Our home is one of the most important spaces. Most people consider it very personal and don’t let many people enter it.
Even unannounced visits from friends and family members could sometimes be considered an invasion of a person’s privacy. Such behavior would also be considered rude and inconsiderate.
In our dreams, our home usually represents our inner being. Homes are a symbol of some aspects of our personality.
Upper floors usually signify the conscious parts of our mind, while the lower floors and especially the basement, symbolize the unconscious mind and the secrets buried deep within.
Oftentimes we are not aware of some thoughts and feelings buried in our subconscious and they need to be triggered by some outer event (even a dream) to get to the surface, so we could become aware of them and begin dealing with them.
Different areas of our home in our dream could indicate different periods of your life as well as the events you have experienced. The way your home looked like and the state it was in, in your dream describes your character and personal traits.
We often dream about our childhood home. These dreams often indicate our need to go back to the comfort and security of our childhood life. These were possibly the days when we felt safest and didn’t have much worries.
In some cases, the dream about childhood home could indicate avoiding some responsibility.
In most cases, we tend to have dreams about childhood homes when we have some problems that we don’t know how to deal with, or we subconsciously wish we had the support we had back in those days.
In general, we tend to dream about our home, not just our childhood home, during times of crisis and stress we are going through.
The dream usually is a sign of distress that we are currently experiencing and the dream about our home is a way for our subconscious to find a safe haven and a relief from the anxiety we experience daily in every moment of our wake hours.
This dream could also indicate your need to protect yourself from being overwhelmed with tons of duties and stuff to do.
Because our home is a very important symbol in our dreams, a dream about it being invaded by someone or something could be a very disturbing experience. These dreams could have different meanings, but are often a result of some anxiety and stress, or even fear you have.
A dream about a home invasion could indicate feeling insecure while you are in your house.
Possibly you have a reason for your fears, but in most cases, these fears you have are ungrounded, or have their base in some subconscious fear you are not aware of or you don’t know its origin.
In some cases, people who are loners, or tend to spend their time at home a lot, have unreasonable fears that someone might invade their house while they are out.
These fears can be combined with some psychological problems that the person has.
Some people have a fear of outdoor environment, and believe that they are safe only when they are at home.
These fears could grow out of proportion and they can begin fearing their house being invaded which will leave them without a place of safety. These cases usually ask the person to confront the fears they have and discover the reasons so they could confront them.
That is necessary because these fears are disabling a normal functioning. If they cannot do it on their own, it is advisable to consult a professional.
Sometimes, a dream about a home invasion could be induced by a stressful job or a stressful way of life.
There are different ways in which someone or something could invade our home. Different people would consider different occurrences as invasion.
For example, for some people, even a casual unannounced visit from their friend could be considered an invasion and an annoying experience, if they don’t like to experience such situations and consider their home a place where only chosen ones are invited.
For people who invite anyone to their home, even strangers, unannounced visit would be a common thing and they would most likely feel happy about it.
Dreams about our home being invaded are common. Possibly every person has experienced such a dream at least once in their lives.
These dreams could in some cases reveal our feelings as if our private life has been invaded in some way; if you keep dreaming dreams with this topic, maybe there is something in your life you consider invasive and disturbing.
That might be some person who you don’t like and want to avoid, or it might be some issue, you cannot seem to resolve.
There could be a vast number of different explanations and reasons for feeling as if your privacy has been invaded. It is up to you do discover them and try to resolve them.
The details of the dream can give you a lot of clues to start with.
Dream of Home Invasion – Meaning and Symbolism
Dreaming about your boss invading your house – If you dreamed of your boss intruding your house, that is usually a dream with symbolism related to your work. You possible feel overwhelmed with work responsibilities and you are stressed out.
You possibly feel that your work is following you home as well because you cannot stop thinking about it even when you are not there, but at home, where you are supposed to be resting and thinking about other things.
These dreams are also common with people who are working overtime and are under a great stress due to their work.
These dreams could also be a theme for people who work from home, and feel that their work has invaded their private life and personal freedom.
These people are disturbed for not being able to separate their work and private life anymore because their work is always in their home.
Dreaming of encountering a stranger who invaded your home resting on your living room couch – If you dreamed of encountering a stranger sitting on your living room couch, that dream is usually not a good sign.
It could indicate experiencing some issues in your close relationships with the people you care about; that can be a relationship with your parents, your partner, or your brother or sister, or it can be the relationship you have with some close friend.
This dream could indicate possibly being betrayed or somehow deceived by some of these people and feeling devastated because of that.
If that is true, you probably feel as if you don’t know that person even though you are supposed to be so close and know each other perfectly.
This dream is usually a sign of disappointment for discovering something you weren’t aware of or realizing that things you thought you know well weren’t as you perceived them to be.
These situations usually are in relation to people who are close to you. The issues include the experience and feeling of betrayal, loss of trust, etc.
Dreaming of saving your family members from a person who has invaded your home – If you dreamed of needing to save your family members from someone who has invaded your home that dream usually isn’t a good sign.
This dream could reveal having a sense of guilt towards the family members you are saving in the dream.
Possibly the dream is an attempt of your subconscious to find consolation and amend the situation somehow.
It could also reveal feeling as if you don’t take care enough of your family members and you are trying to fix that in your dream.
Dreaming of being frightened by an intruder that invaded your home – If you dreamed of being frightened by an intruder that invaded your home, that dream usually isn’t a good sign.
This dream could reveal issues in your relationship with someone close, possibly a family member or your partner.
It is possible that you are not aware of the issues you have and the dream vision of a stranger in your home scaring you could symbolically represent the moment of becoming aware of that fact and feeling frightened because you don’t know how to resolve them.
The details of the dream could reveal more about the relationship issues and the parties involved.
Dreaming of being threatened by an intruder who invaded your home – If you dreamed of encountering an intruder who has invaded your home, and tried to hurt you in some way, that dream is not a good sign.
It could indicate some unpleasant changes in your close relationships with your family members, your partner, siblings, or close friends.
The changes will certainly be related to your family and/or private life affairs.
This dream could also indicate that you might experience arguments and serious conflicts with some of these people.
It is important to consider this dream as a warning and try to prevent conflicts and arguments in the upcoming days.
Unfortunately, sometimes changes are inevitable and the events you might soon experience in regards to some of these people could be a triggering moment that will ignite the unavoidable changes.