You have just finished some business for the day and checked out the time. There were some matching digits or a particular digits combination.
Of course, if it was a double hour, it might have drawn your attention already. If it were some triple mirror hours, which we are going to discuss, it is more likely to pass unnoticed. You simply overlooked it and continued doing what you were about.
The next day or in a while, but very close to the first time you have seen those hours, they suddenly reaper or you see the same digits in some other format.
You read the number in newspapers, on a billboard, see it on television, someone mentions it or whatever else.
Now, the situation raises suction. Why are you keep seeing the same numbers all over the place? Is it some kind of sign?
Those skeptical and strictly rational ones would very likely discard the event as a coincidence and would not spend any time thinking about it.
However, the very fact that you are reading this article suggests you have more interest in such mysterious phenomena, such as mirror hours. It has probably happened to you, so you would like to learn about it. There are various approaches to mirror hours phenomena.
In any case, we assure you mirror hours or triple mirror hours or repetitive numerical patterns you keep seeing are nothing threatening or dangerous.
You could try to understand the phenomenon from scientific, theoretical point of view, look at it from a spiritualist’s angle, take it as something miraculous or even combine different approaches. It is good to think about such things, since it definitely widens your own perspective of life as a whole.
Many phenomena there are we cannot fully comprehend; we still have no straightforward answer about the ultimate grounds of our own existence.
Although we tend to believe our hi-tech and scientific view on life has deprived the world of mystery and magic, it is, in fact, the opposite.
New discoveries raise more and more questions. Discovering itself reveals yet more mysteries; we discover new puzzles to be solved.
Triple Mirror Hours
Mirror hours are an interesting phenomenon that emerged in modern age. Mirror hours are bound to latest technical achievements, namely digital screens, time displays. You cannot actually see mirror hours on old-fashion clocks, let alone triple mirror hours.
Nevertheless, the meaning behind mirror hours is similar to that of matching clock hands. You have certainly heard about the most common superstition about matching clock hands.
If you look at the clack at the moment what to hands match, when one is atop the other, it means that someone was thinking about you or talking about you, which is commonly associated with some kind of romantic feelings.
The meaning behind mirror hours is much wider. Mirror hours or triple mirror hours could be seen exclusively on digital screens. You cannot forcefully see them.
Mirror hours look like this: 11:11, 01:01, 00:00 or else, while triple mirror hours are less likely to draw initial attention and they look like this: 11:12, 22:21, 00:01 et cetera. The reason why the former are easier to notice and perhaps more explicit in their symbolical message nature is their symmetry.
However, repetitiveness also makes for a sort of symmetry and catches our attention. Therefore, triple mirror hours could send equally powerful messages as perfectly symmetrical double mirror hours.
They seemingly happen on chance. If they keep occurring all over again, it is considered a sign. What kind of sign? There are different explanations. All are associated with numerology and numerical vibrations.
Let us find out what does it mean to see mirror hours and how the phenomenon could be explained from different positions.
Seeing Mirror Hours Meaning
One interesting theory that would probably please those not inclined towards supernatural and mystical explanations is the theory of synchronicity. This theory tries to understand the world through associative meanings.
In other words, everything that happens for a reason that could be found in an association with another event. This conviction is based upon the idea of collective unconscious that stores archetypical meanings.
Therefore, events or things that appear completely meaningless and not related in the first place could make sense once you bring them into connection.
In this regard, strange occurrence of mirror or triple mirror hours could as well be associated with certain events in your life, the current stage of your life, your feelings, thoughts, attitudes et cetera.
Theory of synchronicity explains the world through associations that give things meanings.
This idea is definitely something to think about next time you see mirror hours or repetitive sequences of numbers in other places.
Although our focus is primarily on mirror hours, if you keep seeing the same sequence but in another format, it could even be seen as an ‘extension’ to the initial message, not in meaning, but in its importance.
Astrology, Numerology and Mirror Hours
Astrology and numerology are two pseudo disciplines often combined. Astrology is usually associated with numerology by the idea of a birth number that could be another useful path to understanding birth charts and everything related to the destiny of an individual as written in the starts.
Numerology is what we find essential to understanding mirror and triple mirror hours.
According to numerology, which is essentially the science of numbers, although an alternative, pseudo science, as not being officially recognized as a legitimate one, same as the case is with astrology.
