Dreams About Clothes – Meaning and Interpretation

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Dreams about clothes are common dreams. They usually reveal your personality and the way you present yourself to the world.

They could also reflect how you want to be perceived by others and the way you see yourself.

Clothes in dreams often reveal your status and financial situation.

Often when you dream of clothes which don’t fit, or some clothes which aren’t your style, that dream might indicate your attempts to deceive others or present yourself different than you actually are.

These dreams often symbolize some situations or some things in your life which are inappropriate.

Dreams About Clothes – Interpretation and Meaning

Dreaming of buying clothes – If you dreamed of buying clothes, regardless if new or old, that dream often symbolically represents being stressed about trying to adapt to some new role in life, or adapt to some changes you are undergoing or which are about to happen soon.

Dreaming of trying on new clothes – If you dreamed of trying out new clothes, that dream is often a sign of currently undergoing some inner changes and discovering what feels best.

Dreaming of changing clothes – If you dreamed of changing clothes, that dream often indicates then need to somehow change your personality. This dream is often a sign of going through a process of change in your life or change in your personality.

Sometimes this dream indicates gaining a different perspective on you or attempts to present yourself different to others.

If you changed your clothes more than once, that dream possibly reveals your desire to change yourself in some way, or to adapt to some new role in your life.

Dreaming of wearing new clothes – If you wore new clothes in a dream, that dream usually symbolizes your changed personality. It could indicate changing the way you express yourself. Maybe you try hard to embrace some new beliefs or attitude and this dream reminds you to ask yourself if that is what you desire.

Dreaming of wearing clothes inappropriate for the occasion – If you dreamed of wearing inappropriate clothes in some occasion, that dream could indicate improper behavior in some situation. Maybe you feel unprepared for some circumstances or some duties you need to take.

Sometimes this dream indicates being uncomfortable in some situation or someplace.

Dreaming of wearing clothes which don’t fit – If you dreamed of wearing clothes which didn’t fit, that dream could indicate presenting yourself to others different than you actually are in reality. Sometimes this dream indicates that you are pretending to be someone else.

Dreaming of wearing different clothes from others – If you dreamed of being surrounded by a group of people who were all dressed differently from you, that dream could reveal your feeling of not belonging to some place or group, and feeling different from others.

This dream could sometimes indicate feeling as if others are against you for some reason, and sometimes it could symbolize opposing the opinion of the majority.

Dreaming of wearing torn or filthy clothes – If you dreamed of wearing clothes which were torn or filthy, that dream is usually a bad sign. This dream often signifies a damaged reputation.

Dreaming of wearing a blouse or a skirt – If you wore a blouse or a skirt, or you wore both items in you dream, that dream could symbolize being emotionally closed. For some reason you might be hiding your emotions and don’t letting someone in your life.

Dreaming of wearing clothes of the opposite sex – If you wore clothes of the opposite sex in a dream, that dream could indicate that you want to openly demonstrate some traits of the opposite sex, which exist in your personality.

Dreaming of wearing black clothes – If you dreamed of wearing black clothes and that isn’t something you often do, that dream could reveal your desire to blend in in some new situation or some new surroundings.

Dreaming of white clothes – If you dreamed of having all white clothes, that dream could be a message from your inner being to lighten a bit. Maybe you have been depressed lately and the dream is a reminder to change your mood and find the reason to be happy.

Dreaming of wearing white clothes – If you wore white clothes in a dream, that dream often isn’t a good sign. It could symbolize experiencing some significant changes in your life soon, with negative and unwanted consequences to your life.

If someone else was wearing white clothes in your dream, that dream is also a bad sign, usually symbolizing misfortune of some kind.

If you know the person wearing the white clothes in your dream that could indicate some misfortune that person could soon encounter, usually some health or financial issues.

Dreaming of washing clothes – If you dreamed of washing clothes, that dream could indicate your attempts to somehow change your personality, your habits, beliefs or the way you think. This dream could also indicate trying to present the best side of you to others.

Dreaming of clothes hanging on a hanger – If you dreamed of clothes hanging on a hanger, that dream could be a sign of changes you are going through, as well as your desire to demonstrate your new personality and traits to others. Often this dream indicates the need to change your style a bit or buy some new clothes to refresh your wardrobe.

Dreaming of clothes in the closet – If you dreamed of seeing clothes in the closet, that dream often symbolizes some hidden aspects of you, or some secrets about you that you are hiding from others.

Dreaming of a dress, or skirt – If you dreamed of seeing or wearing a dress or a skirt, that dream symbolizes expressing your femininity or the feminine side of your personality and reveals if you enjoy expressing it or being embarrassed and closed about them.

Dreaming of underwear – If you dreamed of wearing or seeing underwear, that dream often symbolizes your private matters, such as your secrets, desires and even the quality of your sex life.

Dreaming of a tie – If you dreamed of seeing or wearing a tie, that dream could indicate that something or someone makes you feel restricted somehow. Sometimes this dream indicates your inability to express yourself openly.

Dreaming of pants – If you dreamed of seeing or wearing pants, that dream could indicate how you express the private side of you or how you express your personality.

Dreaming of socks – If you dreamed of socks, that dream is a good sign, often symbolizing your good relationship with someone. Socks in dreams are a sign of comfort and ease.

Dreaming of baby clothes – If you dreamed of baby clothes, that dream is often a sign of outgrowing some thinking patterns or habits, or represents those outgrown thinking patterns and habits. Sometimes it could indicate beginning to express yourself in a more subtle way.

Dreaming of wearing an overcoat – If you dreamed of wearing an overcoat, that dream could reveal that you are hiding your true personality and emotions from other people or from someone.

Dreaming of loose clothes – If you dreamed of wearing or seeing loose clothes, that dream often signifies that you feel inadequate in some situation, or that you have a low self – esteem.

Dreaming of tight clothes – If you dreamed of seeing or wearing some tight clothes, that dream could be a sign of feeling restricted in some way. This dream is often a sign feeling limited in some area of your life, usually at work or in your romantic relationship.

