Potatoes are starchy crops native to the Americas. There are around 1,000 different types of potatoes around the world.
Genetic testing discovered that the origin of the first domesticated potatoes was in southern Peru and northwestern Bolivia.
First potatoes were domesticated around 7,000 to 10,000 years ago.
Potatoes were brought to Europe in the 16th century by the Spanish. Today this crop is spread throughout the world.
Most of the potatoes present today descended from the varieties whose origin is in Chile.
Potatoes are a very important crop and many people’s favorite food.
In dreams, potatoes often symbolize laziness, especially if you only saw a potato without doing anything with it.
Sometimes this dream could indicate some difficulties you could soon encounter and is a warning to prepare you.
Dreams about potatoes often indicate succeeding in some long term efforts. Maybe you have been working on some project for a long time and you have finally finished it.
Now it is possibly the time to reap the rewards for your diligence and effort.
This dream could often indicate receiving a promotion or pay raise for some work success you have accomplished. Dreams about potatoes are often a sign of profit or career growth.
Dreams of Potatoes – Meaning and Symbolism
Dreaming of selling or buying potatoes – If you dreamed of selling potatoes or buying them, that dream could indicate that you are being given leftovers from your colleagues. Possibly your boss gave you a task they refused to do.
This doesn’t have to be something bad after all because performing these tasks flawlessly might make you stand out from others and be noticed by your superiors.
Dreaming of washing and peeling potato – If you dreamed of washing the dirt of a potato and peeling it, that dream is a good sign. This dream could indicate getting rid of some negative habits or traits and becoming the best version of yourself.
Dreaming of cooking potatoes – If you dreamed of cooking potatoes, that dream is a good sign. It usually indicates the achievements of some desires and the satisfaction because of that.
That dream could be a sign of joy and happiness because things are unfolding as planned.
It often indicates enjoying the fruits of your efforts and often indicates receiving financial rewards for your achievements.
Dreaming of growing potatoes – If you dreamed of growing potatoes, such as planting them and taking care of them, that is a good sign. It indicates the achievements of your plans and desires.
This dream reveals your methodic approach towards the accomplishment of your goals.
Dreaming of holding a potato in your hand – If you dreamed of holding a potato in your hand, that dream is a bit of a warning. You might soon receive some lucrative opportunity, possibly work related.
It is advisable to think fast and accept it because you might not get a second chance.
It could also indicate that you are a bit lazy when it comes to taking chances and missing opportunities because of that.
Dreaming of harvesting potatoes – If you dreamed of harvesting potatoes, that is a good sign. It could indicate someone helping you achieve your goals. It also indicates financial gains from your investments and past efforts.
Dreaming of mashed potato – If you dreamed of mashed potato, that dream possibly isn’t a good sign. It could indicate being concerned about your finances.
You probably had some expenses and now you don’t know how you will manage to cover some other obligations you have.
Dreaming of potato salad – If you dreamed of seeing or eating a potato salad, that dream is a good sign, but requires some efforts on your part to achieve success.
This dream is asking you to get organized and organize the people who will collaborate with you on some project you are currently involved, and such actions will ensure the success of your actions.
Dreaming of potato chips – If you dreamed of seeing or eating potato chips, that dream is a sign of short term luck. You might win some small gain on a game of chance or experience some minor luck in some situation.
The gain you will earn won’t last long and you will probably spend it soon or worse, lose it in the same game of chance.
Dreaming of a sack full of potatoes – If you dreamed of seeing or carrying a sack full of potatoes, that dream is a warning sign.
It could be a reminder to watch over your finances because you might need to set something aside in case you find yourself in some financial trouble.
Dreaming of baked or roasted potatoes – If you dreamed of baking or roasting potatoes, that dream is a good sign. It usually indicates your finances increasing over time.
Possibly you have made some investments and now you are beginning to reap the fruits of your efforts and risky activities.
Dreaming of a dish made of potatoes – If you dreamed of a dish made of potatoes, that dream is a good sign. It could indicate a fortunate surprise.
Sometimes this dream could indicate receiving a pay rise, a promotion, winning the lottery, and in some cases it could indicate inheriting something.
Unfortunately, not many people from your surroundings will be happy because of your luck.
Dreaming of a rotten potato – If you dreamed of a rotten potato, that dream is not a good sign. It usually reveals how lazy you are. Possibly you are prone to procrastinating and forgetting your duties.
This dream is a warning sign from your subconscious reminding you that it is time to wake up and take control over your life.
Rotten potatoes are often an indication of a period of conflicts and distress.
Sometimes this dream is a sign of ending of some relationship, or failing to finish some important project, or a project being rejected for not being good enough.
Dreaming of planting potatoes – If you dreamed of planting potatoes, that dream usually is a great sign. It is a sign of success in both your personal and private life. Sometimes it could indicate being offered a new job or being proposed. Dreams about planting potatoes are often a sign of business success. The success is always a result of hard work and efforts and it doesn’t fall into a person’s lap.
Dreaming of peeling potatoes – If you dreamed of peeling potatoes, that dream is not a good sign and it could indicate being humiliated by someone.
It is possible, that someone who doesn’t like you could try to deliberately put you in a situation where they will blame you for doing something wrong.
This dream warns you of the people from your surroundings. This dream can sometimes indicate reuniting with some old friends or acquaintances.
Dreaming of eating potatoes – If you dreamed of eating potatoes, that dream is a good sign and usually indicates the success of your efforts. It is often a sign of business success.
Dreaming of cooked potatoes – If you dreamed of seeing cooked potatoes, that dream is usually a sign of prosperity and success. It is a sign of satisfaction and contentment for everything you have in life.
This dream could be a reminder to appreciate all the blessings you have.
Dreaming of gathering potatoes – If you dreamed of gathering potatoes, that dream is a good sign. It is usually a sign of success. The size of the harvest determines the size of your success.
Dreaming of washing a dirty potato – If you dreamed of washing a dirty potato, that dream could not be a good sign, indicating being gossiped by someone. Sometimes it could be a sign of arguments and disagreements with people from your surroundings.
Dreaming of selling potatoes – If you dreamed of selling potatoes, that dream is a good sign related your job or business. It could indicate a career change that you will benefit from immensely.
Dreaming of frying potatoes – If you dreamed of frying potatoes, that is not a good sign. It is possible that your subconscious is warning you of your unhealthy diet and asking you to change it.
Dreaming of potatoes full of worms and bugs – If you dreamed of seeing potatoes full of worms and bugs, that dream is not a bad sign. It could indicate adapting to some new circumstances in your life.
The worms and bugs could indicate your doubts about the situation you are in and your subconscious is asking you to stop overthinking and look at the beneficial sides of your current circumstances.