One of the most frequent nightmares is related to kidnappings, but to find its interpretation you have to be very attentive to what happens in the dream.
Dreaming that you are a hostage speaks of an influence able personality and also of the toxic people around you.
Discover in our dream dictionary all the related meanings of dreaming that you are a hostage.
When you have a nightmare the first thing you want is to wake up and forget it as soon as possible, but it is better to try to remember the dream to find its meaning that can help you feel better.
Dreaming that you are a hostage is one of those frequent nightmares in which you are kidnapped. Attentive because it may indicate a lack of character.
You may dream that you are a hostage because you feel vulnerable and fear certain dangers.
But generally the interpretation of this dream refers to your influence able personality, that you allow yourself to be handled by other people and that you are more comfortable in the role of an obedient and accommodating person.
Check if this is your case because you may have problems with your self-esteem.
Dream of Being Held Hostage – Meaning
We often find out about hostage-taking from the news on television or on the radio. Usually the hostage-taker holed up with his hostages. He makes demands and threatens the murder of the prisoner in the event of non-compliance. Classically, this is a ransom extortion.
In some cases the police and the special task force manage to negotiate with the hostage-taker and persuade him to give up and thus to release his hostages.
If a peaceful solution is not possible, the hostage is forcibly freed. In many cases, however, this results in the death of the hostage taker.
Dreaming about being held hostage can be very confusing when you wake up.
However, before you become too worried about the meaning of this dream symbol, you should read through the possible interpretations carefully. The dream interpretation helps to bring a little “light into the darkness” of your dream.
To dream of a hostage-taking is certainly not one of the most beautiful dream situations. If the dreaming himself is the hostage who is being held hostage by another person against their will, it can point out that one may feel restricted in his freedom in the waking world and on the other hand like to make oneself a victim of the situation quickly.
The dreaming can be taken away from others.
On the other hand, however, this often gives him the feeling that when questions are passed over a long period of time, he is not heard.
A hostage-taking in the dream can also raise the question in which relationships there are difficulties in the life of the dreaming person. In a partnership it can quickly get too close and too tight, so that one feels constricted and crushed.
Possession or jealousy are also aspects that can be expressed by a dreamed hostage-taking and make the dreaming person feel like they are a prisoner in their own relationship.
In order to find the right interpretation here, however, one should definitely take into account the personal circumstances and not immediately attack the partner with accusations.
It can also happen that you yourself are the hostage-taker in the dream and another person is our prisoner. In this case, in the awake life, one tends to push through one’s own interests with violence or defiance.
This dream situation can make clear to the dreaming his reckless and egoistic behavior. The desires and needs are a first priority and we try to satisfy them by all means.
Even if this means that he harms other people with his behavior and restricts this in their ability to act.
If one observes during the dream how other people are taken hostage, from the point of view of the psychological dream interpreter, dying can be the attempt of the subconscious not to be able or not to express properties in full.
Everyone has aspects that they dislike and are therefore reluctant to reveal. However, whether these are actually “destructive” parts or are only subjectively regarded as unsightly, the dreaming should and can only decide for himself.
Being kidnapped is certainly something that no one would like to experience. A mostly stranger overwhelms someone and forcibly robs them of their freedom. This usually involves the use of force, as it is human nature to defend oneself against the attacker.
On a transcendent level, the dream image of “taking hostages” is a symbol for the circumcision and restriction of free will. In real life one associates fear and horror with it.
But what about when a kidnapping occurs in a dream? Experienced clairvoyants and fortune tellers will tell you the true meaning of your kidnapping dream.
The media is full of bad news, and reports of hostage-taking, rampage and kidnapping are mounting. Such shocking events can keep you busy for a long time – and even occur in dreams.
A kidnapping dream is not necessarily preceded by a real experience, a kidnapping in a dream can therefore have very different meanings. Are you the perpetrator who kidnaps someone in a dream – or are you held captive by someone in a dream? Read more about the dream symbol “kidnapping”.
As a rule, a kidnapping dream consists of at least two people: the kidnapper and the kidnap victim. As a dreaming you can take on one of these two roles – but also act as a silent observer. Whether you are the active or passive part in your dream has a high priority in dream interpretation.
However, the other animals or people involved as well as the perpetrator’s request – for example a ransom – are also important.
Are you the perpetrator – so kidnap someone in a dream – that means in the simplest case that you want to influence another person? However, this dream situation can also indicate that you want more control in your life – and that you sometimes achieve this with unfair means.
