Aries in 8th House – Meaning and Info

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Stubborn, impatient, extrovert, he lets himself be guided by his impulses and, moreover, only his own. He is ambitious, seeks to be the first, and wants success.

Strong, brave, reckless, he becomes inflamed for causes he believes to be right and enjoys confrontation.

Combative, he can show abruptness or even violence. His passionate side makes him fully invest in a new challenge, which he quickly loses interest in and moves on.

Aries – Meaning and Info

He is known for his outspokenness and his blunders: He has a knack for putting his foot in it and hating jargon. He has great difficulty following advice and trusts his very sure instinct.

Despite his undeniably warm and sympathetic side, he has the art of irritating with his raw and dry appearance: He lacks mellowness and diplomacy. Beware of his authoritarianism!

Never discouraged, even in the face of failure, he always gets up to start over: He quickly forgets annoyances, “no’s”, and even filth. He reacts hot in the moment, then quickly moves on: He doesn’t hold a grudge. If he feels wrong, he may react badly and show bad faith, then come back sheepishly.

Creative, original, he likes movement, change and novelty: He risks becoming scattered and will have to learn to be disciplined and consistent if he is to achieve his goals.

In love, he is a specialist in love at first sight, and will ignite like a blaze: It is entirely made of desires, more than of feelings. He likes to conquer the other and will use any strategy to make “his prey” give way. When he says he loves and wants, it is always sincere.

On the other hand, he lacks patience and may even be indelicate if the “object” of his lust makes him wait too long. He hates routine and if he is bored in his relationship, he will fall in love elsewhere: He needs passion and stimulation.

8th House – Meaning and Info

House VIII is traditionally called the house of transformations, death, upheaval, dreaminess, occultism, inheritance, sexuality and other little things like that.

All of these elements mixed together can make you dizzy once again. Astrology is very rich. It contains a logic that goes beyond our socio-cultural limits. To understand its meaning, we must seek the essence of these elements by going beyond our morality and our primary reasoning.

It is more complex to grasp the deeper meaning of the 8th house because it touches on a form of immaterial life. We must both understand what it brings and develop as an experience, and understand in what context it offers this experience.

To help us understand it, we can remember that House VIII is opposite to House II. House II represents an energy of materialization, of concretization in matter.

In house II, we root our existence in matter, we integrate ourselves into the material, we concentrate our energy, we densify it, and we concretize it, as a concretion of limestone manages to form a solid from drops of water which seemed so fluid and transparent.

House VIII is a house opposed to this material energy. It represents an immaterial part of ourselves, a dematerialized manifestation of our essence, or even an experience of dematerialization.

It is in this sense that it is the house of death. Death is the dematerialization of the individual. It is not nothingness, it is fundamentally not an end, and it is a transformation from a solid, concrete, material state towards an immaterial essence.

House VIII is placed a little after half of the path of the 12 houses and not at the end. The death it represents is not the end of the cycle. We find this in the Tarots of Marseille. The Arcane of Death, card number 13 is also placed a little after halfway through the 22 card route.

It is important to reflect for a few moments on this reflection, because the misunderstanding of this house comes from the fact that we consider death as an end.

As a result, we do not accept its primary meaning, which is the change of state, the transformation through the transition to a less material state of consciousness.

In the evolution of a human being, in the small initiatory journey that life on Earth represents, going through the experience of dematerialization corresponds to the awareness that material energy is only the material of life on earth, but that’s not all.

It is an essential phase in the development of consciousness. And this stage is the one that corresponds to the 8th house.

The deep essence of the 8th house is in fact the experience of the evolution of the being by a transformation of its energy which tends towards a less dense, less material form. House VIII puts us in contact with a non-material form of energy or asks us to open up to non-material energies to evolve with a finer, more intuitive and more real perception of life.

We find this notion of dematerialization or contact with non-material energies in the dream and the occult of House VIII.

Both are experiences in which we manifest ourselves or come into contact with non-material life forms. Dreams, spiritualism, and all forms of manifestation of existence of a paranormal nature relate to the experience of contact with an immaterial essence.

House VIII is the house of upheavals and transformations because in order to evolve into finer energy, part of our old dense form will have to deconstruct, fall apart or dissolve like a lump of sugar in a glass of water.

And we embodied human beings find it difficult to accept the loss of density. Whether it is our body becoming more receptive to energies like intuition or our material environment that is changing, we find it hard to see this as a change of state and we mourn the loss from the original state.

But transformations, even the most brutal or total, always aim to free us from a matrix that has become too narrow, like the skin of a molting snake.

House VIII is also the house of sexuality because fundamentally, sexuality is the experience that makes us feel an immaterial form of energy of ourselves and of one another.

This pleasure nirvana that psychoanalysts have called the “little death” is a unique experience where we come into contact with another, non-material, form of existence which makes us feel life powerfully.

Orgasm is different from an organic chemistry reaction. It is an experience felt on a different energy plane. It is a House VIII experience because it brings us into contact with, or releases, a form of energy.

