Floods are overflows of water covering areas normally not covered by water. They could occur as overflows of water from lakes, rivers, seas, oceans, etc. because the water for some reason leaves its natural boundaries. They could also be a result of accumulation of rainwater on the ground.
Floods are very dangerous and can cause great damage to property and cause human casualties as well.
In dreams, floods are also a bad sign, often symbolizing damage and the destruction of your property or something valuable. Dreams about floods can be very unpleasant. Because water symbolizes emotions and flood represents uncontrollable amounts of water wiping out all on its way, these dreams often reveal your current emotional state.
You are most likely overwhelmed with some strong emotions or stressed about something in your life.
The size of the flood also reveals a lot about your emotional wellbeing. If the flood was very serious and dangerous, such dream reveals turbulent times in your life.
If, instead, the flood wasn’t as big, this dream could symbolize that you have exaggerated reactions and emotions about something in your life you consider important.
A flood in a dream could announce a period of hardships approaching. This dream could as well be a sign of illness in your family or your own illness. You should think of this dream as a warning to pay attention to your health.
Often a dream about a flood signifies repressed feelings and emotions. Maybe you are repressing your feelings towards someone. This dream could signify something excessive in your life, like too much of someone or something for you to handle.
Dreams about floods could reveal a desire for changes and new beginnings in some areas of your life. It could also be a sign of resolving some emotional issues soon so you can have some fresh start.
Flood in a dream often announces the end of difficulties and struggle in your life, especially if the water was clear and not muddy and murky. These dreams, especially if they are recurring, could reveal your fears of possible drowning.
A dream of house flooding could be a very disturbing dream and usually a bad sign for the person dreaming it. It usually signifies emotional conflicts and struggles you are experiencing internally or regarding someone else.
Dreams About Flood – Meaning and Interpretation
Dreaming about a flood in general – If you saw a flood in your dream, without many other additional details, such dream could symbolize something excessive and in large amounts coming into your life. That excess could be good or bad, for example, it could mean, a lot of money, but also a lot of disturbances and worries.
You should try to remember as much details from your dream, so you could figure out if the overall meaning of your dream was good or bad.
Dreaming about observing a flood raging – If you dreamed about a flood raging in all its power, you should consider such a dream as a warning and a reminder to go through your emotions and feelings. You probably have some repressed emotions which you refuse to deal with and which are blocking your progress forward.
In some cases, this dream reveals your feelings of worry, even desperation about something in your life you aren’t able to control.
This dream could also symbolize your behavior towards someone. You might be imposing your opinions and beliefs on others and being too demanding in your approach towards them.
In some cases, this dream signifies your need to release the past and create space for new beginnings.
Dreaming about a big flood – If you observed a very big flood in your dream, such dream is a good sign. This dream indicates the release of your repressed emotions and frustration and establishing emotional balance.
Dreaming about a slow rising flood – If you observed a flood slowly rising in your dream, this is usually a good sign. This dream could signify the end of your problems and worries in the near future without you putting in much effort.
Dreaming about observing a flood from a distance – If you dreamed of a flood you observed from a distance, this dream could symbolize something happening in your life and changing it significantly. The events which might happen might also change your personality completely.
Dreaming about fast approaching flood water – If you observed flood water, approaching fast towards you in your dream, such dream might indicate some changes happening in your life and your inability to adapt to these changes quick enough. This dream could signify feeling stuck in some situation or feeling as if your life is stagnant.
Dreaming about a rising flood – If you observed flood water, rising in your dream, such dream usually isn’t a good sign. This dream might symbolize bad things happening to you in the near future, usually something like exhausting court proceedings you don’t have much use from.
Often this dream symbolizes illness and warns you to take care of your wellbeing.
Dreaming about flood water carrying you away – If you dreamed about being in flood water, the water carrying you away and not being able to save yourself, such dream usually isn’t a good sign. It could be a warning to pay attention to your wellbeing. This dream could be a sign of health issues you might have.
In some cases, this dream could indicate stagnation in your career. Sometimes, this dream could be a sign you are annoying others with the way you behave and your attitude.
Dreaming about flood water carrying away other people – If you observed other people being carried away by flood water in your dream, such dream is usually a bad sign. It could symbolize challenges and obstacles you might soon encounter. This dream could signify major disappointments and losses as well.
