Part of Fortune in 2nd House

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Regarding the interpretation in the Houses and Signs according to their Aspects, it will be done through the nature of the expected planet.

Therefore, if the Part of Fortune is well expected -for example- by Jupiter in the V house, it can benefit us through children, love, our own creativity or economic speculation.

Part of Fortune – Meaning

This part benefits the affairs of the house as long as the native strives to develop the spiritual principles of the Sign, if not, it may happen that the opportunities or “luck” are not taken advantage of or go unnoticed.

The aspects with the planets represent the means that we have in favor or against to develop the nature of the Sign and thus take advantage or not of what the House represents.

Therefore, it is our duty to develop the qualities of the Sign to be more aware of the affairs of the house and thus be able to obtain more profitability.

Naturally, everything will depend largely on the nature of the expected planets and the aspects themselves.

When interpreting the Part of Fortune, one must take into account the position of the planets and their Aspects in general to see if they accompany it to any degree.

If it is for Saturn it will make us prudent and disciplined in those same matters; if it is for Venus, it will be our affection, joy, love and sense of union that will benefit us; and so on according to the nature of the planets that affect fortune.

If the Aspects are “bad” they will have to be interpreted according to the negative nature of the planets acting on the meaning of the House,

In that same V house, Jupiter gives us an excess of confidence and can make us lose money in economic speculation; or he can make us wasteful of money through games and diversions, or he can make us proud and bad educators with our children.

If it were Saturn badly expected in House V, it could make us very severe regarding the education of our children, be very conservative or have losses and inconveniences in our speculations, have failures in love relationships, etc.

The Conjunction Aspect facilitates the means to achieve happiness and well-being through the principles of the planet and according to the environment where the native moves.

The Sextile Aspect provides us with the means and objectives where we can obtain happiness, so that we strive to achieve and manage them.

The Aspect of Square to the Part of fortune creates the friction and difficulties necessary for us to seek happiness and well-being; they make us work positively to obtain good results.

The Trine Aspect causes happiness and well-being, but it does not force us to become aware of it or to work towards it. Our duty is to value it and share it.

The Opposition does not benefit personally, but on the contrary; but it does so when we participate and collaborate with others, thus obtaining happiness and enjoyment.

2nd House – Meaning

It is in House 2 that we will concretize, fix and shape what we started under the impulse that started in House 1.

In this area of ​​life, we come into contact with our resources, our values ​​and our possessions, being the sector of the map where we deal with the concepts of valuation, security and stability that we will use throughout life.

It represents everything that the person calls “Mine”, the materialization of our personal energy in something tangible.

It is the place where we are able to direct our energy to something that we can touch, hold or use, a natural consequence of our manifestation in the world from the first worldly house.

It is considered the gateway to our survival instinct, the food we eat to satisfy our energy hunger, which strengthens our body and makes possible thoughts and reasoning, themes of the next home.

It shows the type of value we place on what we have and everything we do, being the place that defines the most basic level of our material objective in our current existence.

It speaks of the type of personal fulfillment arising from material issues, the way we accept them and how they satisfy us, feed us and fill us.

It was already called “Gate of Hades” by the ancients, making an allusion to the God of the underworld and his temptations, because it is a house that deals with very tempting themes that give rise to sensorial seductions or exacerbated materialism, behaviors that can make many people lose its path or stagnate its evolution due to hedonism or greed.

It is popularly known as “The House of Money”, but its meaning, as seen above, goes far beyond that.

The planets that interact with the second house on the map can describe our attitude towards money, part of our financial capacity (as well as the lack of that same capacity).

It also represents how some of our habits influence our thoughts. When they are in good harmony with our desires and goals, the second house can produce quality thoughts, but when there is tension in this area, bad choices or feelings can appear.

The Conjunction Aspect facilitates the means to achieve happiness and well-being through the principles of the planet and according to the environment where the native moves.

Part of Fortune in 2nd House – Meaning and Symbolism

Having a good astrological interaction in House 2, that is, planets and similar signs and with good aspects, can imply good material fertility.

The lack of this affinity can cause attachment, material dependence and avarice.

A maintenance tip related to the notion of corporeality in the second house is to eat a healthy diet, for example, as this can purify us of negative substances that accumulate in our body, consequently also clearing our mind, something that leads us to make choices clearer financial statements.

The sign that has a natural affinity for House 2 is Taurus, a fixed sign, and the planet is Venus. Casa 2, as the “Casa das Posses”, deals with everything we own, but not necessarily tangible and physical things.

As said before, it deals with everything we call “Mine” in life.

If we look more carefully, we will see that we also say that we have feelings and emotions, as well as skills, needs and desires.

They are interaction resources that we develop throughout life as a result of our appearance in the world.

It also describes our ambition to accumulate wealth, properties and whether we want to grow in that direction.

Not only physical and patrimonial resources, but also emotional, psychological, spiritual and even people are part of the scope of “Mine”.

In this sense, depending on the sign and / or star that transits there, contacts, relationships, people, culture or health can also be considered “personal resources” as or more important as money and the management and accumulation of assets.

The second house shows how we value things: how much a product costs, whether it is worth buying or not, etc.

It indicates our attitude towards what we have, the way we get things, how we treat them, how we manage them, how we keep them and how we take advantage of them.

The ideal is that resources always improve our lives, providing our survival, but also that of those around us.

Analyzing the second house can give us tips on how the person behaves towards the acquisition and maintenance of resources.


This position was already called “Gate of Hades” by the ancients, making an allusion to the God of the underworld and his temptations, because it is a house that deals with very tempting themes that give rise to sensorial seductions or exacerbated materialism, behaviors that can make many people lose its path or stagnate its evolution due to hedonism or greed.

