How would you describe human intelligence? Do you know what it represents and how it could be defined?
You surely have some idea about it, of course, though defining human intelligence has always been a subject of endless debates.
There have been various attempts of trying to give a straightforward definition of intelligence. Many experts from disciplines that closely deal with this concept and ideas related tried to offer one.
We could all agree that the intelligence has much to do with human intellect, as a basis of our real life functioning.
One of the most appealing and very simple definitions of intelligence comes from the famous astrophysicist Stephen Hawking, who was definitely one of the brightest minds ever lived that we know of.
Hawking simply defined intelligence as our ability to adapt to changes. By using our intellect, we would add. This definition is perfectly plausible. We actually use our intellect in order to adjust the world around to our needs and also to adjust our needs to the circumstances given.
It is but a wonderful concept of mutual exchange, one could safely say. Famous German writer, Berthold Brecht once has said that our intelligence is not meant to make us perfectly smart; its purpose is not to prevent us from making bad decisions and mistakes, but to learn from them.
To realize what kind of mistake one has made will help that individual to turn it into something good. That can be done only by using our intellect.
Both of these definitions seem pleasing and they are very helpful in understanding the purpose of human intelligence. However, they do not tell much about what the intelligence is in its core. Is it a single idea of intellect or is it a complex of different aspects?
Some argue about human intelligence as our general mental ability, while others claim it is multifold. According to prevailing opinion, several abilities constitute intelligent thinking.
Our mental abilities of learning from experience, adapting to what we have learned and memorizing such ‘lessons’ are core mechanism of how intelligence works. Okay, but what does this mean in practice? What are IQ scores and what do they reveal?
The problem is that measuring human intelligence is also a disputable area. IQ test cannot tell all about ones mental capacities, let alone additional skills and talents, that are supposedly not that intellectual.
IQ scores are often taken as predictors of life success, but they are not a guarantee. In other words, reality commonly does not correspond to supposed result implications.
To put it simply, high IQ scores do not guarantee success in life and vice versa.
Many other factors would play a role and they have to be taken into account. Socio-cultural surroundings, personality, emotional intelligence are at least three crucial factors that would play along the given IQ.
Human Intelligence as a Complex
It is difficult to think about human intelligence as being simple. The discussion about levels of intelligence and meanings and manifestation of such levels in reality is even more difficult, controversial and debatable.
The question of intelligence degrees has always been sensitive, especially when other factors besides intellect are taken into account. The questions of gender, race, even nationality have been associated with this subject and these are all areas one should be very cautious about.
It is true that all human beings possess intellect, but it does not tell us about what our intelligence is made of, unless we take it very plainly and straightforwardly and identify it with intellect.
Perhaps the approach of multifold or multiple intelligences is the one to be considered. American psychologist Howard Gardner has proposed this multifold approach.
According to the concept of multiple intelligences or, better to say, multiple aspects of human intelligence, each person has a set of potentials. These potentials’ or intelligence types’ capacities are not equally distributed in all people.
Each one has their advantages and disadvantages, but we all have the same intellectual base, to call it so. Thus, you can have a brilliant mathematician who is an average sportsperson, for example.
It may sound confusing, at first hearing. What does sport have to do with mathematics? Well, it does have to do, if you think deeper. This multifold approach is based on the idea of different kinds of intelligences.
These are physical-kinesthetic intelligence, visual-spatial intelligence, musical-rhythmic intelligence, mathematical-logical intelligence, verbal-linguistic intelligence, interpersonal and intrapersonal intelligence, natural-naturalistic intelligence, spiritual-existential intelligence and even moral intelligence.
All these aspects or types have one thing in common and that is human intellect. They could be taken and analyzed and evaluated separately, but they are all connected and most of the time, intertwined.
Now, the problem with common IQ tests is that they cannot exactly tell us all about these different types of intelligence. They focus mostly on several aspects.
People usually identify them with logical and mathematical, verbal and linguistic aspects.
