IQ 128 – Score Meaning

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Human intelligence has always been a question unanswered, no matter how hard we’ve been trying to get through it and bring some facts out.

Sure, there are ways to ‘classify’ different levels of intelligence, but the truth is that no test could every measure all aspects of each individual’s capacities.

Are talents and intelligence tightly bound or not? That is one of the interesting questions.

Some truly gifted people in certain areas of art, for example, do not necessarily have an extremely high IQ.

That was only an example. There are many factors argued to have an impact on one’s success in life. IQ scores are often described as predictors of the life success, but they are definitely not a deciding factor.

Have you ever got your own IQ score checked? What does it say? Do you feel as if your intelligence score plays a significant role in your current life circumstances?

Since you are here, you probably got IQ score 28 or you are interested in because of someone important to you.

Before we explain the meaning of IQ 128, let us first talk about how IQ testing first started. Later on, we would introduce you to some of the classifications and meanings of IQ score ranges, in order to make a bigger picture on particular IQ score meanings.

The question of reliability of IQ tests and scores are ongoing.

Intelligence Quotient Tests Origins

The first test that scores human intelligence was created for the purpose of children education. IQ test have later been standardized for other purposes and (mis9used for another ones.

However, even today, when modern psychometrics offer new approaches and IQ scoring options, the reliability of IQ tests as predictors of life success is still a question. Most of common people would like to know their IQ score simply to see where they stand.

This initial curiosity actually led to our willingness to measure human intelligence and thus help population get ahead in life.

Nevertheless, IQ scores solely are not enough predictor. It is argued that personality traits, emotional intelligence, socio-cultural background, even gender or race may play an important role.

These all have to be considered with caution, since such claims indisputably lead to all sorts of generalizations and discrimination.

Binet’s Intelligence Quotient Test

The first IQ test was, as we have mentioned, Binet’s test. It was created after the French government passed the law according to which all children should get education.

In order to organize the educational system and help those who would perhaps need more assistance during the educational process, they needed the criteria of selection.

The selection process could be obtained through the intelligence testing.

Binet did not focus on educational parameters exclusively, but he actually tested or, better to say, considered children’s level of attention or the ability to keep attention, their task solving capabilities and their memory capacities.

Binet realized that the results do not necessarily correspond with the physical age of children, so he proposed the mental age criteria. Some younger ones performed much better than older children did.

He also realized and he claimed that there is no way only this criteria could definitely determine one’s intelligence. Parameters such as social background and environment should also be taken into account, for instance.

Binet’s test was the basis of future tests to come, although obviously it had many holes.

It did show something, but not all. It could not tell much about permanent intelligence, talents and so on.

Stanford University Standardization

The initial Binet’s test was very soon brought into the United States and soon standardized for the American citizens by Stanford University who took the process into their hands.

This new test was named Stanford-Binet test after both the author and the initiator of standardization process.

The scores on the test would be represented as a single Intelligence Quotient number, such as, for example, the one we will deal with later on, IQ 128.

Army Alpha and Beta tests

As world have entered a major global crisis, faced with the First World War, it required for many recruits to be tested and then assigned to proper tasks and positions. For this purpose, IQ tests came up as Army Alpha and Beta tests.

These tests were different in form; the first one was written and the second one in pictures. It was done so that both English and non-English speakers could be tested, alongside with those who could or could not read.

The problem with Alpha and Beta tests was not that it was so much troublesome during the war, but after the war has ended.

It was greatly misused by the government and allowed for numerous excuses on all kinds of discrimination of immigrant population.

It was an excuse to make generalizations and stereotypes on different nationalities, so it allowed sweepings of the immigrant population and more.

WAIS Intelligence Testing

The next step in development of IQ testing was definitely Wechsler Intelligence test otherwise known as WAIS or Wechsler Adult Intelligence Score. The updated, fourth edited version of this test is still being used widely.

The next one, WAIS-V is in the process of data colleting needed for revision, planned for 2020. Besides this test, Wechsler, the psychologist who created WAIS also developed two tests for scoring children’s intelligence quotient.

Wechsler’s test takes into account more different parameters. It is based on testing perceptual reasoning, working memory, processing speed and verbal comprehension factor in the first place, comparing results within the same age group.

This type of test is mostly related to employment opportunities; big companies apply it, for example.

What About the Average Score?

The average IQ score is set around 100 units of the scale. Range of scores between 90 and 109 are considered average or normal intelligence, according to classical psychology and classification by Lewis Terman.