The 8th House corresponds exactly to the responsibilities born from the mutuality of relationships, as such it corresponds to crises, deep transformations, regeneration, and evolution, losses (real or symbolic, material or spiritual, often followed by depression). It is our personal unconscious where untapped emotional experiences are repressed that can crystallize into Complexes.

The 8th House also represents the money coming from “others” (credits, donations, shares, sometimes inheritances, or even hidden treasures) and more generally the management of the money of the unions and associations of the 7th House (joint account, sales, investments, expenses, taxes, all taxation, which are linked to it).

Therefore the consecutive losses, all the lawsuits inherent to these same unions or associations, and by extension all the things secretly hidden from “others”: double life, dissimulation, hidden facet of the personality…

The 8th house is finally marked by sexuality (see Anima and Animus), interest in the occult (mysteries, the invisible, magic, reincarnation, miracles, resurrection), withdrawal into the unconscious (psychology), the taste for secrecy, jealousy and possessiveness, as well as death: self-destruction, anxieties, a taste for the morbid, even surgery…

House 8 is a complex, ambivalent house, both seeking emotional security but willing to delve into the depths of humanity and its psyche. Its symbolism is to be compared directly to that of the planet Pluto.

It is the “catabolism” of the other, the transformative and destructive reactions occurring in human relationships (read in particular Pluto or the Great Mysteries of Hades or Pluto – The necessary metamorphoses by Jeff Green).

The Sign in House 8 in your natal chart will bring its character to this complexity, either by accentuating it or by reducing it. Earth signs, for example, will bring their concrete materialism, while air signs will introduce volatility. Fire signs will tend to be “triggers” while water signs will intensify the perceptions discussed above.

The Planets in House 8 and their Aspects will impose their dynamics on this corner of the sky, which in the case of a planetary cluster, can quickly become complex for the astrologer to interpret given the multiple attributes of this house.

Likewise, the transits on the 8th House can be ambiguous and difficult to process in interpretation, the notions of harmonic or dissonant being subjective, especially with implications of slow planets.

Aries in 8th House – Meaning and Info

In house 7 we have learned the recognition of the non-me, but because the other is the other we can lose him at any time.

Because loving sometimes means giving up one’s egotistical desires, the 8th house speaks of dispossession, of renunciation, of transformation necessary to go not only towards one’s true SELF but also towards the other.

We have to learn to lose, to give of ourselves, to make concessions while remaining in harmony with ourselves.

In addition, in adulthood, adults must learn to accept death, hardship and failure. We must therefore learn to manage situations that put us at risk in the face of our own need for security.

The 8th house in astrology therefore speaks of our behavior in the face of dispossession and signs our capacity to adapt to crises and changes in existence.

The 8th house is about anything that goes against our self-preservation instincts and challenges what we have or believe we have, either voluntarily or by force of circumstances.

Astrologers traditionally speak of death in the 8th house. Death is symbolic (losing, giving up, surrendering, letting go), although a strong 8th house may suggest a fascination with death, or an abnormal obsession.

House 8 also speaks of sexuality, not so much from the point of view of desire (house 5) but because in house 8 we kill desire by succumbing to it, orgasm, enjoyment comes to end it. The 8th house in astrology therefore speaks of a very precise moment of sexuality: the sexual act and more particularly the orgasm.

In addition, to enjoy is to let go, to accept no longer to control one’s body that one leaves to the other; somewhere the individual is dispossessed of his conscience (small death).

The sexual act leads to procreation, to these children who will succeed us and who, in a way, are a harbinger of our own death.

Like death, a strong 8th house in astrology can indicate an obsession for enjoyment and the string of deviations that can follow.

The 8th house in astrology pushes us to question, to modify the form of our assets that is why tradition associates it with all forms of financial risk taking. A native who has a strong 8 house, regardless of income, can register big losses as well as big gains by taking big risks.

Note that games of chance fall under the 8th house, because whoever engages in it accepts the idea of ​​loss.

As the 8th house is the one that pushes us to like risk, it also pushes us to like the unknown, the mystery, the unusual, what we cannot own or master.

The 8th house in astrology as the opposite house to the 2nd, marks all the behaviors that put us in danger of survival: anorexia, junk food, lack of sleep etc …

A strong 8th house can indicate an inability to s’ adapt to the continuity of existence and carry self-destructive values ​​deep within.

A weak house 8 indicates a deep fear in the face of the crises of existence, a native who clings to the balusters, for fear of sinking and who holds on to his security even if it means no longer feeling himself to exist.

In a way, the 8th house prompts us to attach less importance to having it in order to focus on well-being, which more than often requires the ability to accept change and risk.


The 8th House corresponds exactly to the responsibilities born from the mutuality of relationships, as such it corresponds to crises, deep transformations, regeneration, and evolution, losses (real or symbolic, material or spiritual, often followed by depression).

It is our personal unconscious where untapped emotional experiences are repressed that can crystallize into Complexes.