IQ tests and Extraordinary Scores
The first IQ test was invented in France, for the purpose of children education. This test was created by Alfred Binet and his colleague Theodore Simon. Binet-Simon test was the starting point for all future IQ tests.
Perhaps the greatest moment in the history of the first test was setting up the category of mental instead of physiological age.
However, this test observed only three parameters and Binet himself claimed that information obtained through such simple test are insufficient to tell about someone’s actual intelligence.
Many experts argue about whether human intelligence is inborn, inherited or acquired. Scientific research and statistics prove it is at least half inherited and passed by genetic material.
To confirm such claims, there have been many recorded cases of people growing up separately from their biological parents and yet, presenting with the same level or even type of intelligence.
This is about people who have literally never been in touch with their real parents.
Today we talk about the impressive IQ score 165. In order to understand what it means, we have to go through some basics of IQ scores classifications. The most widely used IQ test is WAIS test or Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale.
According to this test, there are following ranges or IQ scores.
Those that fall below 50 on the scale are considered definitely retarded, ‘severely retarded’ to use the exact terms. Range between 50 and 70 are labeled as ‘moderately retarded’.
IQ scores from 71 to 80 are considered of ‘borderline intellectual functioning’ on this scale. Those that fall between 80 and 89 are considered to have the intelligence ‘below average’. Scores between 90 and 109 are 0average’.
On most of scales, the average pint is set around 100 points with a standard deviation of 15 units of the scale. Scores from 110 to 119 are ‘high average’, while those from 120 to 129 are ‘superior intelligence’.
All scores above this point are considered high scores. Some scales label scores of 130 and above as ‘gifted’. On Lewis Terman’s scale, scores of 140 and above are scores of a ‘genius’. On some other scales, it is the score of 160 that is considered a ‘genius’ score.
For example, Stephen Hawking had such high IQ score and we all know how brilliant his mind was or at least have an idea about it. High IQ scores are difficult to fully comprehend and additional tests are required.
There are specific approaches dedicated to high intelligence scores. These testes and scales consider scores higher than average and divide them into several categories, ascending with the score itself. One worth of discussing is Paul Cooijmans’s IQ scale.
This scale labels ranges in a different manner and explains the actual manifestation of such scores in real life.
Scores from 140 to 149 are, thus, considered ‘intelligent’. Scores from 150 to 159 are ‘highly intelligent’, while from 160 to 169 are ‘very highly intelligent’. Scores from unimaginable 170 to 179 are labeled as ‘pervasively intelligent’ and those from 180 to 185 are ‘exceptionally intelligent’.
Understanding such high scores requires additional testing and a different approach. Worth of mentioning is that this scale also takes scores from 90 to 109 as average.
IQ 165 Score Meaning
IQ score 165 is exceptionally high, by all means. On this contemporary scale that observes very high intelligence scores, it falls under the category of ‘very highly intelligent’. AS we have mentioned, a genius like Stephen Hawking must have such a high IQ score.
Albert Einstein was also said to have had 160 IQ score. This very highly intelligent score in reality is rare, of course. About one candidate out of ten candidates on specialized high IQ test scores this high.
While it may sound promising, such high IQ score could, but does not necessarily lead to extraordinary success in life.
Moreover, if it remains unnourished, it is very likely that an individual with such a score would feel isolated and even very bad, because of knowing, but not using potentials given. It greatly depends on factors such as the whole personality and emotional intelligence.
The thing that is sure is that such a high IQ score must be very inventive. This score is much more than simply infusing information and lessons from around, but it can produce completely new and original ones. That is why it is called a ‘genius’ score.
If you are interested in such things, IQ score of 165 definitely qualifies one for Mensa membership. It is a very good path for a person with such a high score.
Mensa is the widest and the largest international organization of high intelligent individuals.
Mensa does not operate under any form of restriction except for the factor of intelligence. It invests its resources into exploring, understanding and supporting the development of overall human intelligence, for the good of all humanity.
With the IQ of 165, you are definitely in. The strictest scale for Mensa is Cattell’s; according to this scale, scores above 148 could apply.