Dreams About Lice – Interpretation and Meaning

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Lice are insects which live as parasites on warm – blooded hosts. There are almost 5.000 existing species of lice.

They live among the feathers or hairs of their hosts.

Lice which feed by sucking feed on blood of their hosts, while the ones that feed by chewing feed on the debris and skin of their host.

Lice commonly spend their lives on one host and lay their eggs, called nits, on their hairs or feathers.

Humans are hosts to tree species of lice, the head lice, the pubic lice and the body lice. Lice cause rashes and unstoppable itchiness. They represent a very unpleasant experience for anyone who has had the misfortune to have them as their host.

From these three species, head lice are the most common ones.

Dreaming of head lice is almost as unpleasant experience as having them in reality. They are a symbol of stress, frustration, guilt feelings, annoyance, feeling dirty, etc.

Lice in a dream could also represent someone who is a nuisance to you and you want to get rid of that person from your life.

This dream could also indicate feeling as if someone is using you somehow. It is also possible that someone or something is bothering you up to the point that you don’t know what to do.

These dreams often symbolize people we know we cannot trust. They could also symbolize loss of freedom or feeling trapped by someone or something. Lice appearing in our dreams could also indicate a satisfying sex life.

A dream about lice could have a good as well as a bad meaning, and that is depending on the details of your dream and the feelings you had while dreaming it.

Dreams About Lice – Interpretation and Meaning

Dreaming of seeing lice – If you dreamed of seeing lice that dream usually symbolizes some problems you have. You probably have some problems you need to solve and there isn’t an easy solution for them. You will have to react quickly and decisively to resolve the issues you have. This dream usually signifies some hard times and difficulties you could come across. 

Dreaming of head lice – A dream of head lice is generally a good sign, often related to money and financial gains. It is thought that the amount of wealth you could gain, matches the amount of lice you dreamed about. This dream often indicates making some good business deals through some good connections you have. These business deals could provide you with substantial income in the upcoming period.

Sometimes this dream could indicate receiving some unexpected financing from someone you didn’t expect would ever do something similar.

The financial help could help you begin some business venture you have been dreaming about for a long time. 

Dreaming of seeing lice on your head or on your hair comb – If you dreamed of seeing lice on your hair or comb, that dream is not a good sign, and often symbolizes feeling imprisoned and trapped by something or someone in your life.

Dreaming of having lice in your hair – If you dreamed of having a hair full of lice, that dream is usually a good sign. It indicates financial gains and increase of your finances. You could also receive some unexpected gains from someone you didn’t expect. This dream signifies good fortune you will soon experience.

It is also a sign of some fortunate opportunities for financial gains coming your way soon.

Dreaming of discovering you have lice – If you dreamed of the moment you realized you have lice, that dream is not a good sign, usually symbolizing negativity and misfortune. You could suddenly become ill and it will take a lot of your time and finances to resolve that health issue.

Dreaming of lice on someone else – If you dreamed of seeing someone’s head full of lice and nits, that dream is a good sign. It indicates some good fortune heading your way and overall satisfaction with your life. This dream is a sign of good luck and successful outcomes of all your current endeavors and projects.

Dreaming of a few lice – If you dreamed of having only few lice in your hair, that dream is not a good sign. It usually symbolizes some negativity you could soon encounter. You could also experience some obstacles and setbacks, while trying to accomplish some important goals.

This dream often indicates not being able to finish your endeavors as planned.

Dreaming of observing lice crawling – If you dreamed of observing lice crawling on your hair or your body, that dream is not a good sign, and should be considered a warning. This dream often indicates financial trouble and debt caused by your reckless spending and refusing to face your financial reality.

Your spending might have led you to the verge of bankruptcy and this dream is a warning to begin changing your spending habits. 

Dreaming of combing lice out of your hair – If you dreamed of combing lice out of your hair with a comb, that dream is a good sign. It usually indicates successfully resolving some problems. These issues have probably been bothering you for quite some time and now it is finally time to get rid of them.

By doing so, you will clear the space for some new things to begin happening in your life and finally finding peace and relaxation. 

Dreaming of killing head lice – If you dreamed of killing head lice, that dream is usually not a good sign, and often represents a warning. This dream is often a sign of misfortune you could soon experience. You could possibly experience some bad circumstances which might gravely affect your life.

This dream could sometimes indicate wasting your time on significant matters.

Dreaming of attempts to kill lice with your hands – If you dreamed of trying to kill lice with your own hands, that dream could mean that you are wasting precious time on some insignificant activities and matters. Sometimes this dream indicates putting in some futile efforts or having meaningless expectations in some situation.

Maybe something you have put in a lot of your time and energy won’t come to fruition after all.

Dreaming of somehow exterminating lice – If you dreamed of exterminating lice using different methods, that dream is usually a bad sign. It could indicate the death of a close person, usually a family member.

Dreaming of catching lice – If you dreamed you were catching lice, that dream is not a good sign. It usually indicates negativity of some sort. You could possibly experience some health issues soon, which will also emotionally disturb you and take a lot of your time to resolve.

Dreaming of being bothered by lice – If you dreamed of being bothered by lice, that dream is usually a good sign. It often signifies financial or other help you could soon receive from some unexpected source.

Dreaming of having lice all over your body – If you dreamed of lice covering your body, that dream could reveal your bad behavior towards someone. This could potentially lead towards the end of the relationship with this person.

Dreaming of washing lice of your clothes – If you dreamed of washing lice of your clothes, that dream is not a good sign, and often represents a warning. You need to be careful about some people from your surroundings. You might have some secret enemies among the ones who pretend to be your friends and are preparing something behind your back to prevent your success.

Sometimes this dream reveals your concerns about some false rumors someone is spreading about you which could seriously undermine your reputation.

That person is purposefully trying to smear you.

Dreaming of not being able to locate lice – If you dreamed of being unable to locate lice on your hair or body, but knowing that you have them, that dream is a very bad sign. This dream usually indicates the beginning of a negative and misfortunate period in your life. You might soon face some losses or be forced to give up on things you consider very important.

Dreaming of having nits in your hair – If you dreamed of having a hair full of hits, that dream is a good sign. It usually symbolizes prosperity and abundance you might soon experience in life. It could also be a sign of some monetary or other material gains soon. You could also win some prize.

This dream could also indicate finally receiving the reward for some past efforts or receiving something you desired for a long time.

It can also indicate gains from some investments you have made in the past.

These gains might come as a surprise to you but will make you extremely happy and satisfied.

Dreaming of trying to find some treatment to get rid of lice – If you dreamed of searching for some treatment against lice, that dream is a good sign. This dream often indicates fortunate circumstances coming into your life. It is a sign of successful overcoming challenges and obstacles you have had for a long time.

These obstacles were probably blocking your progress or achievement of some desired goals.

This dream signifies getting rid of all the problems you have with ease.