Dreaming about flood water carrying debris – If you dreamed about flood water carrying debris, such dream could be a warning about someone’s attempt to ruin your reputation and gossiping about you. This dream reminds you to watch the people around you and consider which ones you can trust.
Dreaming about being jeopardized by flood water – If you were jeopardized by flood water in your dream, such dream isn’t a good sign, and usually signifies losses, damage, and changes for the worse you might soon experience.
Dreaming about being surrounded by flood water – If you were surrounded by flood water in your dream, such dream usually isn’t a good sign, possibly indicating feeling sexually repressed or overwhelmed by strong emotions and feelings. In some cases, this dream reveals your feelings of despair, usually emotional.
It is a reminder to confront these issues because they interfere with your emotional balance.
Dreaming about land full of flood water – If you dreamed of seeing a land full of flood water, such dream is usually a sign of peace and tranquility you are feeling. It might be an announcement of a peaceful period in your life after some struggles and difficulties you have encountered in the past.
Dreaming about your house being full of flood water and collapsing under pressure – If you dreamed about being inside your house which was full of flood water, and your house collapsed under the water pressure, such dream isn’t a good sign. This dream usually indicates troubles caused by overspending. You should consider it as a warning to begin paying attention to your spending habits and organize your expenses better.
It might also signify someone’s jealousy and attempts to harm you in some way soon.
If the water started to recede in your dream, such dream could indicate your inability to deal with some bad issues or circumstances you are experiencing. If you cleaned the flood water from your house, such dream could be a sign of successfully dealing with issues and difficulties you currently have.
Dreaming about your house destroyed by flood water – If you dreamed about flood water destroying your house, such dream usually isn’t a good sign, symbolizing family issues. In some cases it indicates arguments and conflicts with your family members. This dream reminds you to resolve all issues you have with the loved ones.
Confront them and deal with them for good so you can continue with your peaceful existence. Sometimes, this dream symbolizes being emotionally overwhelmed.
Dreaming about flood water outside your home – If you dreamed of flood water being outside your home, such dream could indicate your anxiousness and being overwhelmed with strong emotions caused by some issues you cannot deal with easily.
This dream could signify your exaggeration in many situations, as well as not being able to control your reactions in important moments, especially when deciding about significant life matters.
Dreaming about flooded houses – If you observed flooded houses in your dream, such dream is a sign of being emotionally calm. Sometimes, this dream could indicate being in debt for some family and domestic issues.
Dreaming about standing in flood water – If you dreamed about standing in flood water such dream is usually a bad sign. This dream could indicate challenges and obstacles you might soon encounter and the need to confront them. This dream could signify problems with your assets, as well as some real estate.
Dreaming about escaping a flood – If you were able to escape a flood in your dream, such dream is a good sign. This dream is usually indicating being able to resolve problems you have.
Dreaming about a flooded city – If you saw a flooded city in your dream, such dream is usually a bad sign. This dream symbolizes bad things happening in your life soon, causing you suffer and pain.
Dreaming about flood water destroying cities on its way – If you dreamed of flood water destroying cities on its pathway such dream isn’t a good sign. It is a sign of misfortune and disasters, global or individual. It might symbolize the detriment of someone you care about.
Such dream might be warning you of possible negative circumstances and events happening in your life, like health issues, family problems, relationship problems, problems at work, etc.
You should view this dream as a warning to try to prevent these events from happening or at least minimize their consequences if you can.
Dreaming about a river flooding the area – If you observed a river flooding the surrounding area or you were a victim of such flood, this dream should be considered a bad sign, symbolizing misfortune and disastrous events happening in your life soon. Someone close to you might attack you or behave badly towards you, making you distance yourself from that person.
If the flooded river blocked your path, preventing you from going where you desire, such dream isn’t a good sign either, indicating negative events happening soon in your life, possibly in your work environment.
This dream could also symbolize ruining your reputation because of some reckless act you will make.
Dreaming about garbage and feces coming out of the sewer during a flood – If you dreamed of observing garbage and feces coming out of the sewer which was caused by a flood, such dream is a bad sign, usually indicating feeling mistreated or disrespected by somebody.