Dreams About Bulls – Meaning and Interpretation

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Bulls are symbols of power, strength, will, but also stubbornness. When bulls find their way into your dreams they have similar symbolism.

In dreams, bulls could indicate uncontrollable passion or repressed sexual desires. They could also indicate virility or fertility.

Bulls are also symbols of abundance and wealth. They could indicate the need to stand up for your beliefs or defend yourself in some situation.

In some cases, the dream about a bull could indicate the need to make some compromises or it is a reminder that you need to start making compromises in your life.

Dreams About Bulls – Meaning and Interpretation

Dreaming of a bull or bulls – If you dreamed about a bull or bulls, that dream could be a sign of being overwhelmed with many duties and feeling burdened by them. In some cases, this dream reveals your desire to lead a simpler life.

Dreaming of a bull grazing in the field – If you dreamed of a bull grazing in the field, that dream usually isn’t a good sign. It could be a sign of minor disagreements with friends or family. In some cases, this dream is a sign of financial trouble and decrease of your wealth in the near future.

Dreaming of feeding a bull – If you were feeding a bull in a dream, such dream could be an indication of someone’s romantic interest in you. You might or might not be aware of this person’s interest.

Dreaming of a well-fed bull – If you dreamed of a well-fed bull that dream is a good sign. This dream could indicate success and prosperity, being respected in your surroundings. For men who had such a dream, it could indicate their sexual attractiveness.

Dreaming of an aggressive bull – If you saw an aggressive bull in your dream, that dream could have many different meanings. For example, if the bull was at a distance from you, the dream could indicate meeting someone with whom you might become intimate soon.

If there was more than one aggressive bull, the dream could indicate not being satisfied with your partner’s sexual performance and needing some changes in your sex life.

If the bull in your dream was charging at some woman, the dream could be a warning of a possible sexual assault.

Dreaming of an enraged bull – If you saw an enraged bull in a dream, that dream could indicate that you have uncontrollable desires and passion.

Dreaming of an aggressive bull frightening you – If you dreamed that an aggressive bull had frightened you, that dream should be considered as a warning about some potential danger or an accident you might soon face, and is asking you to be careful and take extra care of your wellbeing.

Dreaming of killing a bull – If you killed a bull in your dream, that dream should be considered a warning. It could indicate being in danger or being threatened by someone soon.

Dreaming of a dead bull – If you dreamed of a dead bull, that dream is usually a bad sign. It often indicates misfortune, sadness and depression. Sometimes it could be a sign of rage. In some cases, this dream indicates loss of will and beginning to doubt yourself.

Dreaming of a bull attacking somebody – If you saw a bull attack somebody in your dream, that dream could be a warning about your behavior. Maybe you are being stubborn, and your stubbornness is hurting people around you so the dream is a message from your subconscious to change your behavior.

Dreaming of a bull chasing you – If a bull had chased you in a dream, that dream is usually a good sign, possibly indicating harmony in your love life. Sometimes it could be a sign of a rich inheritance. In some cases, this dream could indicate refusing to admit that you are stubborn.

Dreaming of bull fight – If you dreamed of observing a bull fight, that dream could symbolize some people from your surroundings who fight all the time. Sometimes this dream indicates imbalance between some areas of your life.

Dreaming of a white bull – If you dreamed of a white bull, that dream could indicate someone close becoming pregnant. It could also indicate you getting pregnant soon.

Dreaming of a black bull – If you dreamed of a black bull, that dream is a warning about your behavior and attitude. You might be stubborn and full of hate. You might be full of despise towards something or someone. Sometimes this dream symbolizes being hurt by people who dislike you.

Dreaming of riding a bull – If you rode a bull in a dream, that dream is a good sign, indicating that you are in control of yourself and your actions.

Dreaming of a bull without horns – If you dreamed of a bull which didn’t have any horns, that dream is a good sign, possibly indicating that you will be victorious in the conflict with some rivals.

Dreaming of bull horns – If you dreamed of bull horns, that dream might be a reminder to confront and deal with some problems. It might be a sign that you should take control over your life and actions.

Dreaming of a bull with big horns – If you dreamed of a bull with big horns, that dream isn’t a good sign. It usually indicates disagreements and conflicts with some close people or people you see often.

Dreaming of selling a bull – If you were selling a bull in a dream, that could indicate feeling sorry for getting romantically involved with someone who turned out to be a narcissist.

