Venus Opposite Saturn Synastry

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The science of the stars, astrology, is not exactly a science; at least not in modern terms.

If we were properly to address astrology, it would be suitable to call it a skill, an ability of reading and combining symbols, points, celestial objects as major and the most important elements.

Astrology is an old path. We cannot tell how exactly old it was, but there are evidences that could date it back into prehistoric times.

Excavated mammoth bones with markings made by a human hand prove that prehistoric people were aware of the influence certain celestial bodies have over our lives.

These markings faithfully represent recordings of the Moon phases. It seems that our far away ancestors knew the Moon was somehow very important, that its phases affect earthly life and their own lives.

Nomadic people would use stars and constellations for navigation. Later on, people have started naming celestial objects and constellations, which made humankind closer, more intimate with the universe and the skies above.

Are we close to the universe as our ancestors were, prehistoric or historical ones? With all of our science and technology, we still cannot answer essential questions on our existence and destiny.

Western astrology, that is, modern astrology we practice today is associated with astrological systems that originate from ancient civilizations. Ancient Babylonians have invented the first horoscope.

Ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans relied on astrology. In ancient China, India, Japan and on Tibet other astrological systems evolved.

All astrological systems, regardless of their diversity, have something in common. Well, according to astrology in general, what happens up there greatly affects us here. Macrocosm reflects in the microcosm, that is what astrology says. In order to understand the human being, we have to understand the universe we are a part of.

Astrological practice is not fortunetelling. Critics argue astrology was too inconsistent and lacking efficient methodology, so it could never be taken as a science. Until the seventeenth century, astrology was treated together with astronomy.

Adherents of the Age of reason have, however, decided that astrology was not to be taken seriously, while the astronomy was listed amongst regular, official sciences, as an exact one.

Maybe this seems unjust, but let us remind you that astrological principles could be best understood as a combination of both spiritual and scientific; perhaps it would be the closes description of its nature.

Astrology as associated with transcendental, but it does have its principles, methods and a lot of knowledge. A good astrologer has to be well taught, but also skillful and talented.

Natal Astrology and Compatibility

Natal astrology would be the first step into understanding synastry, which would be our main subject here. Synastry is a comparison of natal charts, so this is what we should talk about first.

Natal chart, birth chart or a horoscope is a treasury of essential information about one’s individual’s life and personality.

According to some authors, natal charts could be calculated for animals, planets, countries nations et cetera.

In order to create a natal chart, the astrologer needs one’s date, hour and place of birth (in case of a country, it would be the foundation date, for instance).

By using these information, the astrologer reconstructs the position of the planets and draws everything onto the astrological chart. This chart is a diagram divided into astrological houses, featuring zodiac signs and so.

Today, of course, you could get your natal chart report online, by using a simple calculator, which requires data above listed. In any case, a good astrologer should interpret the chart for you, although you could use generic information as a guideline.

Natal charts tell everything about who you are, if you read them well. They do not predict things in your life, but would point out major type of events.

A natal chart reveals your personal potentials, your weak and your strong sides, your talents, your ambitions, fields of life that seem to be easy for you and those you will have problems within.

All these make a complex image that makes you a unique personality. As synastry compares natal charts, it is obvious that one should understand them first.

Synastry and Astrological Compatibility

Synastry is, as we have mentioned, comparative study of natal charts. We will be talking about romantic compatibility and romantic synastry. In that case, synastry represents a comparison between two lovers’ charts. It could be people in a relationship or those who think about it.

For instance, if you have a crush on someone and you know their birthplace and birth date, you could check out how compatible the two of you were.

Synastry analyzes relations between these charts. Of course, the astrologer would first get to know each one of them, in order to see into their personalities. Each chart would affect the relationship in addition to relations the charts form amongst themselves.

What could a synastry offer? Is it reliable? Could it tell if a relationship would work out or not?

As with other astrological readings, we could say that synastry offers amazing insight into potentials for your relationship to develop one way or another. What we want to say is that synastry would not guarantee what will happen between the two of you.

However, synastry could be of great value, since it makes you better understand the connection you have with your partner.

Synastry shows how compatible you were on an astrological level, that is, how planets from one chart react to those from the other chart and vice versa. Synastry report could help you see things you would otherwise miss out.

It could point out problematic aspects and actually help in resolving problems. It all depends on your own approach to a synastry reading, as well.

Synastry and Astrological Aspects

Let us say few words about astrological aspects. They represent contacts between planets; in case of a synastry, between planets from both charts. These contacts are of energetic sort, as they were, in fact, angles. Angles are specific and determined.

There are five major aspects and six minor aspects. We are interested in the major ones.

