Dreams About Not Being Able to Breathe – Meaning and Interpretation

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Without breeding there is no life. Breeding is the most important activities every living being constantly does, yet it is an activity taken for granted by most.

People who have allergies or have nose deviations, or some other respiratory problems know the feeling of panic they feel when they are not able to breathe properly and when they have difficulties catching a breath of air.

When your breathing is stable and balanced, that is an indication that you are calm and peaceful. If you have some difficulties breathing, or your breath is short or irregular, that is a sign of imbalance and stress you are feeling, or even some health issues.

The same meaning has breathing in your dreams.

If you happen to dream about breathing deep and relaxed, that dream reveals the state of inner peace and satisfaction you are feeling. If your breath in the dream is irregular, or you were struggling to catch your breath, that dream reveals a state of anxiousness, imbalance, stress, and being overwhelmed because of something.

This dream often indicates being under stress and feeling very anxious. Maybe you have a lot of unresolved problems and you don’t know how to deal with them.

Dreaming of not being able to breathe often reveals your inner state. There is possibly something in your life, which you cannot easily accept and live with.

Maybe you are under constant stress because of something and you are not aware of that consciously. If that is the case, your subconscious is sending you a message through this dream to realize the issues which are bothering you and confront them.

There is no use putting problems under the rug; they can only grow bigger until they begin suffocating us.

Often such a dream indicates feelings of emotional pressure because of someone close in your life, like a parent, or a partner. If the relationship with someone is bothering you, then you need to gain courage and talk to the person about the issues which exist between you.

Try to find a mutual solution to the situation which is bothering you.

In many cases, dreams about not being able to breathe reveal your feelings of restriction or pressure in some situation you are in. Something external bothers you and you don’t know how to deal with it.

Maybe you have been pressured by daily themes lately and it has become overbearing for you. Often, we dream such dreams when there is a lot on our mind and we cannot manage to finish everything we need to.

Maybe you have been under so much stress that is impossible for you to relax.

Sometimes a dream about not being able to breathe is a sign of your fears and lack of confidence in your abilities to deal with some problems and difficult situations in your life.

In some cases, dream about not being able to breathe indicates that someone in your life suffocates you with something, either emotionally or creatively. You possibly feel as if you don’t have space to express yourself the way you desire, and you feel that you can’t change that.

The reasons for having such a dream can be various. Maybe you are currently in some hurtful situation in life. Maybe you feel being molested by someone and you want to escape.

You are maybe stuck in a bad relationship, or someone is giving you a hard time at work, etc.

This dream is often calling you to stop behaving like a victim, ignoring the situation or avoiding dealing with it. Confront the people you have issues with openly and say how you feel. Ask these people to stop with the behavior which bothers you or hurts you.

If you don’t feel brave enough to do that, it would be helpful to talk to someone you trust first, to give you a boost of encouragement.

These dreams are very disturbing and are usually a message from our subconscious which is trying to make us realize something about ourselves or some situation in our lives. They are often a wake-up call to end some situation which is harmful to your wellbeing or is blocking you somehow.

Something in your life probably needs to be changed or it needs to end, whether it is a relationship with someone, a marriage, a job, etc. You need to realize that yourself and openly confront it.

Maybe you feel controlled by someone or some situation in your life, and you feel stressed and anxious about that. Try to relieve that pressure and get out of that situation, before it causes more damage.

The issues which are pressuring you can often be some things from the past or some bad habits you should get rid of, or some beliefs which don’t serve you any more or you have outgrown.

The most likely cause of such dreams is being overwhelmed with something. Consider all the details of the dream and discover the reasons for having them and then try to find the solution.

Sometimes they could simply be caused by exhaustion.

In some rare cases, these dreams signify hardships and difficulties you could soon experience and be forced to deal with. They could also be caused by not lying comfortably on the bed and preventing yourself from breathing properly.

If you have an allergy or a cold, that might also be a reason to dream about not being able to breathe as well.

Dreams About Not Being Able to Breathe – Meaning and Interpretation

Dreaming of trying to catch your breath – If you dreamed of not being able to breathe as you were struggling to catch your breath, that dream is not a good sign. It usually indicates feelings of stress and tension regarding some situation in your life. Sometimes it could indicate feeling overwhelmed by too many things, and the dream is asking you to take a break to relax.

This dream could also reveal your great fear of something. Maybe you fear your future, or the outcome of some situation.

It is often a sign of being suffocated or overwhelmed with someone or some situation you are currently experiencing.

Sometimes it could indicate feeling anxious because of competition with someone. It is often a sign of exhaustion.

Dreaming of holding your breath and not being able to breathe – If you dreamed of holding your breath and preventing yourself from breathing, that dream is usually a reminder you need to confront some issues you have. Maybe you will be forced to give up on something, but that is the only way to deal with the issues you have.

Sometimes this dream indicates getting rid of something to gain something better.

This dream could also symbolize your personality, your rigidness of opinions and beliefs, strong will, persistence, and stubbornness at times. The dream could be a reminder to begin paying attention to other people’s opinions.

Dreaming of not being able to breathe for a short time – If you dreamed of not being able to breathe for a moment, that dream is usually a good sign. It could indicate being rewarded for something you did, usually for resolving some problem.

Dreaming of inhaling smoke and not being able to breathe – If you dreamed of finding yourself in a room full of smoke and not being able to breathe, that dream is not a good sign. It usually indicates being dependent on someone, and the need to gain more private space.

Dreaming of being under water and not being able to breathe – If you dreamed of not being able to breathe while being under water, that dream is not a good sign. It usually indicates great worries and pressure about something.

Dreaming of being strangled and not being able to breathe – If you dreamed of being strangled by someone and not being able to breathe, that dream is not a good sign. It usually symbolizes someone in your life with an overwhelmingly negative influence and power over you.