To hold someone captive in a dream means that you are too dominant towards others. You are too ambitious and want to achieve your goals with all your might – even if your interpersonal relationships suffer as a result.
So it is with the dream interpretation hostage taking: The more people you take hostage in the dream, the greater your thirst for power.
If you only appear marginally in your dream, so to speak as a silent observer, this indicates suppressed feelings in the waking life. The message of this kidnapping dream: Stand up for yourself and stand by your feelings.
You can also experience your own kidnapping in your dream. To be held by someone in a dream indicates powerlessness, great fears and emotional dependence. Can you escape from kidnapping in a dream, you have to work hard for your successes. Ultimately, however, you will regain control of your life.
Are you afraid of being abandoned by your partner or another family member? Or have you been thinking about parting with your partner for a long time – but keep putting off this decision?
In the psychological interpretation of a kidnapping dream, the role of the dreamer is primarily considered: the kidnapper, i.e. the active part, has control over the situation, the victim, i.e. the passive part, is defenseless. Applied to the waking life, this means: It’s about control and the fear of being abandoned and the associated loss of control.
Dream of Being Held Hostage – Symbolism
The dreaming distances himself from the unpredictable world of feelings and would like to keep everything under control in this area as well. The dream indicates this fact to the dreaming and asks him to let go of something, to relax and to open to his feelings.
To dream of a hostage-taking is certainly not one of the most beautiful dream situations. If the dreaming himself is the hostage who is being held hostage by another person against their will, it can point out that one may feel restricted in his freedom in the waking world and on the other hand like to make oneself a victim of the situation quickly.
Exaggerated ambition is another common cause of dreams depicting a kidnapper. Ambition leads to reckless behavior in the waking world.
It is probably a warning dream that contains the message that one should back off and not enforce everything by force.
Possibly the dreaming abuses other people to get further up on the career ladder or uses it to achieve other goals.
As mentioned at the beginning, the kidnapper is not the kidnapper’s actual target. This brings the victim into his power in order to achieve another goal. By their very nature, kidnapping dreams are about at least two people.
One is the dreaming who can act as a perpetrator, victim or observer. In order to be able to speak of a kidnapping and not of a pure captivity, an opponent is of course also needed, who takes on the role that the dreaming does not play.
The other person can be someone from their own environment, a stranger or a completely unknown or unrecognizable figure.
If one recognizes his kidnapper or his kidnapping victim, the person in the dream can refer to the real person in the waking world.
If you kidnap a work colleague, for example, it can express the desire to deceive your colleague or to advance your own career at their expense.
In many cases, however, an acquaintance in the dream does not stand for the person, but for personality traits which the dreaming connects with her. If you dream of someone who is particularly fearful, the person probably represents your own fears.
The brain simply chooses the specific person as a symbol for its characteristics, since it connects the character traits with a person to whom we attribute them. If one is kidnapped in the dream by a fearful person, the dreaming in the waking world is possibly a prisoner of his own fears.
Further important information on the meaning of the dreamed kidnapping is provided by the perpetrator’s demands, provided they become known in the dream.
With the kidnapping, the kidnapper ultimately wants to achieve something that he could not achieve without his deed.
So it is certainly very informative to find out whether the perpetrator is demanding a ransom, a new house, and a conversation with his mother or a new cat.
Being kidnapped is certainly something that no one would like to experience. A mostly stranger overwhelms someone and forcibly robs them of their freedom. This usually involves the use of force, as it is human nature to defend oneself against the attacker.
After direct kidnapping as an act of capture, violence is usually inevitable. Kidnap victims are usually handcuffed and / or locked up.
In addition, they are threatened so that they bow to the kidnapper’s orders and not make anyone aware of the crime, for example by shouting loudly.
There is a clear balance of power during the kidnapping. The kidnapper is in control, but the victim is not.
Being in the violence of another person triggers insecurity and fear. These are also the predominant feelings in the interpretation of kidnappings in dreams.
That you are a hostage can also be a dream that appears related to your love life. If you are a dependent person or if your partner is a controlling person, your subconscious may be alerting you to the danger you run in that relationship. You don’t have to really be kidnapped for someone to have your emotions in check.
So if you dream that you are a hostage, do not try to forget the nightmare as soon as possible. Retain all the details in your memory and propose to be more independent, stronger psychologically so that those toxic people who now manage you lose their power.
Use the dream to reinforce your character and impose your personality.