Human intelligence has always been a subject of debate, argument and controversies, in many attempts to try to define it and, at least, describe it. Human intelligence is, by all means, a complex category, difficult to observe from all sides and put them all together.
Some believe IQ score is invallid in determining a person’s actual intellectual capacities; others might not agree with that at all. It seems that the truth is in between, as it commonly proves to be the case.
While IQ scores surely do not describe one’s intelligence or one’s capacities to the fullest, it does give a generalized ground for everything else.
Perhaps one of the best approaches is that of multiple types of intelligences that could be analyzed separately, independently of one another. Categories such as spatial perception, numerical understanding, verbal comprehension, visual abilities and else could be observed independently.
However, all of these have a meeting point, which is a base intellectual capability, found in each person. IQ results usually present with a score that kind of sums up all the separate capacities, although it still does not present everything that might constitute one’s potentials. One of the most commonly used arguments is that of artistic skills.
For example, a person of an average or low average score could present with creative artistic and practical talents that are not ‘seen’ on general test. What is human intelligence, in the first place?
The best definition could be that human intelligence represents a complex of mental abilities that consist of different aspects and parameters. It involves thinking, reasoning, solving, planning and learning.
Definitions of human intelligence are not easy to make and it is perhaps the best of they remain this loose. In common talk, people usually identify intelligence with academic intelligence, academic learning and success.
However, intelligence should be observed from wider perspective and it should not be taken simply as a mean for dealing with intellectual lessons and problems, as in academic sense.
IQ Testing Through Time
We are more than a century distant from the first IQ test, although the debates and controversies are ongoing. Modern tests are based on a group of tests that are merged into a single number IQ score.
This result represents a person’s general intellectual capacity, put into a specific range and a category.
There are of course, specialized test; there are children intelligence tests, test for those with already proven very high score etc.
It all began at the beginning of the twentieth century. The French psychologist Alfred Binet was the author of the first IQ test. This test is known as Binet-Simon test, named after the author and his colleague Theodore Simone.
It was, in fact, a children intelligence test. At the time, the French government decided that all kids should go to school.
The test was needed so to determine which kids might need assistance during education.
Binet’s test observed children’s memorizing capacity, their level of attention and processing speed. He discovered that those are not correspondent to biological age, so he proposed the well-known category of mental age.
While the test could be considered revolutionary, it was far from perfect, which Binet admitted himself. He pointed out that socio-cultural background, for instance, as well as other factors do affect one’s intelligence development.
This Binet’s test was introduced to the United States early on and standardized by Stanford University, becoming a norm and the official test in 1916. During the First World War, two tests were adapted for the purposes of the recruitment process.
Those were Army Intelligence test, one in written form, the other in pictures (Army Alpha and Beta tests).
These tests became problematic after the war has ended. The government continued to use it out of military practice and applied it on immigrant population. The tests were initially meant to test both non-English and English speakers, as well as those who could read and who could not.
Applied over the immigrant population, the tests allowed excuses for discrimination.
More elaborated IQ test came in with the psychologist David Wechsler in 1954. WAIS test or Wechsler Adult Intelligence scale is still in use and it is the most widespread type of an IQ test.
The fourth edition of the test is active, with the fifth undergoing the process of collecting data (it is planned to be released in 2020). Wechsler has developed additional tests, such as the one for children.
WAIS test focuses on several different parameters. It observes perceptual reasoning, verbal comprehension, problem solving speed and the working memory. These scores obtained through these parameters are to be compared within the same age group.
All of this finally leads us to classification of IQ scores and the term and idea of average intelligence.
Average Scores and Classification
Most of the tests agree on 100 to be the average score, with one standard deviation of 15 units.
According to classic scale by Lewis Terman, here are the ranges and their descriptions. All scores below 70 are considered of ‘definite feeble mindedness’.
Scores between 70 and 79 are considered borderline in terms of intelligence deficiency. Scores of 80 to 89 make for a ‘dull’ individual.
Scores under the range 90 to 109 are below average intelligence, according to this classification. Scores 110 to 119 are considered superior and those from 120 to 140 of very superior intelligence. Results that read above 140 are reserved for genius ones.
The average score in it self does not reveal much about one’s actual capacities, many experts agree.
This score only suggests that a person possesses average perceptual reasoning, that he or she is capable of learning theoretical material, that his or hers processing and problem solving speed is average, as seen in the most part of population.
Statistics show that 69% of the population falls within the range from 85 to 115, and 95% within the range from 70 to 130. This marks about 70% to be of average intelligence, according to scale.
Having an IQ within the average range means your intelligence capacity is similar to that of the most people.
It is a good thing, as it means that one is perfectly fitting for the environment in the roughest terms of intellectual understanding. It means one self-sufficient, socially fitting and adaptable, fully employable, capable of learning and self-development and more.
Some experts argue that a range could be developed. They believe that with effort and persistence in learning one could swap categories (even up to 20points).
IQ 92 Score Meaning
IQ score 92 falls under the range of average or normal intelligence. All mentioned above applies to this score. However, one has to bear in mind that this score does not portray the person nor does it reveal all of their capacities.
As it was stated before and many experts agree on that, IQ scores could not show a person0s talents, such as practical or artistic ones.
This means that a person with 92 score could be very handy, talented and creative, even if they are not ‘brilliant’ in academic sense.
Some argue the idea of life success based upon the IQ score and thus discuss and compare lower average to higher or average-average scores. Comparing score of 92 with that of 102 could be a good example.
Since many factors should be considered in each individual case, it is perfectly possible that a person of this lower score of 92 become more successful than that of 102. If he or she invests enough efforts, if this person was emotionally and sociably adaptable and stable, they could get ahead of an instable and neglected 102 scorer.
The thing is that IQ scores are, at least, flexible to interpret. Some people literally do not ’believe’ in validity of IQ scores per se.
Others believe that the factor of emotional intelligence plays much more important role than solely intellectual capacity as seen in standard IQ test.
Perhaps all have a point in this. Be it as it may, a score of 92 still remains an – average score.
The basic attributes and characteristics of an average score are applicable to that of 92, although other factors should definitely be taken into account.
A person of 92 score could be very emotionally intelligent, for example, balanced, calm and self-aware. They could be talented for things that are not measured in common tests.
Many people fiercely argue against the validity of IQ tests.
If you surf through Quora answers on different IQ levels, you will be surprised to discover how certain IQs do not correspond with what they were meant to correspond with (for example, a scorer of 90 could have a PhD and it does not mean that it was fraud, since there are many similar examples).
In any case, you should not stick solely to the ‘intellectual’ base of the IQ score. Yours is as good as any other; it is rather a type of intelligence.