Dreams of Levitation – Meaning and Symbolism

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Levitation is a paranormal phenomenon which represents the rising of the human body or other objects in air by using the power of the mind.

Many parapsychology or religious believers explain levitation as being the result of the person’s strong psychic powers and their spiritual energy.

Science still hasn’t confirmed that levitation is real and the witnessed cases of alleged levitations are explained as being a result of magic tricks, hallucinations, or illusions.

Many religions have confirmed events of levitation performed by their followers. From a religious standpoint, levitation is only a confirmation of the holiness and faith the levitator possesses.

There are many examples of religious leaders levitating that are recorded in religious history; Gautama Buddha was reportedly levitating over water with his legs crossed; Jesus walked on water while approaching his disciples who were in a boat; many saints were reported walking on water as well; Saint Francis of Assisi was known to levitate, sometimes reaching the height of a tree.

In Christianity, there is something known as demonic levitation which is caused by demonic possessions. Some Hindu mystics and gurus who have reached high levels of spirituality are also believed to be able to levitate.

Levitation is mentioned in Jewish texts many times, and it can be done either by magic or by other means.

Reportedly, many Jewish sages were able to levitate using the secret names of God or the power of wind.

Levitation is explained in a way that the person levitating is in a state of mind where they are able to separate themselves from the physical world and possess such a level of spiritual power that their thoughts, regardless of how impossible they might seem to their observers, become a reality and they actually float above the ground or do some other impossible things.

During the moments of levitation the people who are doing it, consider what they are doing as normal as if they were walking on the ground. Levitation usually happens during meditation.

There is evidence of mediums in America and Britain from the 19th century, who have claimed to have levitated during the séances they have performed. Many of them were frauds and it was proven that they have used tricks to do it.

Although for many of us it seems impossible that such phenomenon is real, it is not excluded that we might experience it during a dream episode.

People are prone to dreaming about doing things that are physically impossible, such as flying or doing other impossible things and these dreams in many cases have a powerful symbolic meaning for the dreamer.

Dreams about flying and levitating above ground are not unusual, and they always have a special meaning for the dreamer, especially if they keep recurring.

Levitating or floating in air, usually has a good meaning, and symbolizes freedom, independence, happiness, optimism, success, and satisfaction. People dream about levitating in the air, over water, over their beds, into space, or some other circumstances.

Flying dreams and levitating dreams could sometimes have similar meanings, but levitating often has a spiritual component to them.

It is important to remember the feelings you had during your dream about levitation. Maybe you felt scared or you felt elated.

If you were happy and excited, the dream reveals your current state of emotions. You are probably very satisfied with some current circumstances.

If you were scared and upset in your dream, that dream could mean that those are your current feelings.

Maybe you are afraid or upset by something that is going on in your life, and that disturbs you, even during your sleep. It is important to decipher what makes you feel bad and try to confront it.

Sometimes dreams about levitation can be induced by some biological circumstances occurring during our sleep.

It is a well-known fact that our dreams can be induced by some biological facts, for example, we are feeling cold during sleep and that feeling induces a dream about freezing somewhere in winter or standing in ice cold water, etc.

These dreams can sometimes be a result of so-called sleep paralysis when during sleep we cannot move our muscles because they are relaxing and we tend to have a feeling as we are unwillingly floating or levitating above our bed, etc.

Levitation dreams usually have a good meaning and reveal a happy state of mind. They could indicate a period of calmness, and complete satisfaction with your life circumstances. A dream of levitation often is a sign of being completely in control of your emotions.

This dream is often a sign of your confidence, success, and feeling of being able to accomplish whatever you set your mind into.

Sometimes they do reveal feelings of stress and anxiety and in these cases the dream usually has some symbols to point out to the causes of the stress and anxiety. During these dreams you are disturbed and the levitation is an unpleasant experience.

