and peaceful water signifies our calmness and tranquility. Tumultuous water reveals strong emotions, anger, fear, passion and anxiousness.
Clear water is a sign of emotional satisfaction, while dirty water signifies emotional struggle. Deep water is a sign of some hidden emotions and feelings, and shallow water could reveal our low energy and passivity. Icy water could symbolize repressed emotions, as well as being emotionally withdrawn due to past emotional hurts and disappointments. Melting ice signifies becoming more open towards expressing emotions and new emotional experiences, as well as releasing repressed feelings and emotions.
Dreaming about water in general – A dream about water signifies our emotional state. This dream signifies our good or bad emotional state, depending on the state of the water in our dream. If it was peaceful and clear, it is a good sign, indicating being emotionally calm and satisfied, while, if the water was murky and turbulent, the dream symbolizes our turbulent emotional state and anxiety.
Dreaming about muddy and murky water – If you dreamed of seeing muddy and murky water, such dream usually isn’t a good sign, possibly signifying danger and misfortune. The upcoming events will shake up your reality, so be prepared to overcome the possible consequences as quickly as you can.
Dreaming about clear water – If you dreamed of seeing clear water, such dream is a good sign, symbolizing pleasant experiences and fortune. Clear water symbolizes prosperity and success.
Dreaming about blue sea water – If you were looking at sea water, which had beautiful blue color in your dream, such dream is a good sign, indicating pleasant encounters with someone in the near future.
Dreaming about sun and water – If you saw sun and water in your dream, like at the beach or in some other place, such dream is a very good sign. It symbolizes happiness and satisfaction about your life in general. This dream announces a good and fortunate period ahead. It is a sign of optimism and clarity about your choices and emotions. You feel as if you are controlling your life completely.
This dream could also symbolize the many plans you have and your desire and strength to accomplish them.
Dreaming about water with calm surface – If you observed a calm and smooth water surface, such dream is a sign of your ability to organize well and accomplish your goals. It is a sign of the success of your endeavors and your abilities to use things to your advantage.
Dreaming about being scared of water – If you dreamed of being scared of water, such dream could symbolize your feelings of regret about something you did or didn’t do. This dream could be a sign of your realization that you can’t change your actions and decisions from the past, and you need to live with the consequences of your actions and accept them.
Dreaming about drinking a glass of clear water – If you dreamed of drinking a glass of clear water, such dream is a good sign. This dream usually symbolizes the fulfillment of your goals and desires. It signifies being able to decide what your true goals are and begin pursuing them.
It could also symbolize new opportunities and experiences.
Dreaming about someone giving you a glass of water to drink – If you dreamed about someone giving you water to drink and you being very thirsty, such dream is a good sign. It usually indicates longevity and happiness.
Dreaming about washing yourself in water – If you dreamed of washing yourself in water, such dream is a sign of taking the right path in life. It is a sign of choosing the right direction and fulfilling your goals and dreams. It symbolizes success of your actions.
Dreaming about carrying water – If you dreamed of carrying water, such dream is a good sign. It indicates overcoming some huge problems or getting rid of some negativity you have been harboring for some time.
Dreaming about walking on the water surface – If you dreamed of walking on the water surface such dream is a good sign. This dream indicates being able to overcome any obstacle you come across. It is a sign of success in life.
Dreaming about water boiling – If you observed water boiling in your dream, such dream could be a warning sign. It might indicate unexpected expenses and loss. Maybe your spending habits should be the ones to blame for that.
This dream warns you to manage better your finances and prevent such situations from happening.
Dreaming about drowning in water – If you drowned in water in your dream, such dream could symbolize rejecting to face some issues. You might be neglecting some problems and avoiding confronting them, which is causing you to feel stressed and anxious all the time.
This dream asks you to change your attitude towards your problems, and, instead of avoiding them, you should start solving them.
Dreaming about drowning in clear water – If you drowned in clear water in your dream, such dream might signify successfully dealing with minor problems. This dream reveals your ability to confront any issue you encounter.
Dreaming about pouring water on somebody – If you poured water on somebody in your dream, such dream could symbolize your involvement in some scandal or some unpleasant and embarrassing situation. You might involve yourself in a compromising situation which will cause you a lot of regrets, and you won’t be able to amend anything.
Dreaming about swimming in dark-colored water – If you dreamed of swimming in dark water, such dream is a negative sign. This dream could be a sign of receiving some bad and disturbing news, possibly while traveling somewhere.
Dreaming about diving in water – If you dreamed of diving or being submerged under water, such dream symbolizes that your problems and difficulties won’t affect your family, only you. This dream also symbolizes your ability to easily overcome the difficulties you encounter.
Dreaming about bloody water – If you saw water full of blood, such dream is a negative sign, symbolizing bad luck. This dream symbolizes a period of misfortune and negativity entering your life. That period will last for some time.
Dreaming about water flooding your house – If you observed water flooding your house in a dream, such dream is a sign you have difficulties fighting with some negativity deep inside you. This dream reminds you to begin searching within to discover the reasons behind these feelings and try to find the way to deal with them.