Tattoos have become a common thing in recent years, especially among the younger generations. What once was exclusion and a sign of individuality, now has become something ordinary.
Many people have started exaggerating with their body art expression, covering their whole bodies or a large part of their bodies with tattoos.
Although they have become so common and nothing special because so many people have them, in dreams, tattoos still signify your individuality and differentiation from others.
If you have tattoos and dream about them, your dream could be a reflection of your reality and have no importance at all, but it could also have a special meaning for you, especially if it is a significant tattoo for you, or some symbol you are planning to have tattooed on your body soon.
You should try to remember the tattooed symbol you dreamed about, because it could help in deciphering the meaning of your dream. That symbol could reflect your inner state, emotions, feelings, as well as your current thought patterns and beliefs.
Dreams about tattoos could reveal our hidden desires or they could symbolize some important memories we should never forget.
If you dream about being tattooed, your dream might be a reflection of being satisfied with your individuality. Maybe you feel different from others and you feel happy because of that and want other people to recognize you as such.
If others were tattooed in your dreams, such dream could symbolize someone desiring to become closer to you and taking actions to approach you.
In some cases, such dream might reveal your desire to appear stronger than you actually are. This dream could as well symbolize your vanity and arrogance.
It might reflect your desire to be different from others and stand out in an awkward and shocking way regardless of what others might think or say about that.
A tattoo in your dream could signify not being able to repair some mistake or damage.
Dreams About Tattoos – Interpretation and Meaning
Dreaming about getting a tattoo – If you were getting tattooed in your dream, such dream could symbolize obstacles and challenges ahead of you, so be prepared to be patient and determined to overcome them.
For people who already have tattoos, such dream is usually a sign of satisfaction they feel about themselves.
Dreaming about getting dragon tattoo – If you dreamed about tattooing a dragon somewhere on your body such dream might symbolize your inner strength and power. This dream could also reveal your desire to be noticed.
Dreaming about getting a bad tattoo – If you dreamed about getting a bad tattoo which you don’t like, such dream could reveal your regrets and dissatisfaction with some decisions or actions you have made in the past and now you consider them a mistake.
Dreaming about feeling sorry for getting a tattoo – If you dreamed you were feeling sorry for having yourself tattooed, such dream could symbolize going through a personal transformation and not taking it lightly. This dream could also reflect your regret for some decisions or actions you made in the past.
Dreaming about getting rid of a tattoo – If you dreamed about getting rid of a tattoo you don’t like, such dream usually reflects regretting something you did in the past, and your desire to correct your mistakes.
Dreaming about your tattoo vanishing – If you dreamed your tattoo simply vanished or begun fading, such dream isn’t a good sign. This dream could symbolize the loss of independence and freedom. Maybe you are losing your individuality somehow and you feel worried. You might find yourself in a situation where you won’t be able to say what you mean openly.
Dreaming about tattoos which aren’t finished – A dream about unfinished tattoos on your body usually symbolizes some things in your life which you have started and didn’t finish yet.
Dreaming about being tattooed – If you dreamed about having tattoos on your body and you don’t have any in reality, such dream could be an encouragement to start following your dreams. It might also symbolize the influence some situation has on your life.
For people who already have tattoos, such dream could symbolize being thoughtless and being haste in making some important decisions or moves. Your attitude could cause you to make mistakes or some damage.
Dreaming about being covered with tattoos – If you dreamed about being covered with tattoos, such dream might symbolize your tendency to exaggerate and exhaust yourself at work. This dream could be a reminder to pause, and take time to relax because you might damage other areas of your life. You might jeopardize your relationship as well as your health, so think well before you continue with the tempo you have set yourself.
This dream is a message from your inner being, telling you to think about your priorities and begin devoting them more of your time.
This dream could be a sign of personal transformation you are going through or you have undergone.
Dreaming about someone being covered with tattoos – If you saw someone fully covered in tattoos in your dream, such dream usually isn’t a good sign. It might be warning you to stay away from problems and trouble in the upcoming days. Watch with whom you hang around because you might find yourself in awkward and possibly dangerous situations and it will be difficult to get yourself out.
This dream could symbolize unexpected events or accidents which might cause you problems.
Dreaming about someone with tattoos – If you saw someone with tattoos, such dream usually isn’t a good sign. It could signify someone being jealous of you and desiring to hurt you somehow. This dream could also have obsessive thoughts about you without you being aware of that.
In some cases, such dream symbolizes having no confidence, and you desire others to admire you so you could feel good about yourself.
Dreaming about someone you don’t know with tattoos – If you saw someone you don’t know, having a lot of tattoos, such dream is a good sign, often symbolizing the beginning of a romance with a friend.
Dreaming about drawing tattoos on someone – If you tattooed someone in your dream, such dream might be a message from your inner being to begin using your creativity. If tattooing others was your job in your dream, such dream could be a sign of having weird interests and tastes.
Maybe you have an odd personality and people consider you strange and not a pleasant company to be around.
Dreaming about tattoos on your legs – If you had tattoos on your legs in your dream, such dream usually isn’t a good sign, and symbolizes some unfortunate events regarding your family members.
Dreaming about tattoos on your chest – If you dreamed of having tattoos on your chest, such dream could symbolize demonstrating your strength to others. In some cases, this dream might picture you as an aggressive person who enjoys demonstrating its power to others, instilling fear in them.
Sometimes this dream symbolizes someone from your surroundings with these traits.
Dreaming about your partner being tattooed – If you dreamed your partner was getting a tattoo or was tattooed, and in reality doesn’t have tattoos, such dream could symbolize your partner’s attempts to be original and express his or her originality.
This dream maybe reminds you to help your partner express.