Bridges are mystical and enchanting places. They come in so many different architectural solutions, wonderful and decorative or simply practical designs, shapes, colors and are to be found in various places.
In symbolical sense, bridges are very powerful. A bridge is dualistic symbol; it represents both gatherings and farewells, binding together and dividing things. Bridges are a metaphor to be found in art, poetry and literature; they are universal symbol of the idea of crossing over, taken in every possible sense.
These human-made structures have always been veiled by curtain of mystery and romance.
Bridges are a common motif in religion and mythology, as well. They are undoubtedly present in every possible symbolic concept and system of thinking and belief.
In the most metaphorical sense, bridges represent mysterious links between human souls alone, connections between realms, transition roads of human mind and emotions and so on.
It is never said in vain that certain times, situations and obstacles are to be ‘bridged’, meaning crossed over, resolved, conquered.
In addition to crossing over, bridges represent the idea of building up new roads, heading forwards new horizons and creating bonds. They manner in which the bridge is imagined, described and presented, for example, in art or literature, or a dream, which we will discuss later on, reflects peoples’ emotions towards the very idea of a metaphor.
For example, if the bridge is solid and firm, it represents incredibly strong bonds and vice versa; if it is fragile, then the binds we are trying to represent are weak.
The metaphor of ruining and breaking a bridge is particularly common in various areas of our culture.
We associate this phenomenon with breaking of bonds, with the concept of an ending, both positive and negative ones. The most explicit metaphor is the one in which the bridge is crossed and then completely destroyed, so there is no option of return.
It usually represents the idea of finishing a life chapter, letting go of old beliefs, habits and starting fresh. From all these mentioned, it is easy to assume that dreams about bridges carry many special messages.
Dreams about bridges
Bridges in dreams symbolize all of these ideas mentioned, only the meaningfulness behind these ideas is, perhaps, stronger, because a dream carries special, intimate, very personal touch. In most of the cases, to dream about bridges is a way of our minds to handle big changes and transitions in our waking life.
Dreams about bridges represent parts of our life path, transitions from one chapter to another, new beginnings, a road from our past to the future.
Many important decisions and changes in life are often marked or even announced by dreams about bridges.
Personal development, personal revelations, important discoveries about the life itself, breaking up with old models of behavior, letting go of past events, things and people, all these things could be reflected in a dream about bridges.
On the other hand, a bridge could represent exactly the opposite; it also connects all these things. In dreams, it could symbolize and reflect building up of bonds and strengthening of connections and relations in a dreamer’s real life, in any possible area of life and existence.
The interpretations vary greatly, depending on particular circumstances related to the bridge in a dream.
It is very important to remember how was the bridge looking like, where was it placed, what are surroundings, how the weather was, the light and so on; were there people on the bridge, what was bellow the bridge, where the dreamer themselves was standing or what was happening to them in a dream.
It is also always important to note how you feel about the dream, does it induce positive feelings and relax you or it make you feel uneasy and disturbed.
Dreams about bridges are of dual nature; they could be so promising and encouraging, as well as scary, disturbing and distressing. Many things could happen to a dreamer on a bridge.
You could walk across a fragile, breaking or falling bridge. You could fall of the bridge, run across it or just stand there and watch the waters bellow, if any. You could wait for someone on a bridge or just enjoy passing it over.
Now we will talk more about specific bridges related dreams.
Dreams about seeing a bridge
If you had a dream in which you only see a bridge, but do not go across it, most probably such a dream reflects your waking life dilemmas, confusion, doubts and perhaps hesitation to step onto a completely new road.
You are unwilling to break up with certain patterns of behavior, habits, actions or persons. You know it could be good for you, but you are afraid of uncertainty.
Such a dream could be a reflection of conscious thoughts or it could be a hint from your unconsciousness.
Dreams in which you see a bridge or more of them suggest there are so many new opportunities in life and you finally start to realize that fact.
However, you are confused of what to do; you do not feel confident enough to decide, at least for now.
Which bridge should you cross? Is this one stable enough to support my weight?
These are all questions you may ask yourself in a dream, but they all reflect your inner dilemmas. Such dreams are neutral in nature, but helpful to better observe your real life situation.
Dreams about a broken bridge
If the bridge you see in your dream is broken, no matter if you have just came to it or have already crossed it, it represents things that cannot be undone.
These could be some things you did in the past, but still regret doing or some things that are yet to be done.
Think about your current situation. Is there anything you would like to finally see an end to? Or you constantly punish yourself over things that have already passed?
Dreams about broken bridges could be an explanation and a good direction for solving problems in reality.
Dreams about standing on the bridge
Dreams about standing on a bridge are similar to those in which you see a bridge.
It means you have decided to change something, to experience new things, but you are still unsure if the decision you have made is good.
You are afraid of failure, so you hesitate to finish your journey across the bridge. You are afraid of what can you find at the end.
Depending on the part of the bridge you stand, such a dream could be interpreted as your current point of personal real life and/or spiritual journey.
Dreams about crossing over the bridge
Dreams about crossing over the bridge strongly suggest big changes are coming, big decisions are made and you are about to finally let go off the past and start something new.
Your real willingness to embrace new phase of life is reflected in your emotions and behaviors in dream in which you are crossing the bridge.
If you walk fast, determined to cross it over, it means you are ready to grab new opportunities; if you walk slow, turning back, but you still cross it, it means you will accept changes, but with more suspicion and caution.