Water in dreams is one of the most common dream symbols. It symbolizes our emotions and our subconscious content, especially when we dream about large bodies of water.
For the deciphering of a dream featuring water it is important to take into consideration the state of the water we dreamed about.
For example, crystal clear water symbolizes pure emotions, being in touch with your spirituality, etc. dirty water symbolizes negativity, emotional blocks, and repressed feelings, etc. cold water is a sign of emotional distance or lacking emotions, while hot water could be a sign of stirred up emotions, states of anger or rage, or emotional disbalance, etc.
If you dreamed of raging water, whether it was a sea, a lake, a river or the ocean, such a dream is usually disturbing and reveals a lot of emotional turmoil that’s been going on inside you behind a possibly calm and peaceful façade you have for the people around you.
Maybe you cannot control some important areas of your life and that disturbs you greatly.
While we often dream about water in any form and condition, dreams about walking on water are not as common.
The biblical story of Jesus walking on water is a symbolic presentation of faith that all is possible, even walking on the water surface, if one believes that.
These dreams are a positive sign in general and indicate your ability to deal with the obstacles you come across and managing to be successful in the end.
These dreams could sometime indicate the need to get in tune with your emotions and understand them better, so you can make the right decisions and choices about some significant life matters, especially regarding the matters of the heart.
A dream of walking on water could sometimes reveal your fears of not being able to get in touch with your emotions.
If you decided to walk on water, that usually means that you have control over your emotions, or the opposite, if someone pressured you to walk on water or you didn’t do it willingly, that dream reveals that you cannot control your emotions in real life for some reason.
Sometimes dreams about walking on water symbolize some problems you are currently facing and dealing with or the ones that are about to arise soon. Fortunately, this dream is an indication that you will be able to resolve these issues with ease.
Dream of Walking on Water – Interpretation and Meaning
Dreaming of walking on water – If you dreamed of walking on water without any additional details in the dream, that dream is a good sign, indicating good times awaiting you. This dream usually indicates being successful in all your current endeavors and plans. It is a sign of financial gains as well.
It also indicates new opportunities you might come across and asks you to make sure you use them wisely.
Dreaming of walking on deep water surface – If you dreamed of walking on deep water, that dream is a good sign, indicating your desire to put in the effort to create happiness and satisfaction in your family and everyday life.
Dreaming of walking with someone on the water surface – If you dreamed of walking on water surface with someone else, that dream is a good sign. This dream usually indicates falling in love soon. Be prepared because love is on its way.
Dreaming of walking on water with a close friend – If you dreamed of walking on water with a close friend beside you, that dream is usually a good sign. This dream often indicates receiving help from this friend in some very difficult situation you currently have. This situation will prove his love and loyalty towards you.
Dreaming of walking on water with your romantic partner – If you dreamed of walking on water surface with your romantic partner, that dream is a good sign, indicating a bright future for your relationship. If you have some current issues which are undermining your relationship, relax, because they will soon be resolved.
This dream could sometimes be an announcement of marriage between the two of you.
Dreaming of walking on turbulent waters – If you dreamed of walking on turbulent waters, that dream is usually a bad sign. It often symbolizes problems and obstacles you could soon encounter, either in your private or professional life. This dream is not a good sign for the beginning of anything new, which includes new romantic relationships or business ventures.
If you start something during this period it will most likely turn out to be a failure.
It would be best to wait patiently for this period to pass and the time comes to take action.
Dreaming of walking on calm waters – If you dreamed of walking on a calm water surface, that dream is a good sign. It usually indicates being happy and satisfied with your life. Most likely everything in your life is going exactly as you planned and now it’s time to sit and relax the fruits of your work and past efforts.
This dream is often a sign of contentment with the way things turned out in some situation.
It is a sign of stable and content romantic relationship and family life.
This dream confirms that your life is headed in the right direction thanks to your wise decisions, choices and actions.
Dreaming of running on water surface – If you dreamed of running on the water surface, that dream usually reveals your inner state. You might have a desire to move forward and progress in life, but you are not sure about the right steps you need to take on that journey. It could be a sign of being confused and not knowing which path to take.
This dream could also indicate having many opportunities to move forward and achieve your dreams but not using these opportunities in the right way, or missing them.
This dream is asking you to reassess your goals and decide on the actions you need to take to achieve them.
Dreaming of walking slowly on the water surface – If you dreamed of walking slowly on the river surface, this dream usually represents a warning about your attitude and behavior. Most probably you are inactive when it comes to accomplishing your life goals. You are slow in taking action and seizing opportunities and this dream is a reminder that you need to changes and go after your desires instead of feeling sorry for yourself for being a failure.
Dreaming of walking on water without shoes – If you dreamed of walking on water without any shoes on, this dream usually symbolizes being vulnerable in some situation. This dream could also indicate unintentionally hurting someone with your actions or words. Maybe this dream indicates that someone close is vulnerable for some reasons.
This dream is asking you to pay attention to your attitude, especially towards the people you love, so you don’t end up hurting them without meaning to.
Dreaming of walking on the river surface – If you dreamed of walking on the surface of a river, that dream usually indicates obstacles that your emotions are creating in your work. You have allowed emotions to mix with your work and now you are suffering the consequences of your acts.
This dream could also be a sign of a new love interest or improving the relationship with your current romantic partner.
Dreaming of walking on the surface of the ocean – If you dreamed of walking on the ocean surface, that dream usually a good sign, indicating fortunate opportunities coming your way, especially the ones which will enable you to increase your finances. These dreams often symbolize the beginning point of a major change in our lives.
It is a reminder to be attentive not to miss any opportunity.