Moon Opposite Pluto Synastry

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Stars and planets have always fascinated humankind. Long before the dawn of worldly civilization, humans were looking up into the skies, in search for certain answers.

Perhaps they did not attribute such profound meanings to celestial objects, as civilized humans, but they looked at the skies and the heavenly vault was to them some sort of a beautiful navigation map.

At least, this is what scientists think about it, for true origins and the oldest and deepest roots of pseudo science we now know as astrology are uncertain.

Discoveries from prehistoric times, dating thousands and thousands of years back into the past, suggest our distant and very far relatives have been well aware of the importance of heavenly phenomena.

Mammoth bones from prehistoric era prove that early humans have known about the phases of the Moon. Well, of course, they have seen Moon phases, but they also valued their importance.

Relics of the very distant past, such as those discovered mammoth bones, present with markings fully corresponding to the Moon phases. Luminous celestial bodies have, of course, been the first to amaze and inspire us.

We will be talking much more about one of the luminaries, the Moon. The Sun and the Moon, their motion and their effect upon Earth have been noted very early.

Even before civilized era, humans have thought that they must be very important and that they definitely affect the life on the planet earth, theirs and our home.

Astrology as we know it in modern times, a systematized science that is not a science, probably originates from the ancient Persia. The first horoscope dates back into the ancient Babylon, a great civilization that historians claim to have had a profound interest in astronomy and astrology, which were basically the same thing.

Ancient Mesopotamian civilization, Egyptians, Greeks and Romans, all practiced astrology and took the ‘science of the stars’ very seriously.

Until the seventeenth century and the era of the Enlightenment, astrology was considered a science and astrology and astronomy were, in fact, treated together. Many notable scientists of the past were also astrologers.

Johannes Kepler, Tycho Brahe, Isaac Newton and many others of the famed geniuses of old times were, amongst other things, great astrologers and astronomers.

However, when the Reason took over, in the age of rationalization and demystification, during the age named proudly after the reason itself, astrology was put aside. It was no longer considered a science.

This scientific status of astrology has been a subject of debates ever since. Those arguing against its scientific nature, claim astrology as inconsistent, unreliable, mystic and lacking proper methodology. Astrology is considered a pseudo science, though many people would still take it seriously.

It is in our age, perhaps, that its seems that old practices and transcendental paths were getting closer to conventional science.

With the rise of the popularity of Far eastern practices, alternative medicine and similar tendencies, it seems that astrology is being taken more seriously than over the previous ages of its quiet and underground existence.

Astrology of Relations and Natal Astrology

Astrology is very popular nowadays, seriously taken or not. Moreover, with our quick development of internet industry, astrological readings are easily accessible to anyone.

In just a few decades before, one could only read a generic, simplified and shallow horoscope prognosis in a newspaper column. Today, you can get your full natal chart report in only few clicks.

Of course, one could always go to an astrologer and take the reading in person. Whatever the case may be, we will now see what an astrological reading could possibly offer, especially when it comes to romantic compatibility.

Natal charts and synastry reports are probably the most popular types of astrological readings.

Natal chart reading precedes any compatibility reading, naturally. What is natal astrology and what does a natal chart reading offer? Natal astrology is personalized astrological study.

According to this starry science, all that is in macrocosm reflects in the microcosm. In this case, it means that planetary position of our Solar system, which is the base of Western astrology, reflects in an individual human being.

How so? Planets are believed to affect all life on our earth and each individual alone. In natal astrology, one’s birth date, place and the exact time would be enough to do this transfer from macro to micro plan.

Natal charts are diagrams that represent the exact position of the planets at the time of a person’s birth. They decide one’s personality and destiny.

Planetary positions put planets into relations; these relations create specific energy of potentials. Zodiac signs, astrological houses and all other elements displayed on such a chart make a complex of meanings that define one person.

Although such a chart could point out major events in a person’s life, most of the information is about potentials and capacities.

Synastry Report and Astrological Compatibility

Why was this so important to understand, when our subject is not a personalized natal chart, but a synastry report? What is synastry, anyway? To answer the first, we have to answer the second question.

Synastry is a method of interpreting an astrological relationship between people. It is a comparative study of natal chart; in the most cases, a study of romantic partners’ charts.

If you want to understand a synastry, you have to understand both natal charts. Before doing a synastry report, the astrologer would observe and interpret both charts separately.

It is important, because individual elements in these charts would affect the connection, which is logical and natural. The astrologer would also focus on each individual’s romantic tendencies, as seen in their charts.

Once charts were analyzed, a synastry report could start. Synastry compares charts and interprets their contacts point by point. A synastry is not a predictive practice and it will not tell you if the relationship would fail or succeed.

It will give you a precious and an in-depth insight into the nature of your connection, the dynamics of one relationship and all its potentials.

Synastry Report and Astrological Aspects

Contacts we were talking about are primarily astrological aspects. Aspects are found in each natal chart, where they create a unique and specific pattern that forms a personality and a personal destiny. In synastry, one looks into the aspects created between the charts.

This means that planets from your chart form aspects with planets from your partner’s chart.

Aspects are angles or distances between planets. There were five major ones and six minor aspects.

We focus on major ones, which include the conjunction, the trine, the sextile, the square and the opposition. Each aspect is specific and each creates special kind of energy. Aspects make a relationship dynamic and thrilling, just as they do in a natal chart.