These are the opposition, the square, the trine, the sextile and the opposition. Aspects could be easy or heavy. Easy aspects are flowing and they allow planets to manifest their best qualities in an easy way.

The sextile requires effort, though, while the trine makes it all natural. Heavy aspects are conflicting and challenging. They are the square and the opposition.

The aspect of conjunction could manifest in both directions. Heavy aspects are not necessarily bad, it depends on the overall synastry report. Heavy aspects could sometimes create a needed balance.

Each synastry is unique and it most likely presents with an interesting dynamic of both easy and heavy aspects. Now we will see into the opposition.

Opposition Aspect in Synastry

Opposition is one of the heavy aspects. Actually, it is the heaviest and the most troublesome one. If you have some oppositions in synastry, do not freak out. We shall see into it. Oppositions are not easy to deal with.

On a personal level, they could make you feel torn from within as you experience an inner struggle between certain planetary energies.

In synastry, the struggle occurs between the two of you. It does not have to be divisive, but it is something you have to take up with caution. Oppositions are aspects that could make you misunderstand one another.

They could make your relationship problematic, if there is no ability to find any compromise etc.

Favorable aspects may make oppositions bearable, while certain oppositions could act as stimulants. They could move you towards finding a solution. This type of dynamic is desirable, even if, in the first place, oppositions may appear scare.

We shall see later on how Venus and Saturn stand in a synastry opposition.

Venus in Mythology and Astrology – Planet in Synastry

Venus is the planet of beauty and love. Venus is also the planet of gentle, gracious femininity and charm, of seduction and pleasure. It is also the planet of harmony, of good relations and of friendliness.

Venus is the planet that makes you love and it also make you loveable. This planet is associated with warmth, fertility, abundance and passion.

The planet Venus is associated with balance, diplomacy and with pleasant relationships with people. This planet awakes your inner desire to be loved and to be liked. Venus was the most beautiful goddess in the Roma pantheon, Aphrodite in Greek.

The myth tells that only Venus was capable of seducing the fiery mars, god of war. Even Mars has fallen in love with her and the two had many divine children.

Venus is important in astrology, precisely because this planet has to do with love and with passion. With Venus, love conquers all. Even if this was a planet associated with pleasures of everyday life, the spirit rules over the material.

Venus inspires all that is beautiful in people and makes you see and realize what the beauty is anyway.

Saturn in Mythology and Astrology – Planets in Synastry

Saturn is a completely different story. With Saturn, we could hardly speak about love, at least about love in a romantic, Venus manner.

Saturn is the planet of restriction, limitation, of misery, pain, sorrow, despair, illness, old age and other gloomy ideas. Saturn makes your soul trapped within the body; this is what the symbol of Saturn represents.

Saturn is a malefic and, generally, a planet no one wishes to see. Well, maybe we are being too harsh towards Saturn. This planet is also the one that makes us responsible.

Saturn teaches us the importance of persistence, patience, organization, responsibility and seriousness. Although no one should be dead serious all the time, there are moments when this is crucial.

In synastry, Saturn would act the same way. It depends on the aspect it creates and of other aspects, of course. Saturn could be very hard to deal with, because of its tendency to limit and to control. When in a heavy aspect, it could be particularly exhausting and burdensome.

Let us see what we have here.

Venus Opposite Saturn Synastry

Venus opposite Saturn is a very difficult aspect to deal with. The effect of Saturn is instantly limiting. There have to be other aspect that brought you together, if you were in a relationship.

Saturn would try to control all sorts of behaviors he or she sees as inappropriate. Venus is loving and caring, but the way he or she expresses the affection might be problematic to Saturn.

One of the typical problems that would definitely make the romance tense and forced is public expression of feelings towards one another.

Venus is open and gentle and he or she would not think much about openly showing his or her lover their affection. Saturn could find kissing in a public place inappropriate, for instance.

Venus Opposite Saturn Synastry

This could result in misunderstood feelings, awkward and tense situations. Venus fails to get it, even if Saturn person loves him or her in their cold and reserved way. Venus would need more passion than that.

Saturn would hardly give up on control, especially as he or she finds Venus’ behavior too friendly towards others, for instance. There is a lack of trust from Saturn to Venus.

Venus could see this and try to restrain his or hers own nature, which would end up badly.

Restraining your nature is never a good thing. It would drain you down and make you feel empty and tired. This is not a proper sacrifice. In fact, there should be no sacrifice at all. You should both learn to modify your behavior a bit, if you want this to work out.

This is not an aspect impossible to overcome, but it will not be easy. Venus should try to be just a bit more controlled, but not at the cost of whom they are.

Saturn should look inside and see why he or she tries to control Venus that much; insecurity is always the root cause. You need a bit of tuning in, but it could work.

Other favorable aspects would be of much need and fortune in here.