The average test score means one is capable of learning from written materials, could work in senior positions, is perfectly capable of doing tasks that involve making decisions and of studying some theory.

According to certain modern psychometrics, it corresponds with occupations such as those of a police officer, a clerk, salesperson et cetera.

However, these are only examples. What an average score means in real life could be different for each ‘average’ individual. The problem with IQ scores reliability is that they do not take all aspects of a person into account.

One of possibly the most important predictors of future success, sometimes even regarded as even more important than IQ score is that of emotional intelligence.

Think about it this way. You may have an exceptional IQ score that would get you above the average, but if you lack social intelligence, emotional intelligence, the ability to process your thoughts and ideas along your emotions in a right way, there are great chances you would not be successful.

In addition, you may yet be a huge success in some areas of life Intelligence Quotient does not show in results.

IQ Scores in Real Life

The story finally brought us to what IQ scores represent in real life or how can certain ranges could manifest in reality. IQ ranges definitely do give insight into one’s capabilities, only not in all.

The classical scale counts several categories. All scores below 70 are considered definitely feeble-minded. Those up to 79 are borderline deficient in intelligence. From 80 to 89 individuals are considered dull.

From 90 to 109 individuals are considered of average or normal intelligence, if it could be called so.

Range between 110 to 119 stands for ‘superior intelligence’, 120 to 140 ‘very superior intelligence’ and all over 140 is considered an intelligence of a ‘genius’ or ‘near genius’.

Some of the modern psychometrics offer more sub-categories and more sophisticated ranges.

Let us go briefly through IQ ranges and their actual manifestation in life, according to modern psychometrics based on the work of Paul Cooijmans. According to this classification, IQs below 20 are ‘profound retardation’ and they usually show up with visible physical deformities.

Ranges between 20 and 34 are ‘severely retarded’, 35 to 49 are ‘moderately retarded’. Both require supervision and assistance although the latter has the possibility of self-awareness.

Range between 50 and 69 stands for ‘mildly retarded’. Here the possibility for a routine job employment exists, although if supervised. Those ‘borderline retarded’, within the range 70 to 79 still find daily demands problematic, but they could be trained and could live alone.

Range labeled as ‘below average’, 80 to 89 is interestingly the one greatly associated with violent behavior. These are capable of caring about themselves, but tasks that involve making decisions are problematic.

We have already talked above the average range and its characteristics. Ranges which are on this scale labeled as ‘above average’, 110 to 119 and 120 to 129 are the ones we will talk about later on, with focus on the latter, since IQ 128 is within the range.

The next range is 130 to 139 and it stands for ‘gifted’; corresponds with PhD degree.

All above ranges are quite impressive. Range between 140 and 149 stand for ‘intelligent’ here, 150 to 159 are 0’highly intelligent’, 160 to 169 are ‘very highly intelligent’, 170 to 179 are ‘pervasively intelligent’ and those within the unbelievable range 180 to 185 are ‘exceptionally intelligent’.

IQ 128 Score Meaning

The score you are probably interested here, IQ 128 falls under the category of very superior intelligence on the classical scale.

On one of the modern psychometrics scale, it is described as simply ‘above average’, considering that range between 110 and 119 is also considered above average, while that from 130 to 139 is labeled as ‘gifted’. In any case, 128 IQ is definitely not an ‘average’ IQ score.

It may sounds nice to know that you are above the average population, in terms of intelligence, but what does it mean in real life? Are there any actual advantages of having this high IQ score?

It would depend on many other factors, especially since this IQ score is somehow in between those that are super gifted ad those who are average. There are great chances an IQ 128 scorer would be mildly disappointed in life.

It depends on personality, though. The problem is that this range makes one in need for more intellectual stimulation than most around him or her need, while at the same time, he or she is being outshined by those more brilliant ones.

If you are a competitive character, it could be personally exhausting. However, if you have great emotional intelligence, you will probably be satisfied more and focused on using your own capacities to the best.

As for the performance of an IQ scorer with 128 result, we could say that these individuals are perfectly fit for academic level of research, extensive study, deep comprehension of verbal and written materials, coming up with their own ideas, gathering and analyzing information.

This level corresponds with Master’s degree and occupations such as that of a chemist, an attorney or else.

If you ask someone with an IQ of 128 whether it has an impact on their lives, most of them would not tell it dramatically changes their life.

However, they certainly do have great opportunities in terms of education and career that could follow an intellectual path of development.

High IQ score does not guarantee super success in life, but it opens up many possibilities, if you are emotionally collected enough, socially intelligent and capable of channeling it the proper way.

