The ability of a person to gain knowledge as well to generate different information is called intelligence.
It is also the individual’s capacity to solve various problems; having a critical approach towards things and facts, and not accepting everything as truth; reasoning; the person’s creativity; ability of understanding, etc.
Besides humans, according to scientists, animals and plants have intelligence as well. Humans have created artificial intelligence, which is machine intelligence and intelligence of computer programs.
Intelligence represents a mix of different cognitive skills and knowledge of a person. In general, intelligence is measured through intelligence tests. These tests are created by psychologists and represent a combination of different cognitive tasks, usually verbal, quantitative, perceptual, or conceptual.
Intelligence test results are usually expressed in intelligence quotients or IQ scores. Usually intelligence tests are used to determine the mental age of a child.
That is especially important because these tests can demonstrate whether a child’s mental age is at the level of the average mental age of children of that age.
Psychologists also use these tests during the recruitment process to assess the ability of their candidates to perform certain tasks or jobs.
IQ score are generally used to demonstrate the level of an individual’s intelligence. IQ tests have precise scales to determine these scores.
These scores sometimes don’t reflect the true level of the person’s intelligence, due to some factors present when the person is doing the test which prevent the person to put in maximum effort.
IQ scores generally range between 40 and 160, but most people are in the average intelligence category, which is from 90 to 109. Above 109 is considered above average intelligence, while below 90 is considered below average intelligence.
It is important to note that intelligence is changeable and can be changed with education and other activities, and therefore bad IQ scores should not discourage anyone.
Types of intelligence
There are numerous types of intelligence according to different psychologists and scientists.
They all agree about the existence of a general intelligence factor, representing the person’s ability of gaining knowledge, think abstract or critically, adapt to situations, reason, learn from experience, etc.
People with higher general intelligence factor are able to learn faster than those with lower general intelligence.
There are also specific intelligences, which represent the different abilities of skills in various areas.
Also important is the emotional intelligence of a person, representing their ability to understand other people and their desires, motivations, intentions, and emotions.
According to some psychologists, there are also fluid and crystalized intelligence. Fluid intelligence is the capacity of the person to acquire knowledge and find new ways of doing things and solving problems.
Crystalized intelligence is the intelligence which grows through experience. Fluid intelligence is decreasing as the person gets older, while crystalized increases at the same time.
Some scientists also consider the existence of creative and practical intelligence. Creative intelligence represents the creative skills of the person. It is the ability of the person to visualize the outcome of a creative endeavor before it becomes a reality.
Practical intelligence resembles general intelligence and is the person’s ability to solve problems and deal with issues.
Intelligence quotient (IQ)
Intelligence quotient is a measure of the person’s level of intelligence. Most of intelligence tests are made to measure the person’s general intelligence.
Because the level of intelligence has a tendency of increasing, these tests are made for different age groups.
They go through a standardization process, which is done by different age groups doing the tests to determine an average IQ score for each age group.
This process should be regularly done because it is noted that intelligence increases with every new generation, mostly because of the availability of information.
IQ is calculated with a formula: IQ = mental age ÷ chronological age x 100, or by comparing the mental and chronological age of an individual.
For example, when a child who is 10 years old solves an intelligence test for a 10 year old, and has results that match the average score of a 10 year old, that child has the IQ of 100 (10÷10×100=100).
When a child who is 7 solves an intelligence test for a 10 year old child as good as an average 10 year old, the child has above average intelligence and an IQ score of 143 (10÷7×100=143).
Genetics has a significant role in the level of an IQ score. It is noted that the parents have similar IQ as their children. Important factors in forming the person’s intelligence are their life conditions and education, as well as their upbringing.
It is known that children, who are growing in poverty and are neglected and poorly educated, usually have lover intelligence than children who grow up in different conditions and are well taken care of and have a proper education.
Possible causes of a bad IQ score
IQ scores are usually precise, but in some cases, the test results don’t show the real picture. The reasons why the person can score badly on an IQ tests can be numerous.
For example, the person could be distracted by stress, fear of the outcome of the test, some emotional disturbances the person is going through, tiredness, anxiousness, and other psychical conditions.
It is also important to rule out potential learning disabilities, like dyslexia, etc. because they can sometimes be the culprit for a bad IQ score.
Bad scores can be very disappointing, but due to these different circumstances that cannot be influenced or avoided, IQ tests have a tolerance score of up to 10 or 20 points.
IQ 88 score meaning
IQ score of 88 is in the category of low average intelligence. Low average intelligence is in the range from IQ 80 to 89.
If you or your child has an IQ score of 88, you shouldn’t be very upset because you should be aware that you can raise the level of your intelligence up to 20 points; it takes effort and some activities, but it can certainly be done.
It is a proven fact that the level of intelligence can be raised with some activities and education.
IQ tests are mostly focused on testing the person’s spatial and visual skills, their logic and reasoning, their general knowledge and knowledge of science, math, but also of other areas.
These should all be areas of your focus when you are working on increasing the level of intelligence, or your child’s level of intelligence. You need to improve your knowledge or your child’s knowledge as well the required skills.
Here are some of activities you can do to help raise the IQ score:
Crossword puzzle – crossword puzzles are an excellent way to stimulate the brain. They have a beneficial effect on the brain, increase the logic and general knowledge, and they are an excellent way to expand the vocabulary.
Tutoring – Hiring a tutor to help gain knowledge and improve your skills or your child skills is a great way to help increase intelligence. A tutor will also help your child in overcoming the difficulties while learning the things they were taught at school.
Watching informational programs on TV – Informational programs can be boring, but they are an excellent source of information, general knowledge, and they also help expand the person’s vocabulary. That is why, watching them is highly recommended as an activity to help raise intelligence.
Exercising – Exercises are highly beneficial for the overall health, and they especially help the brain in forming new neurons and synapses and increase its capacity.
Eating turmeric – Eating turmeric roots is beneficial for the health, but especially brain’s health because it contains curcumin, a substance which lowers risk of mental retardation.
Vitamin D – Consuming vitamin D regularly is beneficial for the brain’s health. Vitamin D helps in the restoring of neurons in the brain, as well as increasing the person’s memory.
Sleeping – No one should underestimate the importance of sleep for the overall health, especially the brain and its functions. Sleeping restores our organism.
Deep breathing – It might seem strange, but deep breathing is essential for the inflow of air in the brain which helps improve its efficiency and overall performance of the brain.
Playing musical instruments – Playing music is known to increase the brains’ activity and performance and improves the memory.
Learning a foreign language – Foreign languages help increasing the brain’s capacity and influence the increase of the person’s intelligence. This activity also increases the person’s memory and ability to process information.
Fish oil – Fish oil is great for the brain’s health because of the fatty acids from the Omega group which it contains. These acids are important for the development of brain cells.
A person who has an IQ of 88 is likely to perform well some simple menial jobs that are usually repetitive in nature. By doing them repeatedly, the person gets better at them.
These jobs don’t require any special knowledge or skills from the person, and they usually don’t require some special education.
People with IQ score of 88 are capable to live an independent life, and usually experience some issues with certain life’s activities.
Because intelligence can be raised, they should not be discouraged, but take on action to increase their intelligence level.