The dream about levitating could be a sign of your spiritual development. Maybe you feel that you have reached a higher level of spirituality and spiritual knowledge and the dream confirms your realization.

This dream is often a sign of you being in tune with your spirituality and living a balanced life.

If you felt surprised by your ability to levitate, the dream often reveals your unawareness of your potential and especially not using your full potential. This dream indicates that you are a person with many talents and abilities and you are not using them in a proper manner.

Sometimes, dreams about levitation indicate the rise of our religious feelings. It could indicate the final realization of the person that there is more than our physical reality.

In some cases, people who think highly of themselves have a tendency to dream about levitating because they consider themselves different and better from other people.

Dreams about levitation could sometimes reveal your unrealistic desires and ideas.

The dream could be a reminder from your subconscious to get back on the ground and become aware of your current abilities.

It is alright to daydream and want more, but you need to live in the now and adjust to your current reality. Put in the effort to create the foundations for the big goals you have. You need to take one step at the time.

The dream is a message to stop dreaming about your goals and begin making them possible.

Sometimes, dreams about levitation could reveal your lack of confidence and feeling of safety. Maybe you don’t feel a connection to other people and you feel isolated.

These feelings could create the sense of helplessness in you.

Dreams of Levitation – Meaning and Symbolism

Dreaming of levitating above ground surface – If you dreamed of levitating above the surface of the ground, that is a good sign, indicating happiness, feelings of peace and calm, as well as new beginnings.

The person maybe experienced changes in their life which caused the ending of some phase or the ending of some circumstances in their life and they now feel free and happy because of that fact.

The possible scenarios for the deciphering of such a dream could be: getting a new job, or moving to a new apartment, ending a toxic relationship, ending a period of loneliness and starting a new relationship, etc.

This dream could also indicate taking a new course in life.

These dreams are often dreams at major changing points in life such as changing a career or starting a new career.

It is often a sign of new relationship. It is often a sign of feeling that you are in control of some situation in your life.

Dreaming of levitating high up in the air – If you dreamed of levitating high above the ground, that dream could indicate your attempts to go beyond your limits and restrictions. You probably want to try something you have never done before.

Maybe you deep down feel that your potential is unused and you want to give up your best to reach that full potential. Maybe you want to completely change your life although it might seem impossible to everyone in your surroundings.

Sometimes, this dream might be a reminder from our subconscious to begin using our full potential and not settle for anything less.

This dream sometimes speaks about freeing ourselves from self-made restrictions, as well as the restrictions put by others.

Dreaming of levitating in space – Dreams about levitating in space are common dreams for people who have great ideas and ambitions for their future. This dream is often a sign of the person’s potential, and ability to succeed regardless of the circumstances.

It is often a sign of the person’s capacity to overcome difficulties and reach their goals.

This dream usually indicates success regardless the troubles one must encounter and overcome.

This dream often indicates the endless potential of the person and it is a message from the person’s subconscious reminding them to become aware of that and begin using that potential.

Dreaming of levitating over water – If you dreamed of levitating over water, that dream could be a sign of some new experiences. The details regarding the water will explain further whether the experiences will be good or bad in nature.

For example, if the water was calm and serene, the experiences will be of calming and satisfying nature.

If it was powerful, but not frightening, the experiences will be exciting and inspiring and will require a bit of action on your side.

If the water was scary looking and tumultuous, prepare yourself for some sudden unpleasant circumstances that might change your life completely.

Dreaming of seeing someone levitating – If you dreamed of observing someone levitate, the dream could reveal your desire to help other people. In some cases, the dream could reveal your admiration towards the person you see levitating in your dream. Maybe you would like to be like that person.

Dreaming of making someone or something levitate – If you dreamed of making something or someone levitate that dream is often a sign of your helpful and supportive nature. You always try to help others and you support them in their endeavors.

In some cases, this dream reveals your attempts to balance many things in life.

Sometimes it could be a sign of being indecisive about something.

