Dogs are human companions since the beginning of humankind, and their role in human lives is very important. The relationship between humans and dogs evolved through time.
Their oldest depictions are found in cave walls and dog statues. At first, dogs were used for hunting, but since Ancient Greek and Roman times, dogs began to be kept as pets. Their bravery and loyalty were highly valued.
Dogs were given as presents and were considered status symbols. They were also used as hunting dogs and watch dogs.
In Rome, different breeds of dogs were used for different purposes, such as hunting dogs, military dogs, and, so called lap dogs which were usually kept in houses by women.
Throughout human and dog history, humans have used dogs for many purposes, such as: watch dogs, hunting dogs, guardian dogs, companionship dogs, family dogs, and so on.
They were also considered a symbol of someone’s high status.
Dogs were often depicted on paintings to represent fidelity and love between romantic partners, especially in the middle Ages.
Dogs symbolize loyalty, faithfulness, protection, love, fidelity, alertness, watchfulness, guidance, friendship, companionship, kindness, tenderness, gratitude, satisfaction, appreciation, family members, etc.
Being such an inseparable part of our lives, dogs often appear in our dreams. Most people love dogs, but many people fear them as well. When they appear in our dreams, dogs usually have a good meaning, especially if they happen to be white.
The reason is the overall symbolism of dogs, as well as the white color. White color in general symbolizes purity, innocence, honesty, and truth. White is also a color which symbolizes family and friendship.
Although a dream about dogs in general can reflect some fears you have, if the dog in your dream was white, that dream usually has a good meaning. It often indicates balance and harmony you are currently experiencing in your life.
A white dog is usually a sign of peace and satisfaction, while a black dog symbolizes anxiety and fears. A white dog symbolizes fidelity, loyalty, love, respect, appreciation, gratitude, protection, and many other beneficial meanings. Seeing a white dog in your dream often indicates a period of peace coming in your life.
White Dog – Dream Meaning and Symbolism
Dreaming of a friendly white dog – If you dreamed of a friendly looking white dog approaching you, that dream is a good sign. It usually indicates good business deals and business fortune.
Dreaming of a white dog wanting to play with you – If you dreamed of a white dog approaching you and even jumping at you wanting to play, that dream is a very good sign. It usually indicates happiness and satisfaction you are currently feeling.
Dreaming of playing with a white dog – If you dreamed of playing with a white dog, that dream should be a good sign. It often indicates feeling satisfied with how things turned out in some situation. It often reveals your confidence and desire to achieve something.
Dreaming of a white dog running after you – If you dreamed of a white dog chasing you or running after you, that dream is a good sign. It usually indicates going on a journey soon.
Dreaming of hearing a white dog – If you dreamed of hearing a white dog barking or emitting other sounds, that dream usually isn’t a good sign. It often indicates feeling uncomfortable due to some issues you have with someone you don’t know how to resolve.
This dream is an encouragement to put in action into resolving them as soon as possible because they are blocking you from achieving some goals.
Dreaming of a white dog dying – If you dreamed of a white dog dying or a dead white dog, that dream is a very bad dream omen. It usually indicates some difficulties and trouble approaching you. You won’t be able to resolve these issues with ease, and this dream is asking you to be patient.
Dreaming of a dead white dog – If you dreamed of a dead white dog, that dream is usually a good sign. It often indicates good fortune and things turning out in your favor. Maybe it is a sign of the end of a difficult period in your life and the beginning of times of peace and stability.
Dreaming of a white dog watching you – If you dreamed of a white dog watching you, that dream usually has a good meaning. It often indicates being surrounded by loyal friends who are always ready to help you.
Dreaming of a big white dog – If you dreamed of seeing a big white dog, that dream is usually a bad sign. This dream often symbolizes discovering some unpleasant secrets which might surprise you a lot.
Dreaming of owning a white dog – If in your dream you owned a white dog, that dream can both be a good and bad sign. It often indicates getting rid of something or someone from the past, and that is something which can sometimes be painful, but also has a calming effect on you.
Dreaming of a white dog sleeping – If you dreamed of a white dog sleeping, that dream usually symbolizes the status quo. That means that you are most likely satisfied with your current life circumstances, and you are not planning to change anything. This dream can also indicate some good news you might soon receive.
Dreaming of a white dog swimming – If you dreamed of observing a white dog swimming, that dream is usually a good sign. It usually symbolizes happiness and satisfaction in life.
Dreaming of becoming a white dog – If you dreamed of becoming a white dog, that dream is a good sign. It can indicate experiencing satisfaction and ease regarding some situation in your life.
Dreaming of a small white dog – If you dreamed of a small white dog, that dream usually indicates a short period of peace and stability in your life. It is often a sign of a short term satisfaction that won’t last long.
Dreaming of a pack of white dogs – If you dreamed of a pack of white dogs, that dream is usually a bad sign. It often signifies bad fortune and failures of your goals. Possibly your plans won’t work out as you have planned and you will experience many obstacles on the path of achieving some goals.
This dream usually indicates the need to stop taking actions towards achieving your goals and wait until the difficult period passes.
This dream warns you to postpone major decisions and activities in the upcoming period.
Don’t begin new relationships and projects because they might turn out to be a failure.
Dreaming of a white dog in the distance – If you dreamed of a white dog standing in the distance, that dream is a good sign. It usually symbolizes being able to protect yourself from trouble. It often symbolizes short-term difficulties which you will be able to overcome with ease.
It could also indicate receiving help and support from friends or family members to overcome these obstacles.
The obstacles you are facing might be financial ones. Sometimes this dream indicates some problem you have which is blocking you from moving forward.
Dreaming of a white dog inside your house – If you dreamed of a white dog inside your house, that dream is a good sign. It usually indicates a calm and peaceful period of your life is coming.
Dreaming of a white dog running – If you dreamed of seeing a white dog running, that dream is often a sign of loneliness you are feeling. Sometimes it could indicate being satisfied with being alone.
Dreaming of walking a white dog – If you dreamed of walking a white dog, that dream often reveals your desire to have a friend you can rely upon. Maybe you are surrounded with unreliable people or people you cannot trust for some reasons. This dream could indicate your need to control every situation in your life. You are probably a well-balanced person and you are not easily disturbed or shaken by any circumstances.
This dream is often indicates success after some delay. If you were talking a dog for a walk on a leash, that dream could reveal wanting to control everything in your life, including the people you are surrounded with.
This dream could be a warning to change your behavior because it can cause you problems in the relationships with others. No one wants to be controlled and told what to do.
Dreaming of a white dog growling – If you dreamed of a white dog growling, that dream is usually a bad sign. It most likely signifies danger you might soon be facing. Maybe you should pay attention to the people from your surroundings. There could be someone among them, who don’t have your best interest in mind.
This dream is asking you to be careful about possible betrayal and deceit from people that are close.
It could be asking you to postpone some important actions and beginnings of some new projects which matter a lot to you.
Dreaming of a white dog biting you – If you dreamed of a white dog biting you, that dream could represent a bit of a warning. Maybe it warns you about some people from your surroundings. Maybe some of them don’t have good intentions towards you and might try to harm you somehow.
This dream is asking you to reconsider who you can trust.
Dreaming of a sick white dog – If you dreamed of a sick white dog, that dream is usually a bad sign. It indicates misfortune and unhappiness. Maybe this dream is asking you to pay attention to some important issues about yourself or someone else you have been consciously ignoring.
This dream also indicates some relationship in your life you have neglected. It is often a reminder to pay more attention to the people you care about.