Old houses can appear in our dreams in various connotations. We can dream about our old house, the old house of someone we know, or any old house. In each case, the dream has a specific meaning to the dreamer.
Sometimes it could be reflecting some daily events, such as visiting someone’s old house, or your old house, but in most cases, such dreams have a greater significance for the person having this dream.
Dreams about old houses are often a symbol related to our life in the past. These dreams could often point out to unresolved issues we keep coming back to or that have come back so that we could finally resolve them.
Dreams in which we see old houses often indicate our desire to return the past so we could change some things.
This dream could be a message from the dreamer’s subconscious asking them to confront the past so they could be free to continue with their lives. If they don’t do that, the past will continue returning to them and haunt them.
Dreams where old houses appear could also reveal our attitude towards our reality and our feeling about our role in this reality. They reveal how good we feel in that role and whether we are disappointed or satisfied with how we handle our life matters.
Dreams about old houses could be related to many things in your life. For example, a dream about old house could:
Reveal your view of yourself and your life in general – a dream about an old house could reveal your satisfaction or dissatisfaction with yourself and your life in general.
If the old house was in good condition, or you were starting to repair it, the dream has a good meaning, indicating that you are putting in the effort to improve your life conditions and you are taking good care of yourself.
If the old house in the dream was in a bad state or was falling apart, the dream doesn’t have a good meaning at all, and usually reveals your disappointment and dissatisfaction with how your life looks like and the path you have chosen.
It could also be a sign of neglecting yourself and your wellbeing, and a message to start taking better care of yourself.
Indicate that you have neglected yourself and your life – The dream about an old house, especially if it was in a poor condition and started crumbling down, is a sign that you are neglecting your needs and looks.
Maybe you don’t pay attention to the way you go out in public and you have allowed yourself to become negligent.
The dream is asking you to start dressing better and taking care of yourself and your looks.
Reflect issues related to your health and overall wellbeing – In some cases, a dream about a ruined old house is a warning sign regarding our health and wellbeing.
It is often a sign that you have neglected your health and seriously ruined it, or it can mean that you are neglecting it and jeopardizing it with your careless behavior.
The dream is asking you to be more appreciative to what you have and respect and try to keep your health.
Indicate that you are refusing to get rid of some bad habits – Sometimes a dream about an old house is a sign of bad habits which are ruining our life and looks.
The dream could be a warning to get rid of these habits as soon as possible because they are detrimental to your wellbeing.
Dream of Old House – Meaning and Symbolism
Dreaming about old house – If you dreamed of seeing or being in an old house, that dream is usually a sign of getting together with people you haven’t seen in a while. It could indicate reconciling with family members or old friends you were once very close to.
Seeing or visiting an old house after a long time in a dream indicates reunions and happy times, especially if you were satisfied during the course of the dream.
This dream could also symbolize some old habits, beliefs, or attitude. It could represent your past way of thinking and feeling.
Maybe something in your current life circumstances is bringing back the memories of your past attitude and the way of feeling.
Sometimes a dream about an old house could be a sign that you need to change something in your beliefs or way of thinking. It could be a sign to change some of your beliefs because they are not good for you.
Dreaming about owning an old house – If you dreamed of being an owner of an old house, the dream could be a warning sign about possible endings and loss of some important relationships in your life.
Maybe it is a sign of arguments and conflicts with people you were once in a very good relationship with, possibly some of your best friends.
Dreaming about an old house falling apart – If you dreamed about seeing an old house which was a ruin and completely neglected, the dream is usually a sign of warning. Such dream often reveals that you are neglecting yourself and your life in some way.
Maybe you don’t care about your health, your family, or your personal relationships, your job, or even your finances.
The details of the dream could explain in further details the level and the area of neglect.
You need to consider this dream a serious warning to begin changing something and taking control of these neglected aspects of your life because you can cause grave damage with your reckless and disinterested attitude.
This dream often describes the state of your relationship with someone you were once very close with. It could be a reminder to pay attention to that relationship and put in the effort to repair it because you might feel sorry later.
Dreaming about an old house that needs to be repaired – If you dreamed about an old house which needed repairs, the dream could reveal your thoughts about moving to another place, or it could be that you have recently moved or planning to move to another house and you know that you will need to renovate it.
