Saturn Conjunct Pluto Synastry

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When someone mentions astrology, the first thing that comes to one’s mind is horoscope or, more precisely, the horoscope sign, that is, the ruling, native sign or, in astrological terms, the Sun sign. The Sun sign is only one element of one’s horoscope, not the horoscope itself.

It would certainly shape up one’s personality and character, but there is always so much more to look into.

A natal chart is where you will find answers. It the main tool of an astrological analysis, regarding personal astrology. Natal charts could be used for more than one purpose.

Besides offering valuable information on the personality and life of an individual, natal charts could be compared, as in synastry report, or they could be merged, as in a composite chart report.

Therefore, natal or birth chart could reveal more than one’ destiny alone; they could be used in order to see how we fit with another person.

Some authors claim natal charts could be created not only for individual human personas, but also for animals, for planets even, for whole nations and countries. This leads us to a question – what is a natal chart? How do you create one?

Imagine if a cosmic photographer would take a picture of the sky at the time you were born (or at the time a pet was born, a country constituted etc).

Such a photograph would represent the planetary positions within the solar system, for that is the focus of the astrological interpretation, although it takes our point on earth as central.

The eight planets and the two luminary bodies, also called planets, the Sun and the Moon would be in specific positions at such one moment. Astrologers would project this image on a diagram that represents the basic natal chart.

This is a complex diagram, divided into different types of fields and it is a full circle of 360 degree.

Each planet takes up a specific position and, moreover, forms angles and connections with other planets. The angles planets form amongst themselves are called astrological aspects.

There were five traditional, also known as major aspects. These are the conjunction, the opposition, the trine, the sextile and the square.

Astrological Aspects Meaning

Astrological aspects are specific angles some planets would form. The traditional aspects were established long time ago, by Claudius Ptolemy. The aspects are angles of 0, 30, 60, 90 and 180 degrees.

Planets could deviate from the exact number by several degrees. However, the closer they were to the set up angle, the stronger will be its effect.

These specific contacts could be divided in different ways, but the most widely known categorization is that into easy and heavy aspects, sometimes misunderstood as good or bad aspects.

Not all agree on such a black and white division. In truth, there were no aspects that could be taken as a purely negative or as a perfectly positive nor there was an ideal natal chart.

We could say that an ideal natal chart consist of a balanced mixture of both easy and heavy aspects. Let us first say what this means. The easy aspects are trines and sextiles.

They are favorable ones, the aspects in which the planetary energy flows freely and is not in any conflict. The trine aspect is the easiest one, while the sextile requires more individual effort.

The heavy or challenging aspects are squares and oppositions. These aspects bring planetary energies into conflict and tension. They are challenging, they could be difficult to understand or make use of, but they are not exactly bad; it all depends on what you takeout of them and, of course, of which planets were involved.

The conjunction aspect is an interesting one and different from others, because it could be either easy or challenging, depending on the planets. We will talk more on this one. Now try to imagine a chart with only good aspects; it might sound cool, but the dynamic would probably lack.

Spice it up with a few of bad ones and there you go! Of course, do not even try to imagine a chart made up solely out of negative ones.

Conjunction Aspect in Astrology

Saturn conjunct Pluto is our aspect for today, so let us tell something more about this ambiguous aspect. The aspect of conjunction was considered just a name for any of aspects, any contacts of planets, since it represents the 0-degree angle.

However, it is now taken as a separate and specific aspect. In the conjunction, planets match one another, sharing the same spot or they are very close to one another.

What happens when planets match in such a way? Their energies mix and work together, for good or for bad. The energies of both planets are amplified, intensified and very strong with this aspect.

However, the nature of this newly created energy would greatly depend on the nature of the planets that stand in a conjunction.

According to most of the authors, the conjunction will be good, if beneficial planets were involved and it would be heavy, if malefic planets stand in a conjunction. If one planet was a benefic, while the other one was a malefic, the situation becomes dubious.

Sometimes, the energies get confused, as if one planet cannot distinguish its own energy from that of the other one.

Before we start delving deep into the characteristics of Saturn conjunct Pluto aspect within one’s birth chart, let us first meet these two planets.

One has to understand the meaning, symbolism and astrological nature of each planet involved with an aspect, in order to understand the implications of the aspect itself.

Saturn in Mythology and Astrology – Planets in Astrology

Saturn was one of the most important deities within the Roman pantheon. He was the god of seedtime, harvest, agriculture and, thus, favored by Romans.

In Greek mythology, however, Saturn was equated with Cronus, the titan who devoured his children and who was overthrown by his son Zeus. As one might assume, Greeks did not like him very much.

On the other hand, Romans respected this god and organized many celebrations in his name, of which the most famous one was Saturnalia. According to the ancient Roman tradition, Saturn taught people agriculture.

The period of Saturn’s rule was considered a golden age of humanity. Saturn was usually depicted as an old man with a sickle in his hand.

In astrology, the planet Saturn does not have much to do with the Roman deity. In fact, its symbolism is closer to the meaning Greeks attributed to this god.

Saturn is considered the heaviest planet, in astrological terms and is a dangerous malefic. Its popular nickname, the ‘planet of suffering’ tells much about its astrological nature.