Aspects could be easy or flowing and heavy or challenging. One aspect could be both and it is the conjunction. A few words on the opposition aspect follow in the next paragraph since we are about to talk of Moon opposite Pluto in synastry.

Both easy and heavy aspects are important. Do not be discouraged if you see challenging aspects in your synastry.

Flowing aspects allow for free and pleasant exchange of energies; they allow for better understanding between partners, tolerance, compromises et cetera.

Challenging aspects could be restrictive, which is not always a bad things, but they could also lead to misunderstandings, arguments and all kinds of destructive behaviors.

Opposition Aspect in Synastry

Opposition is the heaviest of aspects. It has the nature of Saturn, which is the most notorious of all astrological planets, being a malefic associated with tension, strictness, restrictiveness and else.

Oppositions could be best illustrated with an image of two individuals pulling a rope, each in one’s own direction, endlessly and stubbornly.

Oppositions represent something chronic, something that cannot be easily modified or changed. Oppositions lack understanding, tolerance and compromises. However, this kind of opposition is, it seems, in nature of human beings.

We are in a constant opposition; we live opposing the inevitable end.  It may sound a bit reassuring, but no opposition is a good aspect.

Even if two benefic planets were in an opposition, it only means that this particular opposition would be easier to get along with. Mot authors claim the opposition is not something to overcome, but to soften.

In synastry, other aspects would have to play that softening role and make the opposition bearable. It does not mean that one single opposition would ruin a relationship, but it is something to take with caution.

Moon in Mythology and Astrology – Luminaries in Synastry

Luminary planets, the Sun and the Moon, have always been an object of adoration and admiration by humans.

In ancient times, both of the luminaries were equated with various deities, all over the world.

The beautifully and somewhat elusive gentle Moon has always been associated with femininity, beauty and gentleness. Moon goddesses were often associated with maternity, fertility and feminine beauty.

Perhaps one of the most romantic myths is that of Selene, the Greek goddess of the Moon.

She was daughter of Hyperion, the titan, and her brother was Helios, the sun god. The story tells of Selene’s incredible beauty that was so overpowering that the bright sparkling stars would fade out upon her arrival. Beautiful Selene is identified with the Roman Luna.

Many other goddesses have also been associated with the Moon; some of them were Astarte and Artemis, for instance.

In astrology, the Moon represents femininity and maternity, comfort, coziness, imagination, dreams, compassion and emotions.

Let us remind ourselves that it does not have its own light, but reflects that of the Sun.

In this regard, the Moon represents sub consciousness, intuitive, inner world, in contrast and complementary to the Sun, which stands for consciousness, reason and our manifesting, visible self, so to say.

The Moon would of course play an important role in synastry, being closely related to the emotional element and intuitive bonds.

Pluto in Mythology and Astrology – Planets in Synastry

The mysterious and distant Pluto is associated with ancient gods of the underworld, the realm of death, Greek god Hades and his counterpart, Roman Pluto.

Heads or Pluto was considered a somber, gloomy and quiet deity and his name was not frequently spoken, in fear of what he brings. Eventually, everyone would end up in his dark kingdom.

However, Pluto was not considered an evil god. He was also associated with justice, mercy, with abundance and with power. Think about the mysterious Scorpio, whose ruler is exactly Pluto.

This planet has to do with hidden, magnetic power, with everything beyond visible and easily tangible. Pluto represents obsession and possessiveness, when speaking about relationship and synastry.

Pluto, as an astrological planet, has always been associated with magic, with dark, unexplored places, with deeper knowledge, esoteric, occult and alternative. We could say it represents one’s dark side, in a way.

However, Pluto is like Phoenix rising from the ashes. Despite its gloomy attributes, Pluto gives one the incredible power of regeneration and re-invention. This is a mighty planet, by all means.

Moon Opposition Pluto Synastry – Emotional Projections

This connection could be particularly confusing, to both of you, somewhat heavy and uneasy. Connections involving Pluto often lead to digging through memories and dealing with past.

Mutable, gentle and dreamy Moon would easily succumb to such energy, as it is also attracted to similar ideas, often unable emotionally to detach from something that has passed.

This could be difficult to deal with, since each one of you projects their own (gloomy) emotions onto the other one.

The way these emotional projection would affect you depend on other factors. They could be very useful and even inspiring, but also too hard to overcome.

Sometimes, they serve as a mirror and help you learn about yourself through learning about your partner.

Moon Opposition Pluto Synastry – Consuming Fascination

Another thing, concerning past and generally magnetic energy of Pluto, could turn out to be unhealthy for the Moon person.

Emotional and sensitive Moon could easily become truly fascinated about Pluto, not to say obsessed with such a magnetic and unique persona.

Pluto is typically the obsessive (and possessive) one, but in here, it seems the Moon would be the one more into it. This is not particularly good, because your relationship should not be established solely upon this factor of fascination and fatality.

It is normal and desirable that one becomes enthusiastic about his or her lover, but fascinated, in the end, does not end up well.

When the Moon becomes aware of what is happening, if he or she does, the instinct might drive them away from the consuming relationship or make them drown in it.

Concerning past, it could happen that they were so much fascinated, because this mighty and powerful Plutonian figure reminds them of some old relationship or, worse, their parents.

Moon seeks shelter, but Pluto consumes and overpowers. This could be confusing to both.

Definitely, this contact needs some other aspects that would clear up the situation and make you see where you two actually stand.

