Personality Number 1 – Meaning in Numerology

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Numerology is a divinatory practice that uses numbers. It is a set of beliefs or traditions that aims to establish a mystical relationship between numbers, living beings and physical or spiritual forces. His study was popular among the first mathematicians, but it is no longer considered a mathematical discipline.

Scientists claim that numerology is a pseudoscience or a superstition, 2 like astrology with respect to astronomy, or alchemy, although the latter had character of protociencia with respect to chemistry.

In numerology, it is said that numbers are one of the most perfect and elevated human concepts.

According to those who practice it, numerology is the discipline that seeks to investigate the “secret vibration” of that code and teach how to use numbers for their benefit, by studying their influence on people, animals, things and events.

Interesting Facts About Number 1

Number 1 represents the path of life, the key to living well and realizing our profound nature.

Considering how many and which are the numbers that are part of a numerological study, we must consider the number of destiny as an important indication, representing the complete image of the person on a physical, emotional and spiritual level.

This number will increase its importance in our life, during our journey, both unconsciously through circumstances apparently not decided by us, and consciously through the action of our will, sensitivity, thought and action.

It is the number that identifies the potential result of this life, the seed that can bear its fruit or remain inactive. It is our Dharma that privileges awareness and freedom rather than the concept of obligation, the path of right action that allows man to avoid suffering, accepting his self-knowledge of his own free will.

The Personality number is obtained by adding the numbers of the date of birth reducing the number obtained to a single number.

The One is the symbol of the Divine Absolute. From the Neolith the One is called La Monade, the original, central and indivisible unit, the source.

The One therefore represents the beginnings, the thought, the strength of the sun, the action, the thought is one, our thoughts belong to the Great Thought to the Whole, and it is a unifying symbol and generates all the other numbers.

The first letter of the Hebrew alphabet is the Aleph which has a unifying function and in it one experiences and understands our belonging to the Whole. We start from the Thought and the Feeling to perceive the world of unity and harmony, we start from the thought in wanting to create something, and the idea is born in thought.

The One is the symbol of the Divine Absolute. From the Neo-Platonists the One is called La Monade, the original, central and indivisible unit, the source.

The One therefore represents the beginnings, the thought, the strength of the sun, the action, the thought is one, our thoughts belong to the Great

Thought to the Whole, and it is a unifying symbol and generates all the other numbers.

Meaning and Symbolism

The still immature One is mirrored in his own superficial ego, like a child who develops detached from his mother and becomes aware of being alone and that is an individual detached from his surroundings. Feels the instinctive need for self-preservation and gives maximum attention to its survival.

Evolving this need, it becomes the setting of objectives, to affirm itself also in the social context where it lives and works and develops its own individuality.

Second evolutionary step the evolution of the One is to make contact with the outside world and identify its strengths and shortages, its thoughts rise up becoming ideal, the action is triggered and the warrior works to bring justice and to improve external reality. At this stage the ego component is still active, which lingers in the awards for its commitment.

Third evolutionary step the One understands that the external component is a mirror of itself, that which is not part of its shadow, with this awareness operates the transmutation of the ego.

The warrior continues in his battles but the action is no longer aimed at the recognition of its value but rather at a higher ideal to bring Love and compassion to the world.

Number 1 and Love

“The number One” is also a way of saying, which we identify with a person who distinguishes himself from others thanks to his innovative energy, he is a pioneer, an individualist who loves to carry out his projects with his own strength, he does not like the interferences and the advice and for this it can seem self-centered but so he is.

In fact, the One is predisposed for a business on his own, or to direct a team of collaborators because he does not like to receive orders.

Brought to innovations is always ready to examine new projects and ideas, this leads to create changes, the fate of a number one is the success in any business. If the One is aware of his own abilities, his path in this existence is aimed at affirmation.

The purpose of the One is to understand how to balance mental abilities with those of the heart, the discipline in the use of thought can determine the perception of the reasons of the heart, if this channel of communication is united, the com-passion that derives from it can create the Warrior of Light, the One complete in every aspect, the principle of man’s self-creation.

Facts About Number 1

The One symbolizes the Good, the absolute harmony, the first abstract manifestation of the ineffable Zero. Its shadow is the first activity of the point on the circumference. In geometry it is related to the point as an entity lacking dimension, from which all forms originate.

According to the dictionary of symbols of J.E.Cirlot, the one equals the center, to the point, at the beginning of the not manifest creative power or “immobile motor”. Plotinus identifies it with the Good or the moral end, the One-Good, while assimilating the multiplicity to the evil, with which it is in full conformity with the symbolist doctrine.

According to others, the one is the symbol of standing man, the only living being who enjoys this faculty, to the point that some anthropologists see in verticality a distinctive sign of man, more radical than even reason.

This symbolism of verticality is also found in the images of upright stones, present in all the cultures of antiquity, the staff of command or the erect phallus, which represent the active man, the work of creation.


Apart from the general and universal characteristics of the figure 1 as a base and as a starting point, this figure presents some peculiarities in the literature and folklore of the peoples.

In Iranian folklore, for example, the one represents the One God and is written with the first letter of the Arab-Persian alphabet, which has the value of one.

In the chivalric legends of Islam, the hero arrogantly affirms his belonging to a culture spread throughout the East, whose motto is “there is no other god but the One God”.

The hero stands as a defender of the religious thought in which he has been educated and when he enters a court, he declares in an attitude of defiance: “My greeting in this court goes to the one who knows that in the eighteen thousand universes God is one”.

This unifying symbol would be, according to C.G. Jung, charged with an extremely powerful psychic energy. Man is able to assume all the energy of this unifying symbol to consummate in him the harmony of the conscious and the unconscious, to realize the dynamic equilibrium of the opposites, of the concrete and the abstract, of reason and imagination, of the ideal and the everyday.

The whole is unified in its personality and it blossoms into the whole.