Symbolically, this dream could indicate the need to repair some parts of yourself or your life that you know are outdated and don’t serve their purpose in your life anymore.
Dreaming about repairing or renovating an old house – If you dreamed about making some renovations of an old house, the dream is a great sign. It indicates that you have begun taking actions to improve your life and your personality.
It could be a sign of getting rid of unwanted things and people and changing some bad habits which you know are harmful to you.
This dream is also a sign of health improvements and finally beginning to take care of your health.
It can also be a sign of the healing process which has started within you. In some cases, this dream is a sign of finally putting your financial situation in order and paying all your debts. It could indicate stable finances and comfortable living after a period of financial struggle and debts.
Dreaming about adding parts to an old house – If you dreamed about adding new parts to an old house, that is a good sign in a dream. It is often an indication of progress and growth.
This dream is a sign of good health, usually when you are painting that old house in your dream.
Dreaming about demolishing some old house – If you dreamed about demolishing some old house, the dream could be a worrying sign. It could indicate someone’s attempt to harm you, but more likely some family member.
This dream could possibly be a sign of conflicts, disagreements and arguments aiming to ruin your family’s stability and harmonious life.
Dreaming about putting some furniture into an old house – If you dreamed of filling some old house with furniture, the dream usually indicates some kind of investment you will be making, that could either be personal or financial in nature. In many cases this dream could indicate becoming financially stable or independent.
Dreaming about being lost inside an old house – If you dreamed that you lost yourself inside some old house, the dream often reveals some concerns you have over your family or some family member.
This dream usually indicates having family issues. It is possible that some family member has some problems and you are wondering how to help.
Dreaming about an old house engulfed in flames – If you dreamed of observing some old house burning the dream is probably a warning sign. It might be a warning to get rid of some things from your life because they pose a threat to your wellbeing.
If you choose to ignore that message, you undertake the responsibility for jeopardizing some aspect of your life and possibly your entire wellbeing.
This dream is revealing that you are holding on to something or someone who has a very bad and negative effect on your life and your refusal to remove them from your life could be detrimental in more than one way. You should seriously think about your priorities and put yourself in the first place.
If you don’t do that and continue exposing yourself to the negativity of that influence it might be too late later to change your mind.
Dreaming about walking through an old house – A dream in which you were walking through an old house is a promising sign. It is often a sign of progress and advancement that await you in the future, mostly as a reward for your efforts and past actions.
This dream is a sign of success of your actions and it is a good sign if you plan to begin the realization of some long planned project because it ensures its success. This dream is a sign of slow but steady progress towards your goals.
Dreaming about an abandoned old house with grass growing inside – If you dreamed about seeing or being inside an old and abandoned house with grass growing inside, the dream is not a bad sign at all.
In fact, it could be an announcement of a birth or wedding of someone very close to you, and in some cases, this announcement could refer to yourself as well.
Dreaming about being in your grandparents’ old house – If you dreamed of being in your grandparents’ old house and seeing your deceased grandparents there, that dream could be an important message for you from your subconscious. It is a warning not to make haste decisions especially about important life matters and family issues.
You could jeopardize your family’s reputation and that would be something that you could never forgive yourself.
Dreaming about going back to your old house – If you dreamed about being in your old house, possibly the one you grew up in, that dream often reveals your desire to escape your current reality and go back to the care free times of your childhood. These dreams are often dreamed during life crisis when we don’t know how to handle some things and we are fed up with the struggles of everyday life.
Our subconscious is idealizing that period of our life and brings us back there as a means to protect us from stress and anxiety at least for some time during our sleep.
This dream could also indicate returning to some previous beliefs and way of thinking.
Maybe you have realized that your former way of doing things was the best and now you desire to go back to doing things as you once did them.
This could mean returning to some things and situations from the past, like getting back with your ex, or going back to the job you left from, or getting back to school you have abandoned, etc. It could also mean returning to some old habits.
Dreaming about buying an old house – If you dreamed about looking for a new place and buying an old house for you to live in the dream could both be a good and a bad sign. If the house was only old but looked well-maintained and solid, the dream is a good sign indicating stability and steady progress; if the house was old and in poor condition, the dream is a warning about possible challenges and turbulences in your life in the upcoming period.