Saturn is traditionally associated with the concepts of form and of structure, and its symbol represents the soul entrapped within the body.

Saturn is the planet of restriction, limitation, seriousness, chronic illness, old age, suffering, sorrow, poverty, depts., all kinds of analytics and skepticism. Saturn is associated with history, occultism, ancestors and karma.

However, let us not be too harsh on this grey, gloomy planet. Saturn teaches us responsibility, gives us sense of organization, it teaches us discipline and morality.

It is Saturn who helps us keep up our traditions and save our heritage. Its lessons could be very difficult to bear and hard to understand and accept.

One reaps what one sows is a motto that would best describe the effect of Saturn.

Pluto in Mythology and Astrology – Planets in Astrology

We will not leave the domain of gloom and mystery, since the other planet involved with the aspect is Pluto, the planet associated with another solemn deity, the god of the underworld, Hades in Greek mythology, Pluto in ancient Roman tradition.

According to ancient myths, three divine brothers divided the rule over the world.

Zeus, Roman Jupiter, became the supreme god and the ruler of the heaven and the earth, Poseidon, Roman Neptune, was the lord of all earthly waters, while Hades-Pluto became the ruler of the realm of death.

Pluto was considered a strict, but just and even a merciful deity. He was the one to decide whether you decided to die a calm or violent death.

He would always show mercy towards good people, as it was believed. However, he was not much loved by the ancient peoples, for obvious reasons. It was believed he would rarely abandon his dark seat; eventually, everyone would come to his gloomy kingdom.

The inevitability of death made people personify it in this dark, silent, serious and dreadful god.

Pluto represents great power, one no one could resist. Pluto in astrology represents mysterious powers, mystical places; it rules everything unseen. It is associated with obsession, with manipulation, with tendency towards the occult and the unknown.

Pluto rules the sign of the enigmatic Scorpio. Pluto’s power is tricky; it could be amazingly useful, as it could be destructive.

Pluto is also the planet of transformation, especially self re-invention and regeneration. It gives one some inexplicable inners strength that would help you always get on your feet and rise from your own ashes, like that mythological fiery Phoenix.

Pluto is the higher octave of Mars and thus also associated with the carnal, sensual.

Saturn Conjunct Pluto – Silent Endurance

Saturn conjunct Pluto personalities are people of strong character, ambitious in their hearts.

However, such ambitions would often remain unexpressed in reality, as Saturn conjunct Pluto would find them too consuming, too intense and would try to restrict them and keep them within their heart.

At times, they would probably let their ambitions guide and it would be a good choice.

People with this aspect could hold too much within, which could be very burdening. Typically, they are more responsible and serious than other people, which could be troublesome, since it often leads to the feeling of guilt.

The piled up and mostly undeserved guilt could be very destructive. These people are masters of blaming themselves, though in secret, quietly.

On the outside, they appear strong, self-confident, reserved and cold very often. Moreover, they could be very pessimistic and are skeptical towards most things.

They have a strong need to dig deep and search for what they would call a true meaning. Their attitude might appear cold, unshaken and composed, even if they were torn on the inside.

Saturn Conjunct Pluto – Controlled Progress

People with Saturn conjunct Pluto are essentially very resourceful individuals and they do not lack patience.

They do not act on impulses, but are inclined towards making steady, gradual and controlled progress. They are capable of transformation and adaptation, though all in a controlled manner. Their changes are somewhat planned, not spontaneous.

These individuals are stubborn; their idea of transformation has to fit in their own ideals and their vision of change and of what they would like to achieve through it.

They would hardly let you convince them into something they do not believe in or find dull. They would check it all out, before even considering it, if the idea catches their attention.

Saturn conjunct Pluto individuals are intelligent and resourceful, by all means.

They are capable of taking the best out of any situation that falls upon them. They are masters of turning the things their way.

As it is commonly the case with those with Pluto in aspects, they are skillful at manipulation. Beware of this talent; it could be useful as it could be devastating.

Saturn Conjunct Pluto – Stubborn and Transformative

Saturn conjunct Pluto individuals do not like authority. They would often have problems with figures of authority, starting from an early age.

It seems that Saturn conjunct Pluto provokes a peculiar inner conflict, that of the need to transform and stubborn rejection of imposed changes. These individuals would often resist any type of restrictions that come from the outside.

It they manage to translate it to their own language of transformative powers, they could turn the situation upside down.

They are incredible adaptable and flexible, but only if they take it through their own prism. They do not like to be told what to do and they would hate you for saying things like ‘I think that is the best thing for you’.

Saturn conjunct Pluto knows what the best was, although it could often turn into blind stubbornness and self-destructive behavior. These masters of transformations only need to find their own language and channel in order to use this amazing ability.

Playing by the rules is not always a bad thing and it would not deprive you of your own powers.

These individuals do not like the feeling of (seemingly) losing control over things. They might be tempted to use their skills in the most malevolent way, which usually ends up with manipulating others.

They tend to lose the sense of ethics if they experience a series of negative events and if it seems there is no end. You will actually break the circle but turning to your ethical, restrictive side in this regard and actually follow some general rules.

