IQ 124 – Score Meaning

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Evaluating one’s intellectual capacities is definitely a complicated task. First, how to measure intelligence if we are still uncertain about what we should consider human intelligence or about what parameters should we involve into the process?

There have been numerous attempts on defining intelligence and understanding its manifestation in reality.

One of the simplest and very appealing ideas on human intelligence describes it as specific sort of survival intelligence. Some authors argue intelligence comes in place of instincts.

During the course of evolution, we obviously have lost instincts we might have had in the past. Animals are far more instinctive than we are, but we deem ourselves far more intelligent than animals.

Since we cannot rely solely on our instincts to save us from danger and help us survive, we use our intellect to adapt to the environment. In this regard, human intelligence acts in place of instincts; we could dare to say it is our ‘new instinct’.

It is obvious that it represents at least a part of the survival mechanism of a human being, if not the most important one.

As one great scientist has claimed, intelligence is our way of adapting to changes. True enough. We use it to understand the circumstances given, natural, for example, and adapt to them by learning. Intelligence prevents us, for the most part, of repeating same mistakes again (although this could not be taken as a solid claim, if we think of it in practice, but the point is clear).

At least, its purpose is to prevent us doing the same mistake. It makes us learn from experience, gather knowledge and apply that knowledge. Most dictionaries define intelligence exactly so, as a mental ability of acquiring knowledge and using it. Our specific mental ability called intelligence impresses with something else.

Besides of our ability to gather knowledge from experience, from observance and perceptual reasoning and logic, it resents with creative and inventive potential. Romantic authors, essayists, poets and others praised that creative potential of human mind as far above the cruel, strict ratio.

Our ability to imagine, to create and invent is what makes our intelligence superior. Therefore, not only that we use intelligence so to adapt to changes we experience, but also, at the same time, we make changes ourselves. We adapt circumstances to ourselves, by inventing original things.

These processes are intertwined, since we adjust the environment, we crate human-made environment and it brings other changes that we also have to adapt to.

All this happens mostly because we have the ability to think through things, to comprehend it through reasoning, to imagine and create.

Are We the Most Intelligent?

We humans often boast about being super intelligent, in comparison to other forms of life we encounter on earth. Is it really so?

This question pulls down the avalanche of opinions, answers critics, theories, ideas and so on.

One interesting theory comes from futuristic thinkers, who claim we have not even near level of intelligence that possibly exists in outer space, which would, at the same time, explain why we have still not discovered other forms of intelligent life.

There might be entities that are on so high level of intellectual existence that is far beyond our comprehension, beyond our perception. This theory is in fact optimistic, because it suggests one day humankind will reach higher levels of intelligence.

However, we are still far from it, so let us get back to our earthly intelligence and see how it stands. Human intelligence makes us humans, for its greatest part.

We could probably think of ourselves as the most intelligent beings on this earth. However, one should ask if parameters we use to evaluate intelligence are applicable to other forms of life. What the intelligence is in its essence is the point at which all get confused.

The thing is, if we observe it simplified as our mental ability to learn and apply knowledge, according to our perceptual reasoning ability, logic, memory and problem solving skill, we could go for testing these and evaluating individuals.

The problem with this is exactly that IQ test evaluate only certain aspects of what could possibly taken as an aspect of human intelligence. There are different approaches to it. One of the debates has been going on ever since.

Should the intelligence be taken as above mentioned or as a complex including parameters like personal skills, talents, including even the emotional factor?

Multiple Intelligences

Theory of multiple intelligences argues simplified definition most IQ tests rely on is too narrow and strict, while the other side claims multiple intelligences theory as too wide and too loose.

It is, indeed flexible and it challenges evaluation done through IQ tests. Theory of multiple intelligences claims there were several types of intelligences that constitute a complex. These intelligences have in common genera intelligence.

They could be observed or even measured or evaluated separately, though also in association with one another and with general intelligence.

These intelligence types include everything from logic and mathematic, over verbal and linguistic comprehension, to talents, such as artistic or musical, even kinesthetic potentials, even to spiritual and moral aspect.

