Biblical Meaning of Vegetables in a Dream – Interpretation and Meaning

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Amongst many other lessons we could find in the Bible, it also teaches people how to lead a healthy, joyful and harmonious life. Crucial and the most essential part of every living creature’s existence is, of course, diet.

Food motifs are mentioned in the Bible and we could find them in various traditions, folklore concepts and beliefs all around the world. Symbolism of food is quite amazing and it includes a vast and colorful palette of meanings.

Vegetables are an important part of human diet. Humans have evolved to be omnivores, meaning we have to get ourselves all kinds of different nutrients, in order to be healthy and to survive, although not everyone would agree. In modern times, there are numerous controversies regarding food.

While vegans and vegetarians claim we do not need to eat meat, others say it is ridiculous.

Vegans praise veggies above all other types of food, claiming we need not even a single animal product.

There are various scientific and medical researches proving this or that. Our contemporary diet depends not only on actual data and medical facts, but also on ongoing trends. Which nutritive materials we need and in what amount are questions that are turned to commercials!

However, we could all agree vegetables are healthy and needed, regardless of what is our ‘nutritive opinion’ in general.

In the Bible, various types of food are mentioned. Some of the first verses say the God decided grains, fruits and nuts would be humans’ food. Later on, after falling into sin, vegetables are added to the list.

Meat was added quite later, after the great flood. It is interesting to note that evolution of human nutrition in reality completely corresponds to this Biblical nutrition plan.

According to the Bible, God has given humans the sense of hunger, in order to remind us to give our body what it needs, in times when it is required.

If we provide valuable and quality nutrients to our body, we would be less likely to fall ill and we could enjoy our mortal, but incredible and healthy lives. Today we know exactly how much of what type of food we should eat. We could even think of healthy food as a blessing to our organism.

Biblical nutrition is actually what is, in medical sense, considered good and healthy.

However, contemporary world is not anymore based on the same values. We eat lots of greasy, too sweet, to spiced, too salty food, only in order to satisfy our taste, not our physical body.

Vegetables are, for example, fairly neglected. It would be good if we remind ourselves of certain old-times habits.

Biblical vegetables symbolism

Before we head on to interpretations of vegetables related dreams, let us take a look at some of the most common symbolic meanings of vegetables. As we have seen, the bible gives green light to eating vegetables and how it would not.

Vegetables are a synonym for healthy diet and healthy life. There are various types of vegetables and each one has its place in our diet.

Vegetables represent something natural, simple, essential and good. Vegetables are associated with certain times around year and each country on the planet has its own traditional recipes featuring certain type of deliciously healthy veggies.

For example, juicy fresh tomatoes remind us of summer, red peppers are baked in autumn, during winter many people eat cabbage stew, while radishes are on our plates in springtime. The year-round menu varies depending on part of the world of course.

Specific veggies are associated with special symbolic meanings. Tomatoes, for example, have an important Biblical connotation; in certain interpretations, they are identified with the apple from the Garden of Eden.

Cabbage symbolizes simplicity and humbleness, but also essentiality, life energy, health and vitality. These are only few of many examples.

Biblical interpretation of vegetables in dreams

Dreams about vegetables could suggest many things, depending on particular dream scenario. You could dream about seeing vegetables, about growing and picking vegetables, cooking and eating veggies.

It is important to remember what did you exactly do with the vegetables in your dream and how did they look like.

If you had a dream about specific vegetable, then its specific symbolism should be added to general symbolism of vegetables in dreams.

Seeing vegetables in a dream

If you see vegetables in a dream, the meaning of this dream depends on the state in which vegetables were, in the first place. If you had a dream about fresh, colorful, ripe vegetables, that is a very positive dream. It means you and your dearest ones will be healthy, vital and strong.

This dream could reflect the deepest vibrations of your body; it says to you that you are treating it very well. Symbolically, this dream also means you will have enough provisions for a harmonious life.

If the vegetables in your dreams were green, unripe, unpicked, it means you are still not ready for the next step or that your ideas and plans are not yet fully developed.

However, such a dream is encouraging, because it suggests everything develops the way it should be developing; only you have to wait and keep taking good care about these.

If vegetables in dreams are rotten, it means you will experience losses. This dream could be related to health issues, material and emotional losses. It could be a symbol of an illness.

Dreams about rotten vegetables could be a negative omen, suggesting someone you know is ill or you are.

It could also reflect frustrations, anger and sadness about you yourself or someone else is being ill. Rotten vegetables also symbolize material loss, loss of something essential to you, life finality and misfortune.

Cooking vegetables in a dream

Dreams about preparing food, vegetables in particular, also have various meanings. If you cook vegetables, it means you are aware that you should take care about your health.

Perhaps you are concerned about your current health status, fitness or simply your physical appearance. However, dreams about preparing meals with vegetables could hide many more meanings.

Fresh vegetables that you use for cooking symbolize your ideas. Cooking them symbolizes the process these ideas are going through until they come to life. This dream also represents dedication to work.

If you prepare vegetables for someone else, it means you care about someone or that you are concerned about his or hers health, so you want to help and provide everything needed for that person to feel good. If the meal turns out fine, it means you will succeed in your plans and vice versa.

If somebody else is cooking veggies for you, it means the same as if you are the cook. You are protected, loved and cared for. Perhaps this dream occurs to make you realize that and be thankful for wonderful people you are surrounded by.

Dreams about preparing any type food are always associated with vitality and health, but also with creativity, creation process, development and dedication.

Eating vegetables in a dream

Dreams about eating vegetables could simply suggest your body is trying to tell you you should take better care of your nutrition. Maybe it lacks essential vitamins and minerals, so it tries to tell you that through your dreams.

In deeper symbolical sense, eating vegetables means being youthful, vital, energetic, active, strong and flexible or that you lack all or something of these. It depends on the vegetables.

Eating raw vegetables, if they are ripe, means you will definitely have strength to overcome all obstacles in front of you.

If you are dealing with hard times, you will have enough strength to endure and not to give up. It also suggests you believe in fresh start, unexpected opportunities and new experiences. You are unsatisfied with routine and you always seek for new excitements.

Eating unripe vegetables mean you are impatient and that certain ideas will unfortunately be put aside, before they are fully developed. Try not to rush, because you could miss wonderful opportunities without even noticing them before it is too late.

Dreams about easting unripe vegetables also mean you could soon realize how beautiful and amazing is someone you have taken for granted until recently.

Dreams about eating spoiled and rotten vegetables are always bad. These dreams suggest you could fall ill or reflect your emotions about health issues you are experiencing. Eating vegetables that are turned bad mean you will experience something negative.

This dream is also related to betrayal, lies and ill tongues. This dream could mean you will get in conflict with someone and it will not turn good for you.

Vegetable garden in a dream

Dreams about planting a vegetable garden are generally positive. Vegetable garden symbolically represents all that we need to take care for, in order to have a happy life.

The effort and dedication you put into the garden in your dream is actually what you invest into all aspects of your waking life.

The more you care about your dreamland vegetable garden, the more harmonious will your real life be, this dream suggests.

In other words, this dream symbolizes the importance of having balance in life and maintaining that balance.

