Airplane – Dream Meaning and Symbolism

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Dreams about airplanes are amongst fairly common ones, but not as frequent as, for example, dreams about cars or other ground vehicles.

However, these dreams all have something in common and it is the very idea of motion and traveling.

Dreams about airplanes are like an ‘upgraded’ version of traveling, journeying and motion dreams, since they fly and place us amongst the clouds.

These dreams are symbolically related to dreams about flying. Dreams about flying come in different versions and one of the most exciting and interesting ones is that in which a dreamer flies on his or her own, only by using their own body.

Sometimes, people dream of having wings, but it is extremely rare. Dreams about flying on a magic carpet or on an animal are also interesting, but rare.

Using a vehicle to fly is the most common type of flying related dreams; for example, flying by an airplane, a helicopter or even a rocket or a flying car. The common motif is the action of flying and motion.

However, dreams about airplanes also include whole palette of dreams in which a dreamer does not fly him or herself. You could only watch airplanes go by, for instance.

Dreams about airplanes

Dreams about airplanes could be full of hidden or obvious symbolic meanings.

People who are used to travel by plane, as for business trips, for instance, are very likely to dream about airplanes, but it is not an unusual thing. It is just a reflection of their reality and routine that has been repeating for a longer time.

If you use airplane frequently, no wonder you would dream about it.

However, it all changes if you do not travel by airplane so often. However, planning a trip that requires a flight would very likely induce an airplane related dream, which would be reflection of your thoughts and possibly your intuition about the journey in question.

The excitement before traveling could be the simplest trigger of the dream.

However, the negative feeling that comes from deep inside could cause you to have an unpleasant airplane related dream.

There are also dreams in which a dreamer has not much to do with airplanes in physical sense; he or she could dream about seeing them.

All dreams about seeing objects and phenomena are usually related to certain unfulfilled desires or those we are unaware in reality.

At last, all of these dreams could have their subcategories and carry completely different meanings. It greatly depends on a dreamer’s personal experience about the dream (if he or she felt good or bad about it) and, of course, details present in a dream.

As for dreams about airplanes, the crucial factor in interpreting the dream is being scared of flying by a plane or not.

For people who suffer from phobia of height and flying or, more specifically, phobia of airplanes, could experience real terror by dreaming about using one.

However, it could even happen that the dream was pleasant, which could tell a lot about their attitude towards worrying situations in real life. Dreams about airplanes could tell a lot about their actual abilities.

In dreams about airplanes, one could only be an observer, but could also be in touch with an airplane, in different ways. You could dream about being a traveler who uses a plane as a mean of transport.

It could be an airliner, but it could also be a private jet. It could also happen that you dream about flying a plane, as if you were the pilot.

Dreams about seeing airplanes

Dreams about seeing airplanes are the most common type of airplane related dreams.

These dreams include any scenario in which a dreamer sees an airplane and it does not have to be seeing actual airplane on the sky or at an airport.

It also includes dreams in which you see pictures of airplanes, motifs that resemble airplanes and so on.

In all of these dreams, airplanes represent something you wish for, something you dream about but is still out of your reach.

Most likely, these dreams reflect your inner desire to change something in your life and routine; you feel inside as if it is time to move forward, to move in any direction. You probably still have no clue what to do exactly.

These dreams are about the first sign of life of an idea; they are guiding dreams that should make you wonder about things.

You should not take them as a negative sign, even if they could make you feel a bit insecure about your current situation, awakening that strange and exciting wanderlust feeling.

The closer you are to actual airplanes in your dream, the more aware you are of your inner voices.

For example, dreaming about seeing photos of planes probably mean you have this desire to move, but it is very likely you have not spare a single moment in waking life thinking about it.

If you, however, dream about standing outside and seeing airplanes flying, it is very likely you are in fact aware of the desire, but you are possibly suppressing it.

Seeing airplanes fly away, while you remain on the ground are dreams about missed opportunities or your unwillingness to change things, most likely out of the feeling that you are not ready.

This dream also has its variations, based on a dreamer’s feeling about it. If you are a bit sad about seeing those airplanes, it means what we have just described.

On the other hand, if your reaction is opposite. That of relief or even joy, it means you are ready to let go of the things that have been bothering you for long.

This dream could be a dream that represent an ending to a phase of life, breaking up with the past or even with some rather unpleasant present circumstances.

It could be completely out of your doing, but you are lucky to get rid of problems anyway.

Dreams about airports

Dreams about airports have many meanings, depending on what you are doing at the airport.

People often dream about being lost at the airport, searching for something or for someone.

These dreams are all about certain insecurities and anxieties that usually come as a result of lacking good plans or organization. Such are dreams about searching for your boarding gate and not finding it.

Such a dream reflects chaotic nature of things in your own life. It could be a reminder that you should rush less and dedicate more time to properly planning things.

This dream occurs in people who take to many responsibilities so they become forgetful about some rather important things.

Airports are also places where people meet and where they say goodbye.

If you dream about waiting someone to come, but he or she never came, because their flight is late or the person simply does not show up after landing, this dream possibly means that you are foolishly investing your time and emotions into a relationship that is one sided.

On the other hand, it could reflect your overprotective attitude or possessive nature.

For example, a parent could dream that the child does not show up, out of pure parental anxiety related to well being of their youngster.

If the person shows up, this is a dream about reunion with someone, about longing for someone, about the desire to see someone who is far away and generally about good relationships or fond memories about a particular person.

Wandering around an airport on your own, as if you were exploring it, watching people walk by and airplanes fly away or land in is a dream scenario with a meaning similar to seeing airplanes.

This dream suggest you feel as if there is something new for you, but you still have not found it.

This dream reflects a phase of self-introspection, searching for guidelines, opportunities and directions in life in the most natural way.

Dreams about boarding an airplane

Dreams in which you actually board an airplane, be it an airline or a small private plane or whatever else, mean you have finally decided to move forward or, if you still have not made any actual decision in your waking life, that you will do it very soon.

This dream indicates changing tides, choosing a new path, starting over or fulfilling any of your desires. It depends on details.

If you are boarding an airplane with one-way direction ticket, this means you have done with certain things in your life and you want to start fresh.

It could be a normal ending of a phase in life or circumstances that are more dramatic; you have, perhaps, got tired of your life or want to run away from toxic environment that you cannot change for better.

In any case, boarding a plane with a single way ticket means you are saying goodbye to your current life, willing to find some new roads to discover.

If you have a precise idea of where you are heading, it means your decision will be based on something you have wished for very long.

If you have no idea about where you are flying to, it reflects genuine wanderlust, a desire to get lost in the world and explore uncountable opportunities life has to offer.

Dreams about traveling by an airplane are basically of the same meaning, because you have boarded the plane and you are headed towards new horizons, known or unknown.

They only confirm that decision has been made in your heart, if still not in reality. If your ticket was a roundtrip one, the dream has different meaning.

It reflects your desperate need for taking a break, but you want to return, because you are generally satisfied with your life.

Dreams about flying an airplane

If you dream about flying an airplane, being a pilot or such, the dream is about taking control over your life.

This dream could indicate a change of attitude towards life in general; you got clear ideas about what you want from your life, you have idea of how to command the flight and are very confident about it.

On the other hand, this dream indicates you had it enough of others trying to control your life.

You want to take charge and stand for your own causes. This dream could also be a dream about great responsibilities, especially if you are a pilot on an airline.

It indicates you are ready to lead other people, to protect them and to be responsible for their well-being.

The dream is likely to occur if you have taken charge over a serious business project, for example, but also any form of social activity that requires you to answer for others.

