The most understandable nickname of the nineteen is undoubtedly that of “San José” in reference to the date on which it is celebrated (March 19). He is one of the saints with the greatest devotion and that day is celebrated in Spain and other countries on Father’s Day.
In addition, the Fallas de Valencia, currently declared by UNESCO as World Heritage, celebrates that day it’s most important culmination and celebration. Other nicknames in Spanish that we have found are “El correo para cuba” or “el pescado”.
The first we have managed to clarify since the mail boats that departed from the Canary Islands to America departed the 19th of each month. The fish will not rest until we understand it and when we do we promise to explain it exclusively.
In English the bingo already know that it has its own nicknames and in this case when hearing “nineteen”, they answer “Goodbye Teens” that is, goodbye to adolescence. It is assumed that the 19 years are the last years that enter this phase of human growth; the following are the twenty where one is already considered young but adult.
What Does 19 Mean in the Bible?
If we start looking for interesting things that contain this figure we find a pair; the first submarine with nuclear missiles was Russian and it was called K-19 (and there is even Harrison Ford’s movie). Sabina sang that it takes a love to forget it 19 days (and 500 nights).
In the most mystical plane, the meaning of number 19 is very interesting, we tell you: In the tarot card 19 is represented by no less than the sun bathing two children with its light. This card means success, union, happiness, harmony; reconciliation …
Numerology links this tarot card with the 19 and adds a meaning of perfection and balance. If this letter appears, it must be interpreted correctly: if it is turned upside down, you must take into account the health of your eyes and your fatigue, reorganization in work matters and special care in relationships between couples.
Meaning and Symbolism
The number 19 is intimately linked to Christianity and is for Numerology, “The Great Golden Number.”
From the year 325 the entire Christian community celebrates Easter on the Sunday that follows the first full moon of spring.
Everything is due to the discovery made by the Greek mathematician and astrologer Metón, who in the year 432 a. of C. discovered that 235 lunar months equals exactly 19 years. For this reason all lunar phases are repeated every 19 years in our current calendar.
Due to this discovery, the number 19 is the number of the “winning sun”, because the Moon “submits” at the end of this time to the orders of the Sun. This time lapse of 19 years is called the metonic cycle in memory to its discoverer.
It serves as the basis for the Jewish calendar and became the golden number when calculating on what date the Feast of Christian Passover would fall. The metónico cycle corresponds astrologically with the movement of the lunar axis that in the course of 19 years crosses the horoscope dividing our life in 4 stations: morning, noon, afternoon and night.
The number 19 for Islam is also fundamental. The Koran is written with this sacred number of Muslims very much in mind. In the holy city of Mecca, the inner courtyard surrounding the Kabba has a total of 19 doors.
The same Islamic philosophy is found in Spain, within what was once the second largest mosque in the world: the mosque of Cordoba and its 19 doors of access to its interior.
Number 19 in Love
Individuals associated with the number 19 do not usually content themselves with their successes, even if they have taken a long time to achieve them. One of the mistakes they can make is to think that they deserve everything and that others can develop some envy for their successes.
The number 19 is also often associated with success in any area of life. These people are successful both when undertaking a business project, when they have to flirt, and when they have to face any obstacle that life may impose.
They tend to give greater importance to material goods than to spirituality, but this does not mean that they can be more or less selfish. If they have the right people at their side, they will be able to understand the difference and not give so much value to their assets.
Its main characteristics are the dominant attitude and self-centeredness. In the past, people associated with the number 19 abused power too much, and manifested a clear attitude of arrogance towards society and life. And this is the inheritance that still weighs today where they go.
In some way, the different souls of the past are putting complicated tests in their path, so they can purge their sorrows and escape the mental prison in which they find themselves at that moment.
They also tend to despair when they do not achieve what they are trying to achieve, which could affect anyone in their environment. The moment they understand that their lifestyle is not what it should be, then they will begin to help the people around them a lot.
Many people help just to feel better … but they are purging their sins, drawing on their valuable experience to try to get the rest of the person not to make the same mistakes.
They can perfectly handle the excess of responsibilities, but they have to learn to ask for help when they need it most because, otherwise, they can easily overflow. In general, it is a somewhat conflicting number, but sooner or later you will find peace.
Facts about Number 19
In Islam, the Mihrab is an octagonal prayer symbol that symbolizes the presence of the Prophet Muhammad. The Mihrab of the Mosque of Cordoba, has the entrance arch formed by 19 segments decorated with motifs of the Tree of Life. The pulpit from where the imam addresses its faithful is called “Mimbar” and, as it could not be otherwise, the staircase of access to said pulpit has 19 steps. The beginning of each surah of the Qur’an consists of 19 alphabetic signs.
If we enter inside the Mihrab of Córdoba and raise our heads, we find ourselves again with the protagonist number of our article. As we can see in the photograph below, the interior of the octagonal dome of the Mihrab, is decorated with a magnificent marine shell formed by exactly 19 ribs.
In the Middle Ages the number 19 had a tremendous importance related to the sky and the sky: The two luminaries, the 5 planets known at the time and the 12 signs of the zodiac, give us our number: 2 + 5 + 12 = 19
The 7 days of the week and the 12 months of the year, give us again the number that occupies us: 7 + 12 = 19. According to mythology, the god Apolo returned every 19 years to the Hyperborean Earth, the place where he was born.
According to Gallet de Santerre, the Greeks considered the Hyperborea, in a similar way to the one we have of Atlantis. It is a distant paradise that is the stay of the blessed, but geographically its exact location is unknown.
In the Tarot the 19 corresponds to the Sun. The representation of the Sun in Astrology and Alchemy corresponds to a circle with a point in the center, well, if we multiply 19 x 19, it gives us 361, that is, one more than the 360 degrees of the circle. The One would be the symbol of the divine impulse in creation, hence the reason and meaning of the symbol of the Sun. The reason that Apollo returned every 19 years to the Hyperborean country, has as we can appreciate, a deep cosmic, cyclical and astral meaning.
The letter of El Sol is one of the Tarot cards that shows more optimism and joy. The Sun means success, balance and happiness. The couple that is usually under the sun, is usually surrounded by a walled garden that prevents them from leaving where they are. In many versions of this letter 19, we usually find flowers that are intimately related to the sun: sunflowers.
The card 19 of the Tarot represents the achievement of a personal goal that can be delayed, but always ends up being done, as long as we know how to channel our best energies in post to achieve the goal. The letter of the Sun is synonymous with satisfaction for things well done.
In this letter dedicated to the star king, everything is round, the solar symbol itself, the place where the boy and the girl are, the stone wall, the sunflowers. The sun that illuminates the garden and the two children is the Sun of Truth. In the Egyptian version of this letter in the center of the sun is represented the phallic symbol of reproduction, a straight line penetrating a circumference. The two children holding hands are the representation of the dual world and personify the two coiled snakes of the caduceus.
Due to this discovery, the number 19 is the number of the “winning sun”, because the Moon “submits” at the end of this time to the orders of the Sun. This time lapse of 19 years is called the metonic cycle in memory to its discoverer.
It serves as the basis for the Jewish calendar and became the golden number when calculating on what date the Feast of Christian Passover would fall. The metónico cycle corresponds astrologically with the movement of the lunar axis, that in the course of 19 years crosses the horoscope dividing our life in 4 stations: morning, noon, afternoon and night.