IQ 111 – Score Meaning

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Is it possible to give a straightforward definition of human intelligence? Many have tried and it has been an ongoing debate ever since. Human intelligence, but also intelligence as a whole, is a complicated subject.

First, we o not know enough about human brain nor we could give a definite explanation of our own existence. We are yet to fathom such complex metaphysical questions.

It is interesting to think of intelligence as an abstract that comes in gradual levels, which is what some enthusiasts about outer spaces propose. Futuristic thought on intelligence also proposes an interesting idea on development of intelligence.

According to this idea, we have not yet reach the level in intelligence development that would open the windows of perception and let us discover more about the universe we are part of.

The question of extraterrestrial life and intelligence has also always intrigued humankind. Are there other intelligent creatures, like us? Well, they might be some that are highly intelligent, but not like humans. Maybe our own level of conscience is still not that high to understand them.

No one really knows, but one must admit it is a seductive idea. Be at as it may, let us return to our earthly life and our own intelligence.

One thing is sure, intelligence does represent our ability to adapt to this world. In other words, it helps us adapt to changes. We learn from changes around by our perception, reasoning, by our memory and experience. We draw conclusions and make decisions based upon our foundations. It is a complex and amazing process.

Not only that we use all of this mental capacity to understand the world and adapt to it, but we are the ones who bring changes.

The intelligence also helps us learn from mistakes. Therefore, intelligence is not meant to prevent us from making mistakes, from being in wrong. It is not meant to make us perfectly ‘smart’, but capable of understanding and reasoning and learning. It prevents us from repeating mistakes and actually makes us improve ourselves, based on experience we got from making a mistake in the first place.

Intelligence is our mental ability to perceive, comprehend and understand the world we live in. Intelligence is our ability to adapt to changes, but also to make changes that would adapt surroundings to our taste. Intelligence could be perhaps associated with our consciousness. We are self-aware, which marks great part of ourselves defined as intellectual beings.

Human intelligence is also inherited, studies have proved. The evidence is shows in cases of people who have been separated from their parents at birth and who have never, over the course of their life, encountered their biological parents.

However, these people presented with similar level of intelligence as their real parents. It proves the theory that intelligence is genetic.

Human Intelligence as a Complex

However, it is still difficult to propose unanimous definition of intelligence. There have been many approaches, argued by even more hypothesis and proofs.

One of surely most intriguing one is the theory of multiple intelligences.

It is problematic, because, as some claim, it gives too wide definition of intelligence. It has often been regarded as vague and too broad. Nevertheless, it is important, since it really shakes up the foundations on which IQ test were based upon.

Theory of multiple intelligences proposes an idea of intelligence as a complex of many aspects, not a single, general intelligence. This approach makes it possible to be intelligent without being intelligent on an IQ score, to say so.

In other words, it acknowledges skills and talents that are not tests on IQ test as equally important into evaluation human intelligence.

According to this approach, we have eight types of intelligence, with possibly two additional ones.

These include visual-spatial intelligence, verbal-linguistic intelligence, mathematical-logical intelligence, physical-kinesthetic intelligence, musical-rhythmic intelligence, natural-naturalistic intelligence, interpersonal intelligence, intrapersonal intelligence, spiritual or existential intelligence and moral intelligence.

If we take this idea as a basis for understanding human intelligence or, more precise, level of intelligence, things get, well, complex. There is no single IQ score that could encircle all of this.

However, supporters of conventional IQ testing argue this approach was too wide, which, it has to be admitted, has its grounds. Nevertheless, it opens up different perspective.

For example, an individual could present with fantastic capacities in musical/rhythmic domain, he or she could be very good at physical/kinesthetic as well, but maybe he or she is not a brilliant logical thinker or particularly good at verbal expression.

On the other hand, you can have a completely opposite situation or a mixture of both. Everything is possible, although we have to admit that certain aspects are, perhaps, closer to one another.

In any case, you could observe them as separate qualities, knowing that they all have a common place, which is general intelligence. Common IQ test would not reveal if someone were a talented singer or a painter or a fit athlete.

This approach counts them as types of intelligence, while official tests do not fit with it. IQ test, however, could tell much about learning abilities, memory and problem solving skills.

IQ Tests and Scores

IQ testing has a long history, from our point of view, since the first test was developed in the beginning of the previous century.

This first test was Binet-Simon test, created by the French psychologist Alfred Binet and his colleague Theodore Simon. Standardized American version that came soon after was Stanford-Binet test, since Stanford University applied the standardization process.

During the First World War, there have been two tests, Army Alpha and Beta tests. The latter tow became controversial after the war, since they remained to be active, out of military practice.

Instead for testing recruits to the army, they were used to test immigrant population. One could imagine how many discrimination concerns this process had risen.

The next test important to mention and perhaps the most important since still active was WAIS test or Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, created by the American psychologist David Wechsler.

Currently, its fourth edition is being widely used around the globe and it is simply labeled WAIS-IV- WAIS-V is planned to be released in 2020, after it finishes the data collecting process, needed for a new revision. According to WAIS-IV, we present categories of IQ score ranges.

Scores that are below 69 are ‘extremely low’. We have to point out that the average score on most of tests is set at 100, with standard deviation that counts 15. The next range is 70 to 79 and it is considered ‘borderline’, while scores from 80 to 89 are ‘below average’.

One study has shown that this range is the one that has most commonly been associated with violent behavior. Not a rule, of course.

Scores from 90 to 109 are ‘average’, while 109 to 119 are ‘high average’. Scores from 120 to 129 are called ‘superior’ and those of 130 and up are people of ‘very superior’ intelligence.

According to WAIS tests, scores that are above 130 qualify one for a place in Mensa. Score that we are going to discuss, falls under the ‘above average’ range. Sounds great, but what does it mean?

IQ 111 Score Meaning

In order to understand the meaning of the score 111 or, at least, to try to understand the actual manifestation of this score in real life, we have to realize what does an average score mean.

Average score, in brief, means a person is of intelligence level similar to majority of people. In practice, it means a person is of average reasoning, comprehension and task processing skills.

In other words, it means a person has proper understanding of the world around, may have specific interests, is capable of studying that involves theory, is employable at positions that require decision-making skills et cetera.

An average intelligent individual (average only according to scales) would most likely have no extreme demands from life, but would be satisfied with who he or she is and with what they are capable of.

Average people usually do not over-think different problems and thus get through life more easily. This is a vague description and it definitely requires many other factors to be involved. Anyway, it is a ‘sketch’ of the average intelligence. Score 111 is ‘above average’. It is not a genius score, but it is a one that make you ‘smarter’ than majority of population.

However, it is not a score that would make one appear ‘geek’ or that would make him or her stand out to much. The score is good, if something like that could be said for such a score and depending on what does a ‘good’ real life manifestation of it means to you.

A person within the above average range is definitely capable of studying in college style and scorers of this range would easily get a BA degree.

For example, a person of a score 111 could become a successful teacher, accountant or manager. These are only examples. Instead of focusing on strictly determined labels for each score, you should focus on what makes you feel good. It gets more difficult with higher scores since people of above average score really do tend to think too much.

It depends on your emotional intelligence and your personality how you would employ your decently high score.  In other words, you should follow both your reason and intuition.

People with score 111 will probably be efficient students and could do well in academic circles. With effort and practice, they could get higher.

It would also depend on your personal desire to learn and advance, which is characteristic for people with higher scores; they have a need to learn, discover new information and gather knowledge.

Factors that would decide, amongst others, on how would you do these are definitely emotional and social intelligence.

Some would say you should not take IQ score as reliable value, others would say it is correct. The best advice is to take it as something in between.

