Do you want to know the meaning of number 15? You have come to the right place to know the meaning and symbology of the number quice in numerology.
The 14 belongs to the Kárnicos numbers as they are also the 13, 16 and 19.
All people who have a fifteen are usually responsible and committed to the bonds that creates as in the commitments that accepts. Discover the power of number fifteen in your life.
What Does 15 Mean in the Bible?
The people who relate to the numerology of the number 15 feel some fear to undertake and do not like to leave their comfort zone.
Take advantage of any occasion to feel comfortable and not usually very sociable.
These people like to be with their friends and family … but sometimes in excess, which could cause their projects to be postponed for too long and then not be able to resume.
They feel a certain fear of loneliness and lack of capacity to adapt to new environments, they do not like the idea of making new experiences unknown.
Although once they begin to work they are able to fully concentrate on everything they are doing, the truth is that getting to that point can cost them too much. And they are very prone to be distracted by practically anything and are characterized by having little focus of work.
That is why, they need constant stimulation to be able to move forward, which they will rarely achieve by their own means.
You will probably need the help of your friends / family members to be able to move forward in certain blocking situations.
The number 15 can be divided between the number 3 (meaning balance with harmony) and between number 5 (meaning life). Since these numbers multiply between them the result is 15.
With this we discover that they are people who not only succeed in their business, but in life in general.
They tend to have an iron health and to be very long-lived, although this does not mean that they do not have to take care of themselves.
They have relationships of trust with their very healthy and healthy partners, they do not like the lies and feel displaced from their partner.
They are also very patient, being able to understand the problems of their closest and help them find their error, take the time they take to achieve them.
They are people who, if they know how to follow their path, have guaranteed success waiting at the end of it.
In spite of loving the fortune and the money his family is very important and if they need some help, see economic or emotional this person will be the first to come to his rescue.
Meaning and Symbolism
The number 15 usually enjoys a harmonious and balanced state throughout his life and is what they seek around him. They are very familiar people. They prefer to spend all their time with their family and care about all its members.
They are people with some financial success at the same time that they have a very good eye when it comes to buying anything in order to obtain the highest possible return.
If we reduce the fifteen to a single digit (1 + 5), we obtain the number 6 which helps us to understand their tenderness and attention to the loved ones. They do not seek protagonism and always fulfill their commitments whether they are family or work.
As I have already mentioned, the numbers 15 are people who have very close financial and economic success and almost always have success throughout their lives. Despite having success in their favor, must work very hard to get it and sacrifices.
They are very attentive, sweet people and give love to their loved ones, who are an essential part of their life and pillar of all their success. His commitment to his people is superior to his aspirations because they superimpose the well-being of his family to everything else.
Number fifteen are passionate and attentive when it comes to love. They are very healthy people and that is why they seek the same in other people and in all the relationships they have.
Their way of being makes them very patient and they usually give good advice. They help those who most want to solve their problems.
Number 15 in Love
Being people who give off harmony and tranquility attract good people but must be careful and know how to choose their friends and couples because sometimes they may suffer some disappointment.
The fifteen usually superimpose his family to other projects and this, in part, can be counterproductive as they sometimes leave out some of their projects and eventually leave them as impossible.
Despite being very hardworking people and committed to what they do sometimes it is true that it usually costs them to concentrate and be efficient in the work and in everything that they propose. This problem arises when people are easily distracted.
This problem is usually solved with constant stimuli and challenges to achieve as they themselves find it difficult to achieve. They are often blocked in some things and need the help of their family and friends to move forward and keep growing.
Facts about Number 15
Through numerology we can mention that those people who are associated with the number 15 greatly value family ties and any relationship they have with their family, feeling a great nostalgia whenever they are outside the family environment. Especially when they are long periods without being close to their family.
In general, they are a kind of responsible person with great abilities when it comes to fulfilling the commitments they have made throughout their lives. They enjoy an optimal balance and great harmony and peace throughout their lives, as long as they do not deviate from the path that has been established for them. They do not like the unknown and they are usually difficult people to influence by others, they do not like to surround themselves with interested people.
The number 15 is also associated with success, so they are people who will find it sooner or later in their lives. Now, it does not mean that it will arrive by itself, it will take a great effort and a methodology of hard and continuous work, in addition to making certain sacrifices.
The astronomical experts of Sumer and Babylon, also attributed to 15 a great importance and associated with Inanna (Istar), his goddess of love and heaven. But with the passing of the centuries the Sun was gaining prominence to the Moon and solar values began to marginalize the previously considered lunar values.
All the great cultures and civilizations that had begun being matriarchal, ended up becoming patriarchal. Little by little the night was becoming malicious and hidden, until a point came, the night was considered cursed and forbidden. For this reason the Tarot card with the number 15 represents the “Devil”.
The devil’s card is usually centralized in a large figure of a goat with wings, claws and two large horns that appears seated. At his feet are a man and a woman who are bound and completely naked at the full disposal of their horned master. Beneath the Devil is a large, completely circular ring where the chains that prevent humans from escaping are tied.
The circle is the one that has imprisoned the two slaves and the Devil sitting on it dominates the situation. It is the circle of life, that of the snake that bites its tail, the famous Ouroboros. The fire and the star of 5 points in inverted position, complete the decoration of this Tarot card.
The number 15 is associated with success, so they are people who will find it sooner or later in their lives.
Now, it does not mean that it will arrive by itself, it will take a great effort and a methodology of hard and continuous work, in addition to making certain sacrifices.
The people who relate to the numerology of the number 15 feel some fear to undertake and do not like to leave their comfort zone. Take advantage of any occasion to feel comfortable and not usually very sociable.
These people like to be with their friends and family … but sometimes in excess, which could cause their projects to be postponed for too long and then not be able to resume.
They feel a certain fear of loneliness and lack of capacity to adapt to new environments, they do not like the idea of making new experiences unknown.