Natal charts are unique like fingerprints; even twins have different horoscopes. These wonderful treasuries of starry information tell us about our destiny, our past, present and the future.
Three major elements of each chart are zodiac signs, planets and houses. Some authors explain horoscopes by an analogy with theatre.
Planets were actors, signs were roles and houses – the stage.
Astrological houses are a stage of our life; a stage divided into segments of life. By analyzing our houses, we learn about the most dynamic, the most interesting, the quiet, turbulent or peaceful areas of our life.
When we have several planets in one house, it means that a particular area of life was very dynamic; either through events associated with the field or through our experience related to the field.
If some houses were empty, that does not mean they were inactive. The position of the ruler of the house would tell us about manifestations linked to the field.
Planets affect our experience of a particular field of life, through roles they play.
Today we learn about Neptune inside the Eleventh House. We shall see how the planet of dreams and ideals affects the house of gain and friendship.
Eleventh House in Astrology
The Eleventh House is the house of various types of success, various gains, earnings, realized plans and goals accomplished. It follows the house of success, so this field is associated with maintaining the results already accomplished, further plans and further development.
The Eleventh House is also the house of friendship. Besides friendly relations, this is also the house of romantic, childish and platonic love, sympathy.
The eleventh field is associated with love and support to people the native was sympathetic of, be it someone the native was in love with or a friend.
This house indicates one’s ability of selfless support and care for people the person has feelings for.
The eleventh field is also associated with unexpected events and confusing, sudden circumstances that could make things problematic and chaotic.
Neptune in Mythology
Neptune was a Roman god of fresh and sea waters. Neptune is the counterpart of the Greek Poseidon, as the god had been identified with Poseidon very early on.
As you know, Roman and Greek mythologies are tightly bound, interwoven and similar or even the same in many a detail.
Although we usually associate Neptune or Poseidon with the sea, it is more likely that he first was a god of freshwater. In addition, he was associated with horses and known under the name Neptunus Equestris.
The link between Neptune and horses comes from the identification with Poseidon. The name of Neptune, Latin Neptunus, is a bit perplexing. There have been various scholar suggestions on the original and meaning of his name.
Some sources associate it with the term nuptus, meaning ‘covering’, with an allusion to nuptiae, meaning ‘marriage’, understood as a marriage between heaven and earth. Other sources associate it with Indo European neptu, meaning a ‘moist substance’.
There have been other various ideas on the etymology of Neptune’s name. Theology behind Neptune could not be reconstructed in totality, since the deity’s early identification with Poseidon.
What we do know about the cult of Neptune is Neptunalia, the festival that took place at the peak of the summer season, in July.
The festivities celebrated Neptune as a water deity, the one who provides water during the hot and dry summer season.
As for Neptune’s genealogy, let us look into the parallel with Poseidon. Poseidon, the Greek god of the sea and water, was one of the sons of Cronus and Rhea.
After Zeus, his brother, Jupiter in the Roman myth, had overthrown their father Cronus, the three brothers – Zeus, Poseidon and Hades – shared the rule over the world.
Poseidon got the waters, but he was not quite satisfied with the outcome. He was known as a tempered and violent deity and he often fought his brother Zeus and other gods.
He was also the god of earthquakes, the one to rule all the seas, the one who shakes the seawaters using his trident, the deity of sea storms. He decides upon the fate of sailors and ships and brings victory or defeat in sea battles.
The myth says Poseidon lives in a golden palace in depths of the Aegean Sea.
His chariot was pulled by the giant golden mane horses and they run so fast that the waves could never touch the bottom of the chariot.
In some versions of myths, Poseidon was younger, in others older than Zeus was. In other myths, Cronus did not eat his, as he did other of his children, because Rhea has hidden him.
In the myth and the cult, Poseidon was associated with horses, as we have mentioned. The myth tells how he created the first horse ever.
Poseidon was also known as the protector of all the horses and equestrian sports.
Neptune in Astrology – Planets in Houses
The planet Neptune is a perplexing and an interesting astrological object.
This distant, blue and big planet is one of the transcendental planets, discovered in fairly recent times, compared to the first five planets of the Solar system, beside the Sun and the Moon.
Neptune cannot be seen with the naked eye, for it is very distant from the Earth.
Invisible to our eyes, Neptune is the planet of illusions, imagination, intuition and dreams.
Astrologically, Neptune is the higher octave of Venus, a generational planet, the ruler of dreamy Pisces.
While the god Neptune was believed to be quick tempered, restless and violent god, Neptune planet is far smoother in nature, though sometimes dangerously quiet and mysterious.
Some authors claim that the influence of Neptune does not matter much in natal charts, since the planet was distant and slow moving, so it affects whole generations, rather than an individual.
However, if it forms strong aspects, especially with personal planets, its influence could be of greater significance.
Neptune’s symbol indicates a desire to escape the bonds of the physical, material world; the soul in need to wander the realms of the intangible, invisible, spiritual, imaginative.
Neptune is identified with dreams, fantasy, imagination, illusions, deception and lies.
This planet makes us wonder if what we see and experience was real or not; this planet makes us question the reality. Neptune is a prayer, an ideal, a dream and a fantasy.
Astrologers claim Neptune’s influence is delicate and dangerously smooth; too much of it is poisonous, but a drop of it is a powerful cure.
Neptune is the patron of artists, people with rich imagination and power of visualization, people of deep spirituality, priests, healers and doctors, musicians, hypersensitive people.
As a higher octave of Venus, Neptune is the planet of platonic love, of both its curse and blessing.
Neptune in the Eleventh House – Neptune in 11th House
Neptune in the Eleventh House is a very pleasant position of this planet. It is an indicator of humanitarian and altruistic personality. Neptune in this placement indicates an auspicious career.
People with this position of Neptune are likely to enjoy a well-situated life, especially when it comes to old age.
They are pleasant, caring and honest people. Such natives feel at their best if they could help someone else.
Other people appreciate natives with Neptune in the eleventh field for their kind, caring and understanding personality. They do not judge and criticize others; they have an excellent intuition and are ready to help.
If they find themselves in an unpleasant and unhealthy environment, they would leave it, without wasting energy on trying to change others.
These people are not vengeful or aggressive, but understanding and caring. People know they could count on their support. They are trustworthy and reliable.
Neptune in 11th House – Altruistic or Naïve
People with Neptune in the Eleventh House would offer their support and help without asking anything in return. They feel great if they could help someone else; it enriches their spirit.
If aspects of Neptune were flowing, their benevolent and caring attitude towards people could turn out great.
It is likely they would get rich through connections they make with other people. It definitely does not mean they would use others into their own advantage.
On the contrary, these natives have a large circle of friends and acquaintances, because they care about the people and they are friendly and tolerant. Through healthy connections and collaborations, they build themselves a pleasant and comfortable life.
Their connections with people are harmonious, stable, reliable and pleasant. People truly like these natives.
However, being too kind has its risks. If aspects were unfavorable, Neptune could bring more harm than use. These natives could become naïve and easy to take advantage of and manipulate.
Bad people would easily recognize their altruistic weakness, to call it so. The problem is that, if aspects were bad, natives with Neptune in the Eleventh House cannot distinguish bad intentions from good ones.
Sometimes it happens that they were aware of someone using them, but their nature prevents them from resisting. It torments them and brings them down.
People with badly positioned Eleventh House Neptune are prone to all kinds of vices and addictions. They tend to be naïve and very susceptible to others’ pressure and persuasion.