Dreams About Lightning – Meaning and Interpretation

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Lightning is an electrostatic discharge, occurring between electrically charged regions of two clouds or between the charged regions of the ground and a cloud, which usually happens during a thunderstorm.

These discharges are called lightning flashes. Lightning can sometimes occur at a great distance and in that case it could only be seen and not heard.

Lightings are powerful forces of nature. They are a symbol of raw, uncontrolled energy and power. In dreams, they are a powerful symbol with a great significance for the dreamer.

Lightning can cause great devastation if it hits an object. Because of that, dreams about lightning can symbolize destruction as well as the creation of things. These dreams are often a sign of imminent changes that are about to happen.

Maybe this dream is a message from your subconscious to get rid of some things and people, to create the space for new people and things to come into your life. These dreams often indicate getting rid of something old and getting something new.

Lightning in dreams often reflects the state of your inner being and your current emotions.

These dreams often reveal your feelings about something. In some cases, this dream could indicate solving some problems unexpectedly easily. Sometimes it is a sign of sudden inspiration and good ideas.

Sometimes these dreams could be an announcement of major conflicts and arguments you could soon experience, usually among family members or other people that are close to you.

These dreams could also have the opposite meaning, indicating pleasurable moments spent in the company of family members and friends.

Often these dreams could be an announcement of danger you could soon experience. Maybe you already are in danger but you are not aware of that.

Often these dreams indicate release of accumulated pressure. Maybe you have been under a lot of stress lately, or you have the need to release some piled up tension. You probably need to get it out of yourself because you might explode.

In some cases dreams about lightning could indicate experiencing something shocking and unexpected.

Sometimes a flash of lightning in a dream could indicate the unexpected beginning of a love affair. You could meet a new romantic interest or it could indicate the renewal of love between you and your current romantic partner.

This dream could sometimes be a sign of traumatic and shocking events or turnovers. Maybe you will experience some changes which will completely change your life.

Sometimes this dream reveals your feelings about some changes you have experienced and you cannot do anything about. Sometimes this dream only symbolizes being surprised by some unexpected events or changes in your life.

Dreams about lightning are often a sign of the beginning of a spiritual awakening.

Dreams About Lightning – Interpretation and Meaning

Dreaming of lightning striking – If you saw a lightning strike, that dream is often a sign of some unexpected events you could soon experience. It often indicates encountering some strange circumstances, or at least different than the ones you have expected. Sometimes this dream indicates that something you considered impossible will happen.

Dreaming of seeing lightning – If you dreamed of seeing lightning, that dream often is a good sign, but signifies short-term happiness. This dream often indicates experiencing minor strokes of good luck, but they won’t change much in your life.

Dreaming of lightning striking you – If you were struck by lightning in a dream, that dream could be considered a bad omen and indicating conflicts and disagreements with family members, friends, colleagues, or other people that are close to you. This dream is a warning to you to pay attention to your attitude towards others, especially your words because you might soon say something which will offend someone gravely.

Sometimes this dream indicates other people involving you in their quarrels and dramas they are experiencing in their lives.

This dream could also indicate finally realizing something in some situation.

You could suddenly discover a solution to some long- term problem. Often this dream indicates fortunate changes in your life.

Dreaming of lightning striking your romantic partner – If you dreamed that your romantic partner was struck by lightning, that dream is not a good sign. It often indicates issues you have with your partner. These issues are often sexual in nature. Maybe you and your partner argued or had a disagreement about something and you still haven’t resolved the matter you were quarreling about.

Dreaming of lighting striking someone – If you dreamed that your partner was struck by lightning, that dream is usually a bad sign. This dream often indicates worsening of the situation between you and someone close to you. Someone might blame you for something bad that this person is experiencing.

Dreaming of lightning striking above you – If you dreamed that lightning stroke just above your head, that dream is a good sign. It often symbolizes financial gains and increase in finances. You probably won’t have to move your finger and the money will be coming in. This dream announces a prosperous and happy times ahead.

Dreaming of lightning striking your house – If you experienced lightning striking your house in a dream and damaging it, that dream is a bad sign. It could indicate experiencing some tragedy in your family or regarding some family members. The consequences will be negative and long-lasting.

Dreaming of lightning striking an object close to you – If you dreamed that lightning stroke an object standing very close to you, that dream is not a good sign. It often indicates being unpleasantly surprised by some news you will hear by some people close to you.

Dreaming of being someplace where lightning strikes – If you dreamed of finding yourself in some place where lightning stroke, and you remained unharmed, that dream is a very good sign. It often indicates falling in love with someone who might shake your world. This dream often signifies love at first sight.

Dreaming of being illuminated by lightning – If you dreamed of being near lightning which illuminated your entire body, that dream often isn’t a good sign. This dream usually indicates being disappointed about something. You might hear some bad news and get disappointed because you expected to hear something nice.

Dreaming of seeing lightning illuminating someone – If you dreamed of seeing lightning illuminating someone, that dream is not a good sign. This dream often signifies that you could become a victim of someone’s gossip. Possibly someone is jealous of you and will try to ruin your reputation by spreading false information about you.

Dreaming of seeing lightning across the sky – If you dreamed of seeing lighting illuminating a dark sky, that dream is often a bad sign. This dream often signifies misfortune and difficulties you could encounter and won’t be able to resolve easily. Something could possibly be bothering you, and you can’t seem to resolve that issue in your life.

This dream could also indicate the possibility of being betrayed or deceived by someone regarding some financial issues. This dream warns you to be alert about other people’s motives towards you.

Often this dream is a sign of losses and challenges and feeling bad because of that.

Dreaming of lightning causing a fire – If you dreamed that lighting caused a fire, that dream often indicates the possibility of meeting some person who will become very important in your life.

Dreaming of hearing a thunder and seeing lightning – If you dreamed of hearing a thunder and seeing lightning, that dream could be a warning sign. This dream could be asking you to think about your priorities and focus on them first. There is a possibility that you are wasting a lot of energy on unimportant things and end up lacking energy and time for the things that really matter to you.

Dreaming of lightning causing damage – If you dreamed of lightning causing damage to something or someone, that dream is not a good sign. It often indicates your confusion and being distracted by something. You could be occupied with some issues which is taking all your attention. Maybe you are in love, and you keep thinking about your loved one, forgetting about everything and everyone else.

This dream is asking you to get back to reality and begin focusing yourself.

You cannot forget all your obligations because of your obsession with something or someone.

Dreaming of seeing lightning emerging from a cloud – If you dreamed of seeing lightning, emerging from a cloud, that dream is usually a very good sign, and indicates abundance and prosperity coming into your life. This dream is a sign of the end of your financial troubles. It is often a sign of a happy period without difficulties and worries.

In some cases, this dream symbolizes some issue from the past arising again because you need to finally confront it and deal with it for good.

Dreaming of lightning blinding you – If you dreamed of seeing lighting which blinded you, that dream is a good sign. This dream often indicates fortunate new opportunities which will enable you to progress financially and in your social life as well.

