Dreams About Elevators – Interpretation and Meaning

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Elevators are not a common dream motif, but, when they do occur, they could be a metaphor for your emotions or life events. Elevators are metaphorically used to describe things in a person’s life, going upwards or downwards. Elevators symbolize success and failure, retreat and leading, uprising or losing power and many more. Elevators have a dual symbolism and are quite strong motifs in both reality and dreams, when used as a metaphor.

People would often describe certain events in their lives through a metaphor of an elevator.

The meaning of an elevator related dream will depend on many factors, but there is one that possibly decides the further course of interpretation. The crucial thing to think of is the direction of the elevator’s movement.

Meanings of dreams about elevators are easier to understand if you think about whether the elevator was moving up or down. The next important thing is to determine where you were in the dream.

Were you inside the elevator or you have only seen it? All details are important as well. Were you alone in the elevator? If not, who was with you? Was it a human being at all? Did the elevator work properly or was it broken? Did you know where you were going by that elevator?

You see, there are many details that we are likely to skip and focus only on the essence of a dream. However, these details are helpful in interpreting the deeper meaning behind dreams.

Dreams about elevators are fairly rare, compared to other types of dreams in which you are going somewhere, using certain technological assistance or a vehicle.

Situations and emotions from our waking life often reflect on our dreams or dreams serve as a channel to exercise those thoughts and feelings we are unaware in reality.

Either way, dreams are useful and very helpful, especially those with strong motifs, such as elevators are. If you had a dream about an elevator, thoroughly think about your current life circumstances.

Do you feel as if you are heading to a good direction and your intuition is telling you you are doing fine?

In that case, you have probably had a dream about a properly functioning elevator moving upwards. The interpretation can vary, but that could be an extremely positive sign and vice versa.

If you feel sad and hopeless, it is likely that you would dream about a broken elevator, an elevator going down or so.

Dreams about elevators

Okay, we have seen some of the basic meanings about elevator related dreams. The thing is, elevators in a person’s dream are usually a metaphor for that person’s emotional state.

Many times, we are unaware if there is something that makes us feel restless in reality.

Dreams about elevators could help us recognize such things and eventually solve them in our waking life. For example, a person feels sad, but still cannot figure out why exactly.

If you dream about an elevator in a negative context, for example a broken one or the one going down, it definitely reflects your emotional state at the time of the dream. In that case, an elevator is a metaphor for negative emotions, such as feeling of hopelessness, helplessness, sadness, aimlessness and so on.

Think about details from the elevator; advertisement stickers, buttons and their numbers and so on. Perhaps there is a detail that will give you an easily recognizable sign and help you understand what are problems you should focus on solving in reality.

This was just an example; in following paragraphs, we will go into more details and instructions on interpretations of this type of dreams.

You can also feel good in your waking life, of course, and in that case, you would probably dream about a clean, bright elevator taking you to higher floors.

It could be a reflection of your possible job promotion, financial or social success, positive emotions in general, bold decisions and so on.

Dreams about seeing an elevator

If you dream about seeing an elevator, the dream is a reflection of your waking life dreams, fantasies, desires and possible plans.

You wish to advance and succeed in life, but still no idea how to make your ideas come true. You probably have some good ideas about what would you like to do, even how it could be possible to achieve, but you are still waiting for the right opportunity.

At this moment, you are observing. You see the door to your possible success, but are still uncertain about whether to step through it or not. This dream is a good one, in general.

Especially if the elevator seems to work properly.

However, if you just stand there for long, looking people coming out or entering the elevator, it reflects your insecurity, lack of true motivation, lack of self-confidence.

Do not wait too long; patience is golden, but you could also miss out many good opportunities, if you never dare to enter the elevator, metaphorically speaking.

You, perhaps, feel insecure about your decisions, before you have actually made any of them.

You are afraid whether the elevator would take you up or down and you feel as if you are not the one to press the desired button. Try to be more self-confident in reality; you do not have much to lose, really.

Even if you fail, the elevator of your life will find a way to take you up again. Just believe you can, do not be afraid of the uncertainty of life that much.

Dreams about going up by an elevator

Dreams in which you are going up by an elevator are positive dreams. It is a good sign for all aspects of your life, but it is most likely limited to your professional and financial success.

This dream means you are doing fine and that you are successful in your working environment, in the first place. It could even symbolically imply to a new, better job position or a higher salary. This dream also means your plans and ideas are going to be brought to life.

Dreams about an elevator taking you up symbolically represent achievement, big plans, new goals, success, glory and fortune. This dream represents you as an independent, self-reliant and very capable individual.

If you are alone in the elevator, it is a warning sign of a solitude great success brings along. If you are with other people, it means you fit well in your social surroundings and you have a prominent place amongst people.

However, if the elevator is crowded and going up, it means you have to work really hard to get on top. There are many other competitors for a position you would like to win, for example.

Not that others are trying to bring you down, but you will have to prove your skills and talents, in order to others recognize your potential. Ad astra per aspera, the Latin proverb says.

You should get down to work and it will definitely pay off.

Dreams about going down by an elevator

Dreams about an elevator descending are usually reflections of negative emotions and situations.

If you find yourself alone in an elevator going down slowly, it reflects your current, sad state of mind and your feelings. You are losing hope things could get better in your life and you lack energy and motivation to change things.

Long story short, you are in a phase of surrendering to your dark thoughts. However, this dream could wake you up and make you realize it is not where you want to be.

If you dream about an elevator going down and being inside it with someone you know, it means a family tragedy, loss of financial sources, loss of home or any similar type of mutual crisis.

However, you are not alone; you have each other to support one another.

The dream is to remind you you should wake up and use all of your strength in order to at least start looking at the life differently. The most important thing to note is that there are others who need help and support, as well.

If the elevator is crowded and is heading down, it symbolically represent a situation in which many people will suffer together. It sounds scary, but it does not have to be a great tragedy.

For example, it could reflect your fear of the workplace you are at is going to close, so you and your colleagues will lose jobs. On the other hand, it could also mean that all students are about to fail an exam or something minor.

Dreams about a broken elevator

If you dream about a broken elevator that does not react to any button, kicking or anything else you do, but you are not being stuck inside it, it is a good warning sign type of dream.

It means you should abandon certain plan or ideas, because those will definitely not lead you anywhere.

There are many pointless ideas and decisions we make, but it is never too late to switch opinions.

You are stubborn, however, so you do not give up, until it proves what you were thinking is simply useless.

Dreams about being stuck in an elevator

If you dream about being stuck inside an elevator, it means you are stuck in certain situation in your life and you cannot see the way out. It is, usually, a rather unpleasant than a scary or really threatening situation, but it drives you crazy.

For example, you cannot see the way out from a minor financial crisis or you cannot finish a project or you have an argument with a dear person and it is still unresolved.

However, if you dream about having spent long time in a broken elevator, it means you are in serious problems in real life. You have piled up many problems and you are suffocating.

This dream could be a reflection of extremely intense feelings of being helpless, manipulated and controlled by others. You cannot just press the button and make the elevator move; you need others help.

This dream could also mean you should be less proud of yourself and ask others for advice or help.

