What Does the Number 9 Mean in the Bible and Prophetically

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All the people born in the last century have Nine in date of birth – and therefore a degree of analytical ability. Most people to whom this is true are so used to it that they no longer recognize it as something special.

But Nine is the number of seeking truth, it wants to get to the bottom of things and find solutions.

In today’s article we are going to discuss the symbolism of the number 9 in general and in Bible to discover its hidden meaning.

What Does 9 Mean in the Bible?

Likewise, the number 9 in the bible has a very important meaning. Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, fidelity, kindness and self-control.

The numbers 9 have a greater sense of self-awareness acquired through the experience of life and common sense.

Frequently, they attract those who are looking for a teacher, leader, mother or father figure, or those who think that an association thinks about moving quickly in the relationship.

The people associated with this number are usually attractive and, if they lack traditional amulets, they will undoubtedly compensate with other virtues. There is never a lack of admirers, and in general they tend to enjoy a hectic love life.

The numbers 9 are in love with the idea of ​​being in love, since they love romantic gestures and are easily conquered by dinners by candlelight, letters and dedications.

The meaning of the number 9 kabbalah identifies it with Sephiroth known as Yesod, or Foundation. It is considered to be the reflection of everything, especially Tiphereth, the sun.

The 9 represents continuity and the feminine principle of creation. The number nine symbolizes the opposite poles, light and darkness, Yin and the power of the subconscious, particular dreams, astral states and psyches.

Meaning and Symbolism

The Nine is the number of analysis that almost all of us – born in the last century – have in our date of birth. It represents analytical thinking as well as responsibility.

Since the year 1900, this world has made a rapid development attributable to the influence of the Nine: it stands for analytical ability, that is, to look at and improve one thing.

The Nine is a predisposition to settle everything about the mind, which is especially apparent when people have more than a nine in their date of birth.

However, the Nine also represents a sense of responsibility, and where the number nine appears as a birthday or a month, this characteristic of the Nine is particularly pronounced.

The Nine is inquisitive, now find out all the parents whose children were born in the 90s. These children analyze a situation, clarify it for themselves and are already looking for the next challenge; they are often under-challenged in school, bored and then classified as difficult. The generation of those born in the nineties is quite different in their basic dispositions from the rather phlegmatic children of the 80s.

All the people born in the last century have Nine in date of birth – and therefore a degree of analytical ability. Most people to whom this is true are so used to it that they no longer recognize it as something special. But Nine is the number of seeking truth, it wants to get to the bottom of things and find solutions.

Since all of us (exceptions below) are equipped to a certain extent with these capabilities, we should nevertheless try to use this predisposition for a better understanding in our environment.

Also, the influence of this number means responsibility to oneself and to others.

Since the Nine is a number of the analytical mind, everything goes over the head here. Many people with multiple nines therefore like numbers. A mental challenge is urgently needed. Some people with a multiple nine almost have a computer in their head, so they can quickly spot the gist of a problem. However, then they are reluctant to convince themselves that there could be other ways to solve a problem.

If the mental energy of the multiple nine is not used sufficiently, it can lead to great dissatisfaction, stubbornness and selfishness. For children who cannot live up to this mental energy, for example, because they are only allowed to do practical work, for example, it can lead to a lot of self-indulgence and inner retreat. The typical features of the 9 can be beneficial to the career.

As a partner, people with multiple nines can be very loving and responsible, but also very exhausting, because they always want to get to the bottom of all problems. They want to know exactly where the (supposed) problem lies.

Also, some people tend to only talk about their own problems without ever really hearing a different opinion.

If the influence of nine comes from the birthday or the month, then you are a very responsible person. Make sure that you also apply this responsibility for yourself and do not let yourself be overused.

Number 9 in Love

The people associated with this number are usually attractive and, if they lack traditional amulets, they will undoubtedly compensate with other virtues.

There is never a lack of admirers, and in general they tend to enjoy a hectic love life.

Facts about Number 9

People of this birth rate are sensitive and empathetic, compassionate and tolerant. Therefore, others seek their help and get it too. In the karmic spectrum the 9 offers the antipode to the 1. The 1 it takes the initiative, while the 9 is satisfied with what comes along the way.

The Nine shows a person who is at rest, who accepts (sometimes ignored) his contradictions and resistances and calmly faces the tasks of life. The Nine is capable of observing and observing the world without overshadowing or being overwhelmed by their emotions.

She is a person who meets life openly. The Nine accepts what happens and does not feel the need to be in the foreground.

However, this balance carries with it the danger that the Nine loses itself in its being, letting its life splutter, without intervening in the crucial moments. She simply forgets to use her knowledge and her own knowledge.

People with the birth number 9 must be careful that you do not let themselves be mentally exploited by friends and relatives. Their love and compassion are often severely tested by the people they feel most connected to, while outsiders usually treat them with appreciation.

Nine (9) is the natural number between eight and ten and the highest single-digit number in the decimal system. Nine months gives the human pregnancy.

In many languages, the word for the number nine resembles the word for “new.” The numeral nine might perhaps be new to the Indo-European root. Accordingly, one would have counted with four fingers of one hand and started to count nine at the “new”. According to the current state of science, our solar system comprises nine planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.

Christianity knows nine classes of angels, the angelic choirs. Nine is the checksum of the 666, the “number of the beast”. Each number multiplied by nine has the checksum nine. In the Jewish magic literature, the nine-number only gained its magical significance with the Kabbalah. Until then, the three and seven were the most common

The Latin word for nine, novem with atomic number nonus (ninth) found its way into foreign words such as None, (interval), Nonett, (ensemble), November (originally the ninth month). The Greek word for nine, ἐννέα (ennea), is also found in some foreign words, including the enneagram, an ancient esoteric symbol. In Greek mythology, there are nine muses.

The Celts in the Nine were the whole universe. Three times three (the divine number) gave them an absoluteness character beyond compare, since it contained both the five, which captured time and space, as well as the four cardinal directions. In the Catholic Church there are high festivals and other important notables a nine-day series of prayer, the novena, for example, the funeral novels after the death of a pope.

The symbol of the Baha’i is a nine-pointed star and stands for the unity of humanity and the unity of religions. The architecture of the Baha’i House of Worship is a nine-sided dome with nine entrances. The special significance of the number nine also has something to do with the Abdschad value of the Arabic word Baha (German: glory), which is also nine. A Sudoku usually consists of 9 times 9 boxes, in which nine times the numbers 1 to 9 must be entered.

In the tradition of the Erzgebirge there is the Neunerlei, a traditional Christmas Eve dinner. Cats are popularly reputed to have nine lives. The number 9 is the number of the center forward in football. In the book “The Lord of the Rings”, the ring community with nine companions faces the nine ring spirits (Nazgúls).

Ludwig van Beethoven, Anton Bruckner, Antonín Dvořák, Gustav Mahler, Louis Spohr and Ralph Vaughan Williams each completed nine (printed) symphonies.

Some composers, especially Gustav Mahler, developed a superstitious fear of the curse of the ninth symphony. In Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri, hell consists of 9 circles.


If you do not have nine in your date of birth (the year is four digits), it will be harder to see the context as we are used to. One relies more on the inner feeling than on the intellect, and new priorities are set in common life.

People without the Nine will again take more time to think, the quick fix or the immediate problem-finding will not always be in the foreground, but the thinking about the connections, and the ability to release intuitive forces and let flow.

Through the millennium number two, which will determine the spirit of the times in this millennium, the trend from purely mechanical-technical research to mental exploration, the building block of life itself, will turn.

It will gradually enter a whole new perspective of the world, as these people no longer have to automatically deal with the more selfish one and analytical nine.

