Personality Number 5 – Meaning in Numerology

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The number 5 symbolizes the center and harmony. This is because it occupies the middle position of the first numbers (from 1 to 9).

In addition, it carries the sense of balance because it is the result of the sum of yin (two) and yang (three).

It represents the human being insofar as this is also the sum of two arms, two legs and trunk. It was in those parts of the body that Jesus was wounded and thus known as the “five wounds of Christ.”

For the Maya, it also carried a sacred symbolism, since 5 is the one that represents the corn god. The origin of this belief arises by association with the number of days that the seeds of corn take to germinate after its planting.

The pentagram, a magic symbol associated with witchcraft practices, is an important symbol marked by number 5. It is a five-pointed star that is used as an amulet in many cultures.

Interesting Facts About Number 5

This number in Hinduism is the number of Shiva, divinity also represented with five faces, symbol of mastery over the five elements, water, air, earth, fire, ether and the five senses.

Ether is a mysterious substance also called the fifth element or fifth-essence in Latin, for Aristotle the fifth element was added to the quaternary, completing them.

The alchemists indicated with ether or quintessence, the vital force of the bodies, a sort of elixir of long life, the alchemical essence obtained at the end of five distillations.

Five is the number of man considered mediator between God and the Universe. It represents life, the man who generates man. The Five is a bridge between the material world and the spiritual world, the Spirit that dominates the elements. It is for this reason that the human figure is inscribed in the pentagram: the head dominates the four arts as the Spirit dominates the four elements.

Like all odd numbers, it generates activities, in the positive form of evolution, of progressive movement of elevation, or in the negative form of involution, descent and degradation. The fifth letter of the Hebrew alphabet is He. Its function is Life.

Meaning and Symbolism

The number 5 personality symbolizes the center and harmony. This is because it occupies the middle position of the first numbers (from 1 to 9). It is central to the Chinese, which stems from the fact that in China the ideogram that represents it is a cross.

In addition, it carries the sense of balance because it is the result of the sum of yin (two) and yang (three). It represents the human being insofar as this is also the sum of two arms, two legs and trunk. It was in those parts of the body that Jesus was wounded and thus known as the “five wounds of Christ.”

It is also the number of senses: hearing, smell, taste, touch and vision. According to Numerology, number 5 means union and balance. Hidden analysis of numbers defines people influenced by this number as free and disciplined. They tend to be agile in making solutions. Your blockage can result in impatience and restlessness.

Hamsa, also known as the Hand of Fatima, is a symbol of the Islamic faith whose word in Arabic means 5. It is the number of fingers in the hand. For the Maya, it also carried a sacred symbology, since 5 is the one that represents the corn god. The origin of this belief arises by association with the number of days that the seeds of corn take to germinate after its planting.

The pentagram, a magic symbol associated with witchcraft practices, is an important symbol marked by number 5. It is a five-pointed star that is used as an amulet in many cultures.

Number 5 and Love

Feeling, seizing the vital energy and letting it pass through it. Having the awareness of the human dimension rooted in the Earth and reaching out to Heaven.

To grasp nature and the human person as a conscious conjunction between Matter and Spirit, between the Cosmos and cosmic Intelligence.

In man the Unity of the Whole gives itself a body and, in it, awareness, feeling, intelligence and love. “Hè” in man, is the awareness of his being creator, what man has always been, that is creator of himself and of the universe in his superior being.

Dimension always open and active “in the instant” which is the manifestation of the Spirit in Matter. It is, to live in the flow of vital energy and to be more and more “channel” open to the manifestation of Life.

Facts About Number 5

The number 5 (five) symbolizes the center and harmony. This is because it occupies the middle position of the first numbers (from 1 to 9). It is central to the Chinese, which stems from the fact that in China the ideogram that represents it is a cross. In addition, it carries the sense of balance because it is the result of the sum of yin (two) and yang (three).

It represents the human being insofar as this is also the sum of two arms, two legs and trunk. It was in those parts of the body that Jesus was wounded and thus known as the “five wounds of Christ.” It is also the number of senses: hearing, smell, taste, touch and vision.

According to Numerology, number 5 means union and balance. Hidden analysis of numbers defines people influenced by this number as free and disciplined.

They tend to be agile in making solutions. Your blockage can result in impatience and restlessness.  Hamsa, also known as the Hand of Fatima, is a symbol of the Islamic faith whose word in Arabic means 5.

It is the number of fingers in the hand. For the Maya, it also carried a sacred symbology, since 5 is the one that represents the corn god.

The origin of this belief arises by association with the number of days that the seeds of corn take to germinate after its planting.

The pentagram, a magic symbol associated with witchcraft practices, is an important symbol marked by number 5.

It is a five-pointed star that is used as an amulet in many cultures.


A free mind and an expressive language are the typical features of the number 5. This freedom-loving person pursues diverse interests and goals. Mental activity, wit and unconventional views make for a charming, fascinating and optimistic personality. The fives feel new and are excited about change.

In addition, they are able to systematically approach their goals. It is possible that their multiple faculties will not lead to any result, and rather the most audacious mind will be led to recklessness. Therefore, discipline is required.

On the one hand, the 5-person personality must maintain an independent spirit and, on the other hand, adapt to changes. The biggest feature is her need for freedom, so she is constantly on the look-out for variety and adventure. She wants to enjoy and enjoy the diversity of life.

Independence, change and serenity are most important to this person. They embody the need to experience sensuality, beauty and freedom.

This life path has a tremendous amount of creativity and is filled with the energy of movement manifested in the hiker’s archetype. The hiker can shine in a variety of roles: He is diverse, flexible and can adapt perfectly.

However, this adaptation no longer corresponds to the desire to be loved, but to his gambling nature, which loves natural change and diversity.

The personality number 5 people are curious and always start new things that they lead to the end. They constantly need new stimuli in their lives, they want to change and to continue to develop. Part of your learning is to go your own way, without isolating yourself and without fear of loneliness.