Many would say more than half of these ‘intelligences’ are not actually intelligences. However, this kind of flexible approach challenges labels and etiquettes of IQ test.

It would be unfair simply to say one was not very intelligent if he or she has no brilliant logic or reasoning that would match IQ criteria and put them under some ‘decent’ category, if those people were talented in other fields.

The problem is that IQ scores often might sound degrading; they are taken as predictors of life success falsely. One could become a successful person in field that has never been evaluated by IQ tests.

On the other side, an average intelligent person could succeed in a field he or she is ‘average’ simply by being very ambitious, dedicated or determined.

Equally, a highly intelligent one could present with astonishing results or with none at all. It greatly depends on personality, on personal needs, desires, emotional intelligence, social correspondence and many more.

Scores Above the Average

Average scores fall under the range from 90 to 109 on most scales. Everything above the point is higher than average, with more distinctive ranges. What does it mean to be above the average scale?

It means an individual is not amongst 70% of the population, thanks to his or hers intelligence, as measured in an IQ test. It means he or she presents with better perceptional reasoning, more efficient problem-solving skill, better verbal comprehension, and better logic than the average population.

It does not actually mean much on its own. High scores are a ticket for higher education, so it would be very good to employ your high score in this direction.

Of course, it does not mean one have to pursue an academic career or to aspire to high positions. It depends on the sensibility, not only on the score. People could be very different, regardless of having the same score.

High scores could qualify one for Mensa, which is a good opportunity. High scores are usually correspondent with high degrees and could possibly lead to very good job opportunities. However, none of this is a rule.

Factors, such as emotional intelligence, are often claimed to be even more important than the IQ score, if we are to talk about life goals, life paths and potential success.

Emotional intelligence or EQ would play great role in a high scorer. High scorers are often, not always, though, people who think and worry too much. If their personality profile were that of a worrier, it would be good to work on it.

People with high scores should definitely employ their high intelligence, so not to let it lead them in the ‘wrong’ direction. High score opens up many new and interesting questions.

People with high scores think through things, they are excited by searching the answers to big, ultimate questions, even.

Some of them reach wonderful, revealing conclusions; others not. It depends on specific score, on personal sensibilities, on willingness to pursue answers, on dedication, patience, self-confidence and more.

Overall, personal attitude is what decides the actual manifestation and application of a high score in real life.

IQ 124 Score meaning

With the IQ score of 124, you fall under the category of ‘superior intelligent’ person, according to the WAIS-IV scale. On all scales, this is well above the average range. Considering average range is from 90 to 109, it is obviously that 124 is much higher.

This ‘superior intelligence’ range means you are amongst a small percent of population of exceptional intellectual abilities, as evaluated on an IQ test.

In reality, the manifestation of your score will depend on personal factors. IQ score 124 makes you fitting for an academic career, for example, if you are interested in it.

Most of high scorers are more or less interested in some form or degree of the academic, since their approach to things in life is studious and – intellectual.

They would feel the best if exchanging experiences and knowledge with people of the similar intellectual capacities, interests or insight into interests as a whole. People of IQ score 124 would often complain other people do not understand them, speaking about the average population.

They tend easily to get bored since what excites others they already know and fully understand. It could be a disadvantage, if you let it consume you, while, in fact, it is a neutral field.

You should invest your intellectual capacities into things that interest you and go for it. If you do nothing, you might feel as if you are ‘wasting off’ your potentials.

That is a common problem with high scorers; they believe either it was expected of them to achieve something big, being aware others are aware of their potentials or they force themselves to achieve things out of feeling as if wasting their potentials if they do not exercise them.

That is simply an over-thinking problem, characteristic for high scorers, especially those in ranges of high average and superior range. Personality traits will play a major role in here, emotional intelligence specifically.

If one cannot deal with the emotional aspect of their person, regarding their intellectual potentials, the person easily gets confused and torn from within by such thoughts mentioned.

Some individuals are perfectly stable, they know what they want, they are ambitious to pursue certain goals or could not care less.

Finding the balance between high score thinking and emotional aspects is the key to success.

