Everything related to Leo is central, main, leading, it is always the scene is never hidden and everything is transparent.
Leo is ruled by the Sun, which is exalted in Aries, represents will, self-awareness, and strength, a symbol of happiness, money, success, power, health, life energy, optimism, sovereignty, and creativity.
Leo with the Sun represents everything we create with our will, and above all he likes to dominate especially in partnerships, he loves power and stage lights. The sun signifies us but also important people in our lives, father, husband, boss, director, president of the state…
Leo – Meaning and Info
Their build is usually firm and strong, high and broad-shouldered, with a warm attractive look, a dignified royal posture of a lithe gait like a cat, adorned with lush hair reminiscent of a lion’s mane. He has a tendency towards risks and does everything to avoid monotony, and he likes hanging out with people in positions that make it easier for him to realize his great ambitions.
Lions cannot go unnoticed, leaders, organizers, bosses are born, and power is the strongest aphrodisiac for them. They are very creative in their work, jobs that require individuality suit them, and as long as they are showered with praise, their morale is raised.
They aspire to luxury and often know how to have an overestimated opinion of themselves. What the Lions do not like are certainly objections, overly conscientious and often very arrogant, with their persistent work of wisdom and great ambition they can achieve great goals.
Often members of this sign have a strong charisma and fear that they will not be appreciated enough.
The dream car for the Lions can only be a large and lavish Rolls Royce or Bentley. The ideal home of a Leo is an apartment or house with lots of light with large rooms with high ceilings upholstered in warm colors with sumptuous and expensive furniture dominated by details in gold.
In their home they want to feel like in a castle where they often invite friends. For them, a home in the Mediterranean style in the city center is the most suitable, because Leo is the center. They enjoy the food and everything has to be quality and prepared with style and they like to visit the best restaurants to see and be seen.
In love they are very passionate they surrender without reservation because love is very important to them. A relationship problem can arise because of their dominance. They shower their partners with gifts and take them to exclusive places.
Moreover, astrologers themselves, interpreting their own horoscopes, also ignore this question, aware at the end of a single truth – and that is that the outcome announced by the natal chart – is inevitable.
They are one of the most faithful signs of the Zodiac, but there is also one condition for the partner to be at least one step below them and to rarely oppose because they always have to feel superior. Because of their attractive appearance, they are sexually highly desirable.
This is above all a very proud, practical intelligent man with great energy confident in his qualities, who knows how to be an idealist but sometimes narcissistic.
He is persistent and has strong will and ambition, so he easily tackles difficult challenging tasks. The lower type likes to hang out with successful and powerful people and brag about his connections. Family life is very important to him and he must be the central figure.
Sometimes he embarks on an adventure that he thinks he has a right to do, but for his wife to do it for his ego would be a big blow because he is still conservative in his soul. He likes to be in important positions, feel power, media fame, likes to be in newspapers, TV screens, adorn yourself with gold jewelry. This is an energetic, charismatic, irresistible and exclusive woman of the world that few can resist.
She acts like a queen with an innate elegance that must always be in the center of attention, she is very ambitious who likes to prove herself in all spheres and is often in a situation where friends ask her for various kinds of help because she simply leaves the impression of an omnipotent woman.
Because of her dominant attitude, she may be in a situation where men are a little afraid of her. The lower type of women who belong to this sign can cross the line of good taste so they can look cheap and tasteless.
They are usually well-situated and can often be found in management positions, but can also be a great housewife.
She is passionate, fiery and dominant in love but very emotional below the surface, if she has a suitable partner she is very attached to a noble and ready for To fight “your property” like a tiger.
What the Leo woman is obsessed with is the image she leaves in society, this is a special woman that you will always recognize in the crowd, and it simply stands out.
8th House – Meaning and Info
In practical work with clients, the question that often preoccupies us is – the action of the 8th field.
Every astrologer, whether he wants to or not, consciously or unconsciously, already at the first glance at the natal chart, assesses how problematic natus is and whether there are direct indicators of something terrible.
Because, that field, as a natural field of the sign of Scorpio, indicates all the events that are related to its basic symbolism, in which, naturally, we are most intrigued by the most intangible symbolism – the symbolism of death.
Also, clients, like it or not, are always curious, although some officially DO NOT WANT and some REALLY WANT an answer – how, when and where they will end their lives.
Therefore, the 8th field as such is often bypassed, because, in one of the first difficult lessons in practical work, the astrologer learns how to assess and to what extent to be open to the client.
Moreover, astrologers themselves, interpreting their own horoscopes, also ignore this question, aware at the end of a single truth – and that is that the outcome announced by the natal chart – is inevitable.
