Virgo in 3rd House – Meaning and Info

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Having counted the grains of sand of the Sahara, will you have the strength to love the latter?

When this person goes outside, his eyes run up, and if this is a writer, then his prose will be very detailed, although perhaps somewhat boring: not everyone is so interested in breathtaking details, such as the number and shape of the yarrow petals, as well as the date of the beginning its flowering.

Virgo – Meaning and Info

The external world is perceived as a set of elements, events, facts, each of which must be somehow treated and interacted in turn; naturally, you won’t be able to do everything, but you need to strive for it.

When working out, this is a very clear-cut person who will never be late and who has an almost infinite number of sources of income.

At a low level, on the contrary, a person makes a sloppy impression during business contacts, even if he has an Ascendant in Leo and the corresponding appearance and self-importance.

His external world is constantly crumbling into small particles, and you are no more than one of them, in any case, until some more personal house, for example, III, V or VII, turns on.

The value system can be developed in great detail, but is generally material-oriented; by themselves, the mind and feelings of a person are valued lower, and most likely, a person will say for sure that he is better: a ruble today or a week and a half in a week.

Development makes it possible to participate in almost any area of ​​external activity, especially where accuracy, thoroughness and not a lot of imagination are required; the general ethics and value system must necessarily be corrected with the participation of Pisces and balancing them with group ethics, in particular, unmotivated love, pity and sympathy.

Petty, pedantic and strict in money matters. He loves the interaction of specialties, always counts on financial help from friends and in every possible way tries to raise money through collective efforts, in addition to his main specialty and place of work while he, as a rule, takes over the organizational part.

The main for him are material values, he values ​​his mind and feelings less.

Thrifty, loves luxury, he will have losses from an unsuccessful game and frivolity. When financial matters don’t go well, it becomes stingy and cruel.

Can benefit from all her virtues if she overcomes vanity in herself. Buys himself the most expensive and solid goods. He also considers himself a product of the highest quality, it cannot be bought at a cheap price.

Likes to accept gifts as a tribute. An excellent organizer, thinks over financial matters to the smallest detail, very prudent in this regard.

In his free time from work, he is not averse to learning another profession, raising his intellectual level, going to some lecture, where he can learn something useful and practical.

He is well versed in accounting, attracts good specialists. He is well versed in a situation where it is necessary to show the product with his face His best bet is to invest in land, real estate, or the food industry.

His social life, social activities and other connections usually run counter to business contacts and business interests, this can lead him to bankruptcy.

3rd House – Meaning and Info

Third-house Virgos love nimble little cars that are easy to clean and fuel efficient. They jealously monitor the technical condition of the car so that a small malfunction does not lead to a big trouble.

Similar behavior applies to securities and documents. The native will carefully read every sentence in the contract at the moment of the secret meaning, carefully check all the dates and spelling of names before buying tickets.

The main sign of Virgo in the 3rd house is the submission of documents on time. She will never oversleep the date of her passport renewal, unless Mercury is in Pisces.

Working out the 3rd house in Virgo Excessive criticism, inability to recognize the dignity of other people, even if it is your own brother and sister, cynicism of statements, covering up self-doubt, repel potential friends and partners from the native.

A dry character and underdevelopment of emotions greatly complicate life, while the owner of the 3rd house in Virgo himself does not understand that problems arise from an inability to empathize and sympathize.

This does not apply to people with Ascendant, Sun, Moon and Venus in Pisces and Cancer, but the rest need to develop emotionality, at least through charity and verbal support for those in trouble, and deep understanding through the heart chakra will come later.

In relations with relatives, you need to abandon criticism, allow yourself It is unconditional and illogical to love, although not to allow personal boundaries that mean a lot to Virgo.

A teacher needs to be responsive, attentive and obligatory. If he promised that the native will take part in the Olympiad or receive a letter, he must keep his word.

Otherwise, the pain of disappointment will ruin your learning attitude.

Virgo in 3rd House – Meaning and Info

It is important to learn how to properly handle documents and adjust your driving style. When the 3rd house is affected, it is better not to drive at all.

If the Virgo sector and Mercury, as its ruler, are harmonious, then a person will not miss a single trifle and detail, which makes him a neat driver and a corrosive student who can analyze the flow of information in seconds and give a result.

But at a low level of development, such people are unbearable. They break off relations if they forgot to pay back a small debt, or because of a stain on the cup, which they did not have time to wash.

The miracle of warm friendship rarely happens to the native. Emotions are the weak point of the third house Virgo. They even choose friends on the basis of the sum of common denominators or for practical reasons: we live in the same entrance, we have to sit at a desk with a strong student so that no one cheats.

Even with brother and sister, there is no strong emotional connection, with the exception of the Sun, Ascendant, 5th and 11th houses in Pisces, and Cancer. Relatives are practical people, ready to support financially in a difficult situation.

If Mercury is negatively expected, then you should not expect warm words, or even with stinging criticism they will touch you.

At school, the native is listed among the diligent students who do not grab the stars from the sky, but walk in a strong middle.

However, any success of the owner of the 3rd house in Virgo presupposes hard work and hard work. Without it, waiting for the teachers’ delight is useless.

If the third-home Gemini listens to the topic in English and easily speaks using the new rule, the Virgo wards need to delve into the phased application of nuances, practice and only then apply it publicly.

And so in everything. If there is a discussion or a showdown, the native prepares a list of arguments and theses in advance, he may get confused if the opponent does not answer according to a well-thought-out scenario.

With retrograde natal Mercury, it is better to state your claims in writing.

The main characteristics of Virgo’s influence on the 3rd house: the habit of criticizing and teaching in communication: the best reason to start a conversation with them is to condemn the actions of politicians, teachers, complain about irresponsibility and injustice; only facts and figures matter, and feelings and experiences are not even considered.

The position of an inconspicuous, diligent student with average abilities, with the exception of trines and sextiles from the Sun to Mercury and the 3rd house, when you can shine as a leader; a clash with the aggression of classmates and neighbors when defeated by Mars and Pluto: they can tease the “crammer”.

Humiliate for poverty; acute feeling of inferiority in case of misunderstanding of educational material or mistakes due to inattention.

The tendency towards perfectionism, the search for the ideal friend and teacher, does not allow the native to get the joy of life here and now. He constantly waits for a catch, betrayal and does not forgive even minor offenses.

There is no driver more disciplined than the third-home Virgo.

A connoisseur of traffic rules in all countries will always wear a seat belt and will not exceed the speed in the wrong places.


Harmonious house 3 helps to competently manage information flows, keep in touch with the closest circle of communication: relatives, neighbors, classmates, because the sign on the cusp of the house shows the conditions under which training takes place during school years, as well as the nature of teachers who have a beneficial effect on the native.