Numerology is founded upon the idea of the world constituted of numbers. In other words, everything that exists could be expressed in form of numbers. Numbers are thus constitutive particles of our realm.
Each number possesses specific vibration that is, in its core the vibration of universal energy. Each number has a different vibration and so all things have different kind of energies combined.
Mirror hours, thus, represent special combinations of such energies and are meant to carry a specific message.
They are also symbolical; symbolism of numbers is closely associated with their vibrations.
Angel Numbers and Mirror Hours
More spiritualistic approach to mirror and triple mirror hours, close to numerology as a whole, but different from the synchronicity theory in its nature is the angelic numerology.
Angelic numerology gives the same meanings to numbers as numerology, but it is believed that guardian angels are those who send such numerical messages to people. According to this belief, angels are guardian spirits that watch over us.
Each human being has their guardians. These angelic beings are without Ego, without free will as ours, without material body, although they are capable of taking up physical form.
However, they would rarely do so. Their role as guardians is not to prevent evil from happening or make us act in a specific way. They are guides; they want to use our own potentials the best way possible.
They operate through hidden channels, for the purpose, exactly because the point is to recognize your own potential alone. Numbers are a perfect channel for angelic messages for two reasons.
The first is, obviously, because numbers are carriers of universal energies, they contain it within or it is in itself consisted of numbers. The other is more practical; we tend to think about the world through numbers.
20:00 Mirror Hour – Symbolism and Meaning
At first, triple mirror hour 20:00 definitely does not look particularly interesting. Well, it is just 8 pm, so why would it be a big deal? Well, if you keep seeing it over again, without intentionally looking at your clock in order to see it is 20:00, there is something more to it.
Moreover, if the number 2000 keeps occurring all over the place, it has to be some kind of a sign. Triple mirror hour 20:00 is a message of mysterious value.
It is a number that speaks about something big; it is a number that speaks about the life purpose. It means you should not be worried if you feel a bit lost in time or confused about your own expectations, dreams, and attitudes even. It is perfectly normal to feel as if you have no idea what you want from life when you are on the verge of actually finding a cause.
This message is the one of divine guidance and it should comfort you in times of great insecurity, which is rarely something that happens in a moment and then fades away.
This is the message of life changing opportunities, but not those we imagine watching movies and reading books on self-achievement or so.
The process of finding the cause to stand for is long and could be tiresome, but patience, dedication and above all, belief in the ultimate good in it is the key.
What Does 20*00 Mean Spiritually?
In spiritual terms, this numerical combo consists of two powerful numbers, 2 and 0. Zero always amplifies the energy of the number it stands along, so we could assume the energy of the two is strong.
On the other hand, number 0 is here seen three times in a row, which suggests its energy alone is strong. Zero represents the eternal, the infinite; it is the number that represents both the fullness and the void, alpha and omega, karmic circle.
Zero shatters the dreams into pieces, but also gives infinite hope. It means that all is one and that nothing is one. It is, indeed, a number to think on or not at all. Zero means your destiny is a part of universal destiny, meaning everything you do is, in a way meant to be.
That is a very comforting part of its vibration, because it gives you hope into positive outcome of your own efforts, whether they might be.
Number 2 here represents necessary balance, which prevents you to get lost in all of this metaphysical rambling.
Two represents your connection with reality; it represents balance, harmony within and with the world, friendliness, receiving and giving, sharing, pairs, connections, cooperation, love, unconditional love. Two stands for connections, relationships, kindness and care.
2000 in Astrology and Numerology
Number 2000 is in its core, number 2, from the aspect of numerology.
If you sum up those digits, you obviously end up with two. It means that the number 2 is a stable undertone in this combination.
It makes a perfect sense, since the overwhelming energy of zero is very strong. This ‘double’ 2 just makes proper balance between the energies we were talking about.
What to Do If You See 20:00?
If you keep seeing this mirror triple hour or the number 2000 or the sequence in another format, it means you are on the verge of something big, in terms of some revelations related to your own self.
It means you should not panic if you feel as if you got lost within your own contradictory stances and are confused about what to expect from life. It is a long process, it requires patience, and not to lose your head, which is what this message wants to help you with.
Quick Summary
Triple mirror hour 20:00 is definitely about the spiritual journey and self-insights.
It is a message about life changing phases, not instant, sudden changes we have somehow grew used to think about as something that should be happening.
It is about gradual getting to know yourself, without losing the touch with the world around you and the beautiful, caring people you have in your life.