People often dream about shoes. They are our everyday piece of clothing and it’s inevitable that they appear in our dreams as well. These dreams usually have good meaning.
Dreams about shoes might reveal your desire for changes, or changing the direction of your life completely.
In some cases, dreams about shoes might symbolize the spiritual path you are on and the development of your spirituality.
They could symbolize your professional success and progress or your plans for the future.
It’s important to remember as much details so you could better interpret your dream. Also, the type of shoes you have dreamed about is very important.
For example, if you dreamed of boots, they could symbolize your decisiveness about some matter. Slippers might indicate feeling comfortable in some situation. Sandals also symbolize comfort, etc.
Dreams About Shoes – Interpretation and Meaning
Dreaming of wearing shoes – If you dreamed of wearing shoes, regardless of the type of shoes you had on, this dream should be considered a good sign. A dream about wearing shoes often indicates traveling somewhere soon.
This dream could also indicate encountering some challenges soon, but fortunately being able to overcome them easily.
Dream of wearing shoes could also symbolize you as a practical and realistic person.
Dreaming about wearing dirty or ragged shoes – If you dreamed you had ragged or dirty shoes on your feet, such a dream is usually a bad sign. It might be a warning from your subconscious about possible attacks from your rivals and enemies because of your tendency to talk much and reckless behavior.
This dream could also indicate being ashamed or disgraced for some reason in the near future.
Dreaming about shoes becoming dirty and old – If you dreamed of wearing shoes which suddenly turned dirty and old looking, such a dream is not a good sign. It might reveal your habit of criticizing others and provoking negative reactions from people because of that.
Dreaming about new shoes – If you wore new shoes in your dream, such a dream is a good sign. It usually indicates acquiring wealth and abundance, unexpected gains and profit, increase in finance, lucky investments, etc. In some cases, this dream could reveal being indecisive about some travel plans.
It could also indicate moving to a foreign country or going on a trip soon.
Dreaming of old shoes – If you dreamed about an old pair of shoes, such a dream usually isn’t a good sign. It might symbolize some unpleasant events or challenges ahead. In some cases, this dream symbolizes your good relationships with family members and friends, and your efforts in maintaining these relationships.
Dreaming of tight shoes – If you dreamed about wearing tight shoes and not being able to move properly, such a dream is a bad sign. It might indicate possible betrayal by someone close. In some cases, this dream could be a sign of a failure of some current activities.
Dreaming about wearing shoes which don’t fit you properly – If you wore shoes which didn’t fit you in your dream, you should consider such dream as a reminder to be honest about your feelings and desires. Let them lead you.
Dreaming of wearing someone’s shoes – If you dreamed of wearing someone’s shoes, such a dream is usually a bad sign. This dream might reveal your desire to be like the person whose shoes you wore in the dream. It might also be a sign of ending a friendship.
Dreaming about wearing new shoes someone gave to you – If you wore new shoes someone gave to you in a dream, such a dream usually is a good sign. It might represent the satisfaction and harmony you are experiencing in your life currently.
Dreaming of wearing wet shoes – If you dreamed of wearing wet shoes, such a dream usually isn’t a good sign. It might indicate experiencing betrayal from your partner, or your partner being insincere or lying to you. This dream might also indicate some lies and gossip your enemies are telling others about you.
Dreaming about wearing wrong shoes for the occasion – If you dreamed about wearing the wrong shoes in some occasion, such a dream could reveal not being prepared for something in your life. It might also be a sign of your inconformity and refusing to fulfill the expectations of other people.
Dreaming about being without shoes – If you dreamed you didn’t have shoes on your feet, such a dream could often indicate your easy going personality. This dream could also indicate having a low self – esteem, and lacking confidence in your abilities. Sometimes, this dream symbolizes poverty or lack of support and security.
Dreaming about a new pair of shoes – If you dreamed about a new pair of shoes such a dream is a good sign, and a symbol of self – confidence. This dream could also indicate selfishness and possessiveness towards your things. In some cases, this dream is an indicator of some important social events you might soon be invited to.
Often this dream signifies success in your professional endeavors or business.
Dreaming about buying a new pair of shoes – If you dreamed of buying a new pair of shoes, such a dream is usually a good sign. This dream often symbolizes fortunate changes happening soon in your life. Maybe this dream symbolizes your desire to make some changes in your life or begin something anew.
Often this dream symbolizes long distant journeys you will soon go to.
Dreaming about taking off your shoes and putting on a new pair – If you dreamed of putting on a new pair of shoes after taking of your shoes, such a dream could symbolize changes happening in your life. Maybe you will be forced to take over someone’s responsibilities and duties, at work or at home.
This dream could also symbolize changing your job, getting married, ending a relationship, etc.
Sometimes this dream symbolizes the change in your behavior.
Dreaming about shoes you bought recently – If you dreamed about some shoes you recently bought, such dream is a good sign, often indicating travelling somewhere soon.
Dreaming about someone stealing your shoes – If you dreamed of someone stealing your shoes in a dream, such a dream could both be a good as well as a bad sign. This dream might indicate losses as well as gains.
Dreaming of losing your shoes – If you dreamed of losing your shoes, such a dream usually isn’t a good sign. This dream often symbolizes the end of some relationship. Sometimes this dream could symbolize rejecting to move forward from some situation in your life. It could also indicate refusing someone’s love offer.
In some cases, this dream indicates the need to put in more effort in maintaining some important relationship in your life.
Dreaming about others loving your new shoes – If you dreamed of having a new pair of shoes which other people loved very much, such a dream is a possible warning to watch out for other people’s motives, especially the ones you have recently met.
Dreaming about receiving a pair of new shoes from someone – If you dreamed of receiving a new pair of shoes from someone, such a dream is a good sign. This dream could symbolize helping someone in the near future.
Dreaming about high heels shoes – If you dreamed about high heels shoes, such a dream could indicate relocating abroad for work purpose.
Dreaming about having your shoes mended – If you dreamed of having your shoes mended, such a dream is a bad sign. It could symbolize difficulties you won’t easily overcome.
Dreaming about a closet full of shoes – If you dreamed of a closet full of shoes, such a dream could refusing to accept some parts of your personality.
Dreaming about tying your shoelaces – If you dreamed of putting your shoes on and trying shoelaces, such a dream is a good sign. It often indicates your readiness for major changes in your life and some new beginnings.
Dreaming about taking your shoes off your feet – If you dreamed of taking your shoes off, such a dream isn’t a good sign, often symbolizing the end of your current relationship.
Dreaming about one shoe – If you dreamed about one shoe, such a dream could indicate that someone wants you. For single women, this dream could indicate that someone is in love with them.
Dreaming of white shoes – If you dreamed about white shoes, such a dream is a good sign. This dream could indicate meeting someone new, getting married or relocating.
Dreaming of red shoes – If you dreamed about red shoes, such a dream isn’t a good sign, and could symbolize relationship problems.
Dreaming of black shoes – If you dreamed about black shoes, such a dream isn’t a good sign. This dream could be an indication of death of a family member. It could also signify major disagreements with someone close.