Every each one of us has an argument with another person, occasionally.
Arguing is in human nature; it is something we cannot resist to in total; it is like a fuel for our brain, in a way. It is an exemplar of complexity of human behavior.
Just as nothing in life is constantly in perfect balance, human relations cannot be harmonious and relaxed all the time. Arguing is dynamic and actually good, although we often consider it negative.
However, we should of course know when enough is enough. That is, you have admit, the hardest part of any argument!
It surely has happened that you felt relieved after having an intense argument with someone, no matter who was right in the end.
Other times, you definitely felt exhausted. It depends on the subject, the people involved, your current mental and emotional, even physical state and so on.
Humans are prone to arguing, even over simple, not as important things and problems, compared to some bigger issues.
Everyone has his or her own reason to start an argument.
Sometimes we argue over trivial, everyday things, other times to prove we are in right, but also to defend ourselves or someone else, sometimes even deliberately to irritate someone and we have a whole lot of reason just to start a fight.
Our nature is, well, arguable.
Certain fights and arguments are, in fact, very positive. They are needed in order to settle things down, better to understand our situation, to resolve problems troubling us.
Arguing help us ease our pain, get some relief, express our thoughts and feelings, to let go of our frustration and even our fears. Arguing is a practice characteristic only to humans and it exists since the dawn of humankind on this planet.
We all argue from time to time. Perhaps our loved ones are those we arguing the most with; it is a natural, normal part of people’s lives.
Arguing is something that makes our lives dynamic. Usually, arguments are not major conflicts, but just an outburst of disagreements we have.
Small fights over everyday things are quite common in every household.
Arguments actually drive us. They act as a fuel for taking action. Thus, we could even consider arguing an energy fuel for life.
The energy that comes from an argument could be both bad and good; it could be a creative, driving force, but also an exhausting, negative one.
Nevertheless, arguing does represent activity, dynamics and force of life.
Dreams about arguing
Dreams about arguing could be unpleasant and uncomfortable, but they could be relieving, as well. Interpreting of dreams about arguing depends on a whole list of factors.
Of course, it is important to take all the details from a dream into consideration.
Note where the argument takes place, with whom you are arguing (or who are people arguing), who ‘wins’ and so on.
In general, the simplest explanation of dreams about arguing states that such dreams represent a channel for relief.
Dreams about arguing are helpful channels to vent out all of frustrations and pressure we feel in reality, but we cannot find a way to let them out. Dreams about arguing are often associated with unresolved conflicts, unspoken mind, unexpressed and suppressed negative emotions.
Many times such dreams represent a sub conscious need to express a palette of negative feelings; we are even unaware in reality, such as sadness, anger, grief, sorrow, weakness, guilt and frustration in general.
In some cases, where an actual conflict exists, dreams about arguing could mean you are going to face the person you have problem with and argue.
Dreams about arguing with a stranger
Dreams about arguing with a stranger usually have common meanings of an argue in general. The dream suggests you are frustrated and you cannot find a way to express your dissatisfaction in your waking life.
It means you are either aware or unaware of actual things bothering you, but you feel uneasy and under pressure however.
Argue with a stranger usually symbolizes an inner conflict, not the one a dreamer is having with other people. The stranger represents a part of your own personality; that one you are not proud of.
You probably struggle to change something in the way you think or behave in reality and it is a hard thing to do.
If you dream about having an argument with a stranger, think of what was the subject of your confrontation.
It could help you realize what the problem is bothering you from the inside in your waking life.
If you cannot recall the subject, try to make introspection and figure out what parts of your personality, your actions and decisions makes you feel frustrated.
Dreams about arguing with someone you know
If you dream about arguing with someone you know, for example, with a friend, a partner, your sibling, parents or so, it probably means you have an unresolved conflict with this person in reality.
This dream means you are either going to face someone you already have a conflict with or that you will be in conflict with someone from your nearest environment.
This dream could also mean you are trying to avoid an actual conflict and feel very uneasy about doing so.
Maybe the person you have a disagreement with is in right and you are not; you are aware of it, but you are unwilling to accept the truth and admit you were wrong.
Dreams about arguing with a person you know very well could help you resolve an actual conflict. Such dreams could even offer a good solution you are both failing to see in reality.
Sometimes the conflict gets resolved in your dream in a way you do not even have to deal with it in your waking life anymore.
Many times such dreams mean you are trying to avoid responsibility for your actions. It could be something related to business you have with another person or could be something restricted only to you.
You are not true to yourself and you find it hard to accept you have made a bad decision.
Dreams about an over phone argument
Dreams about having an argument over phone symbolize your deep frustration about not getting the attention you feel you deserve in your waking life.
In reality, you find it hard to speak up your mind and to draw attention to what you are doing.
You feel helpless about it and very angry. You feel as if people who do not deserve to be praised are getting the entire spotlight.
The dream suggests you should be more realistic. Maybe it is something about your own actions and decisions you should change. Do not blame others for everything and stop being too proud of yourself.
Maybe you are actually not trying too hard, but you expect to be respected and admired. Think about it.
An argument over phone in a dream also means you have been put aside in reality; no one is hearing what you have to say, at your work, in your social environment, even in your relationship or family life.
Maybe there is something you should change in your attitude. Do not demand of others to listen to you, because it makes people annoyed and you reject them. Try a different approach.
Dreams about stopping an argument
If you dream that you had a role of a mediator in a conflict between other people, it is a very positive dream.
It suggests how amazing diplomatic skills you possess. You should work towards developing your talents, because you are someone who easily deals with problems on major plan; you have great organizational and guiding skills.
The dream suggests you are about to experience good things in your life, meaning you will be proud of yourself for doing something.
You are a selfless person, who is ready to dedicate life to doing things for the society. Think about it, because it could be a very good life path for you.
In addition, this dream means that maybe there is an actual situation in your waking life you feel you should step in and help it get settled down.
Maybe you were thinking about it, but are still not sure if you should act. The dream suggests you should and it would be a good thing to do.