This reflects the weight of astrological work and the essence of the thesis that an astrologer is still born, i.e. that an astrologer can only be someone who has enough strength and power to deal with such problems, for his work to make sense and to endure it all, in the end – mentally.
Any interpretation of the natal chart takes a lot of energy, and if it is a card of a person who has big problems, then it is a special skill how and what to tell the client and how to help him. It is not difficult for such clients to interpret the horoscope – it is difficult to communicate it.
This problem is an eternal topic of discussion and debate because, depending on personal affinities, different views are represented. From those who say that everything should be said – to those who advocate that the difficult truth should be skipped.
The line between these two attitudes is an environment that does not mean neutrality, but a real assessment and a clear explanation argued with concrete examples.
This practically means that the image created by the 8th field (with all the accompanying factors – the planets in it, the ruler, aspects, the sign …) does not have to strictly give one specific event, but that the image indicates which situations are inevitable lead to DEADLY DANGER. As well as the fact that these events in life will be repeated. One of them will be the last…
Considering that I am the happy owner of an interesting horoscope and thus a life path, I think that I should stick to my horoscope for this topic.
Because, in order to analyze it to the end, I have to touch death, so it is easier for me to talk about myself without thinking about a negative suggestion, which I would have to think about a lot if I cited someone else’s horoscope as an example of this text.
Leo in 8th House – Meaning and Info
People who have Leo in the 8th house are very generous when it comes to sharing with others. However, they are often eager to control money.
He likes to follow closely the distribution of profits and inheritance or investments. He may be able to work in banks or insurance companies.
He often shows unexpected generosity to the underprivileged. They are usually long-lived. In the later stages of his life, this person opens up energetically, resolutely, and courageously.
It is true that it is not always easy to see that value, since everything that implies a change makes them have to take out all the courage and internal audacity.
They are brave and tough in extreme situations. Psychological crises are unstable and you have a hard time handling the situation.
In transitional situations, these people tend to follow very strict and pure rules, to behave with dignity and nobility.
Where the ruler of Leo (the Sun) is located will show us how the qualities of the 8th house are also colored. But at general levels, he is optimistic about death, likes to risk in terms of investments and usually has some luck to when it comes to earning money from others.
The eighth house of the horoscope is the most mystical place in the horoscope, it is a field that rules in addition to all the other things that I will explain here and the occult things that we encounter in life that is we come into contact, of our own free will, or beyond it… It is that something deeply dark passionately hidden within us
The eighth house of the horoscope is associated with its symbolism for: The river that sinks is the Scorpio house represents the house of passion, psychology, parapsychology, our repressed fears, sadness, inheritance, death, as well as death-like conditions (e.g. clinical death), great dangers, crises, loans, wounds, operations, attitudes towards death and some other phenomena…
This house also shows other people’s money, so it is also expressed in the natal chart by people who do their job with (or with the help of) other people’s money, e.g. bankers or brokers. What is one of the important aspects of the meaning of this house is that the potential of sexuality indicated by this field can be “seen” here, which is a very important factor in the lives of each of us.
The eighth field also shows how capable we are of regeneration, which is the best way to do it, as well as our mental attitude towards that process. This field is also a field of struggle, a struggle that awaits us in life and with life. It is also a field of surgery and a field of childbirth.
The eighth house also indicates the inheritance, the property of our spouses and other partners (e.g. business partners), as well as the dowry, which the spouse brings into the marriage.
Here, in the eighth house, we can symbolically find relatives and neighbors of those who are subordinate to us, or perform services for us (for example, in this field we can “find” your dentist’s brother, or lawyer), certainly in a symbolic sense.
The eighth field also talks about what our children’s home should look like, as well as what kind of family (they) will start. In this field we also find the symbolism of the father’s hobby (in women’s horoscopes), or the symbolism of the mother’s hobby (in men’s horoscopes), it can also indicate what kind of work our brothers or sisters do.
The eighth house also talks about the plans of our secret enemies, as well as the peak of our careers and the highest achievements of our friends.
Describes the events or our condition after the first marriage. As with all other houses, it is crucial how the ruler of this field is laid, as well as what his aspects are as well as what planets are (possibly) in this house and what aspects they form.
People who have Leo in the 8th house are very generous when it comes to sharing with others.
However, they are often eager to control money. He likes to follow closely the distribution of profits and inheritance or investments. He may be able to work in banks or insurance companies.
They are brave and tough in extreme situations. Psychological crises are unstable and you have a hard time handling the situation. In transitional situations, these people tend to follow very strict and pure rules, to behave with dignity and nobility.